The rebellion in the Universe was caused by an undestined love between the matriarchal Prime Creator and Nokodemion, from the Angelic management. The misbehaving loyalists and inheritors of the "Nokodemion" patriarchal autocratic tyranny invented a symbolic tragic love story between Goddess Artemis and Orion. The new hypocritical Artemis Accords from Orion's UN are the unimaginative timeline from the soulless warriors of the military-industrial complex and artificial Universe.
The Artemis Accords are a former multilateral Outer Space Treaty from the UN in 1967. The new bilateral Artemis Accords are signed between the US and countries with space programs, military and armies. Earth has 18 countries with developed space programs, among whom 12 have signed the Artemis Accords (US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Italy, Luxembourg, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates and Brazil). The remaining countries with space programs as Germany, France, Israel and India are expected to join, while Russia and China are developing different projects, as the International Lunar Research Station.
The secret arrangement on Jupiter's floating station was organized in 12 meetings between the Galactic Federation (with Earth Alliance) and 14 countries from Earth. The Galactic Federation established criteria for the future of the solar system and selected countries with aligned space programs. For the last 3 meetings, they selected 6 countries with shared space vision and the most advanced space programs as the US, UK, China, Russia, France and Japan. From these, 5/6 countries are the permanent members of the UN Security Council as the US, UK, China, Russia and France who historically symbolized the Orion Beast with 5 heads and 10 horns. For the Great Reset and Project Blue Beam, the Mark of the Beast was ID2020 with COVID-19 vaccine, nanotechnology and digital surveillance with Skynet, from Orion. In the last meeting, the Orion hegemony selected US as the leader of the future Artemis Accords.
Mythology of tragic love story between Goddess Artemis who shot beloved Orion, either by accident or as self-defense, symbolizing the speculative nature of the love between Artemis Accords and Orion hegemony
In very long hindsight of 9.6 billion years, it can be discerned that the Artemis Accords will not tackle the biochemical, electromagnetic, existential and civilizational challenges in the Universe dying from extinction of flora, fauna and human species, caused by the patriarchy. The true challenge and problem on Earth and the Universe is a battle for survival from the nihilist extinction and extermination, caused by the misbehaving loyalists who followed and misinterpreted Nokodemion's scientific curiosity. The real Nokodemion was a polymath scientist and prophet from the Angelic management, who started an experiment for faster biological evolution with natural science and spiritual laws.
Unlike the rebellious warriors on Orion and Sirius, the reincarnation of Nokodemion was the peaceful wizard Merlin the Unifier and Merlin the Magician, who established the longest period of peace during the Orion Wars. On Earth, Nokodemion was prophet Henoch, Moses, Abraham, philosopher Democritus and poet Dante Alighieri. The last reincarnation is Peter Vincent Pry, who is a peaceful and benevolent government administrator and expert for biological, chemical and nuclear weapons of mass destruction, for the defense of humanity from the Orion terrorists and prophecies from his stolen identity, story, name and real Akashic Records.
The true national security challenge is the identity of the malevolent galactic mafia, who owns and controls the Akashic Records with nihilist, anarchic and psychopathic religions, financial and military timelines. The galactic mafia operates with triad strategies, and triangulation illuminates the criminals from Rothschild's banking empire. In the ancient Roman Empire, all roads led to Rome. In the New World Order, all timelines are owned by Rothschild's bankers and blasphemes.
Plejaren Federation has 7 prophets for the world order and 7 teachers, among whom only blaspheme Rasputin is included in the Satanic hegemony. The reincarnation of blaspheme and infamous Rasputin who died with castration in Russia, is David Mayer de Rothschild, who is a climate activist for the premeditated ice age, from the Henoch prophecies from Orion. Satanic blasphemy, human trafficking, harassment and stigmatization of natural procreation are psychological and neurological weapons for the destruction of the creation of new species and recurrent micronovae that supply vital metallic elements for maintenance of depreciating stars and matter in the Universe.
The hierarchy of Nokodemion's 9.6 billion years long abuse is multilayered, multilateral and centralized with clones on Orion, which created a new ideology for One World centralization with religion, finance and military. The patriarchal galactic mafia was colonizing worlds with autocratic tyranny and murders, with Codex that are the ideological foundation for finance and banking with money. On Earth, time is money from the 1st centralized Kingdom in Babylon, by the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar. After the Anunnaki governed Mesopotamia and introduced finance and prostitution in the 5 villages of Babylon, they gradually prepared the world for centralization with the Mosaic code in Rome.
