The future of the solar system is arranged with secret meetings and false liberation, for substitution of the enemies of the endless war economy. The earlier nemesis of humanity was the Deep State, from the Nazi Dark Fleet (3rd Reich) and Orion Cabal of NASA and UN. The defectors from Dark Fleet formed the Earth Alliance and continued working with the same Orion Cabal of NASA and UN. For the new coalition, they are joined by the corrupt Galactic Federation. The Plejaren Federation of Earth's NATO is complementing all parties.
Throughout the spring of 2021, the Galactic Federation and Earth Alliance staged a "liberation" of the moon and Mars. In hindsight, after the agreement on Jupiter, the "liberation" was their plot for the substitution of the coalition on the top of the hierarchy on Orion. The new defectors from the Orion hegemony are Russia and China. In the future, it is expected that among 18 space-faring countries, China and Russia will maintain the necessary polarity and duality, for war.
The original Galactic Federation was created during the first Orion wars, in 12 million BC, for opposition and defense from the cartel of Vegans and Draco Reptilians. The former polarity and duality was maintained between the Galactic Federation and Orion Empire. After millions of years of domination and control, the Orion hegemony has merged as one, and the future duality and polarity must be sought internally, within the 18 countries with space programs.
In the past, the star wars would have been amusing for the hopeful and loyal warriors, searching for remnants of Destroyer Comet, colonies and fighting for liberation from tyranny. The new star wars of the future Star Trek are unimaginative, uninspiring and regressive revoking of old treaties from 1967 and 9.6 billion BC. The new environment of the galactic warriors should become a museum and memorial center for the victims of nihilism. Auschwitz-Birkenau is a Holocaust memorial and museum for the victims of Nazi corporate experimentation for IG Farben, during World War.
Labor slaves in space colonies had the same uniforms as the slaves in Auschwitz-Birkenau for IG Farben
The hypocritical Galactic Federation and Earth Alliance were "liberating" the moon and Mars labor slaves from the Orion tyranny. Several months later, they substituted them with the rebranded tyranny of Artemis Accords and NATO Space Center, with a myopic and speculative vision of a declining Universe.
After the Americans (falsely) won World War II and liberated the labor slave camps in Auschwitz-Birkenau, the slaves were celebrated as heroes. They were given voices from Nokodemion's clone Rockefeller, with the United Nations as guardian of their human rights, and the European Union as guarantors that France and Germany will never start a new World War. After the moon, Mars and Phobos liberation, the undocumented and incalculable slaves remained anonymous.
During WWII, Jews and minorities were killed in Auschwitz-Birkenau (5th Seal of the Bible)
The Galactic Federation and Earth Alliance quickly switched their narrative to the Artemis Accords and NASA's billion-dollar contracts for tyrant billionaires, clone Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson and many Illuminati CEOs. Nuclear World War III from the Bible and Henoch prophecies will be potentially triggered by either America against itself, for defeating the substituted Deep State, or from Russia and China. The Earth Alliance and Galactic Federation prepared the bombing of 34 Satanic landmarks, for liberation from the Deep State, and substitution with the new Universal coalition of Artemis Accords.
The QAnon optimists hope to restore the American Republic with NESARA and GESARA, gold standard, quantum finance and media, with 5G Internet. The timeline for bombing is mutually exclusive and NESARA is a futile restoration, on an uninhabitable planet with a fast ice age and blackout from Starlink's 5G frequencies. Bombing will only cause mass deaths of civilians on respective territories, and will not contribute to the exopolitical problem. The solution to the exopolitical and political gridlock is acknowledgment of "Nokodemion" for true liberation and ease of new timelines.
Blue Origin CEO, Jeff Bezos, is a billionaire with slave labor, and continues competing for NASA's funds
Caligula's clone Elon Musk received technology from Nazi SSP, published in former science magazine Omni
Elon Musk is NASA's clone, infiltrated by Werner von Braun with Project Mars, and given access to classified technology. Musk's "Boring" tunnel technology for Hyperloop, is old Nazi technology from the Secret Space Program and DARPA. Most technologies for the corporations were donated by Nazi of the Military Industrial Complex and Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate. The Big Tech technologies of corporations as Facebook, Google and Twitter were inspired and funded by DARPA, which has been associated with American top universities.
Caligula clone, Elon Musk, was infiltrated by NASA's founder Werner von Braun, for the Blue Beam project
The Nazi scientists and SSP had already caused discriminated access to advanced technologies, which created severe information asymmetries for stock markets of multi-billion dollar space and aerospace corporations from the International Corporate Conglomerate. For the future, the completely same Nazi cartel from Orion has merged with the corrupt Galactic Federation.
"The Martian government was directed by ten men, the leader of whom was elected by universal suffrage for five years and entitled "Elon". Two houses of Parliament enacted the laws to be administered by the Elon and his cabinet." - Project Mars: A Technical Tale, Werner von Braun
The claim that the Universe is having an impending cosmic disaster and only billionaires as Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are prepared, is confirmation that there is nothing new under the Sun. The Universe has been declining for billions of years, warned by astronomers in the 1990s. During the last 2 billion years, the electromagnetic energy in the Universe halved and will continue declining for the future billions of years. The cosmic disaster on Earth is a premeditated ice