Nokodemion's Getreuer controlled Antarctica as their original region of settlement in 54-51 million BC. Anunnaki controlled the sacred geometry cities, archetypes and society with One World ideology in Persia, Greece, the Roman Empire and the Holy Roman Empire. The last Kingdom of the Holy Roman Empire (1st, 2nd, 3rd Reich) is the 4th Reich of Project Blue Beam from Orion's UN and NASA, and 5th Reich of Secret Space Program. Therefore, Orion with the Nazi cartel of Getreuer-Dark Fleet, Ciakar Draconians, Reptilians, Anunnaki and Archon has remained the centralized location of God Nokodemion with religion, finance and military. The more neutral Vega (Nazi Germans) from the Plejaren Federation live on the Pleiadian planet Erra, with the government on the High Council.
Ideology for One World centralization from Anunnaki in Mesopotamia with stolen Egyptian Akashic Records
The Plejaren Federation are Rothschild's corporation for NATO, EU, WEF, WHO, Vatican and FIGU Institute for execution of the Orion's timelines with 7 prophets. In light of the new arrangement of the Artemis Accords, the Plejaren Federation has a significant role. Although the Getreuer-Dark Fleet and Orion Cabal were considered as malevolent enemies to the Galactic Federation and Earth Alliance, they are essentially scapegoats for the nihilist domination and control of former members who founded Earth Alliance. The Alliance that controls Earth Alliance, Mars Alliance and other planets was created from members who left Dark Fleet and wanted a positive timeline for full disclosure. However, the changed name from Dark Fleet to Earth Alliance does not change the spirit form of Getreuer, who are the same ego-centrical, insane, megalomaniac psychopaths.
The Galactic Federation and Earth Alliance joined their intellectual forces for the selection of the Artemis Accords from the former UN Outer Space Treaty from 1967. The Artemis Accords is the future of the solar system with NATO's Space Center and space travel technology from NASA's famous billionaires from SpaceX, Virgin Galactic and Blue Origin. Besides NASA, Earth has thousands of different space mobility startups and companies, space travel projects, space nation Asgardia, space observatories, astronomers and astrophysicists, that are unacknowledged of the collusion on Jupiter's floating station.
Orion hierarchy with God Nokodemion for Nazi cartel of Getreuer - Dark Fleet and Ciakar Draco Reptilians
The secretive nature of the agreement of Artemis Accords is a confirmation that the Earth Alliance is going to continue with the same Getreuer-Dark Fleet speculation and criminal agenda for domination and control for patriarchal tyranny in the solar system.
Contrary to the classified secretive and discriminatory meetings between the Galactic Federation, Earth Alliance and elitist groups of G20, the solar system is comprised by visible and transparent Sun, moon, stars, planets, flora, fauna and people with discernment for truth.
The lost souls from Getreuer-Dark Fleet and Earth Alliance followed an ancient archetype of patriarchal Nokodemion for 9.6 billion years. Instead of soul searching for their personal Akashic Records and purpose of existence, they owned the Akashic Records of the protagonists from the Nokodemion story and lived in a stolen life, as a form of labor for warriors.
The Orion Nazi cartel has been living on the stolen and borrowed time of people, which is epitomized by monetarist capitalism, where the free will and free time of slave labor is sacrificed for the multi-trillion dollar empire of capitalist cloned lords.
The capitalists on Earth were clones of Nokodemion, with a precise triad strategy with religion, finance and military. The Catholic religion, petro-dollar finance and militarization for the World Wars was controlled with clones David Rockefeller and George Soros.
Nokodemion clones for Rothschild's Codex blame game from Orion's triad of religion, finance and military
In this setting, the Earth Alliance have the Getreuer spirit form of psychopaths created by a former "Nokodemion". The Alliance, with Earth Alliance or Mars Alliance are dangerous wolves in sheep's disguise, plotting and manipulating for domination and control of the Universe, financed by Rothschild. The original Galactic Federation was composed of numerous peace-seeking races who opposed the Orion Empire. The modern Galactic Federation are ignorant, corrupt and soulless war profiteers, who are very acknowledged of the extinction and depopulation agenda from Rothschild.
All military factions and timelines are still controlled by Rothschild with nihilism, anarchy and extinction from misinterpreted story of Nokodemion. Instead of Artemis Accords, the pressing and urgent challenges in the Universe are the maintenance of biochemical electrodynamic systems of stars, planets, flora, fauna and people with discernment.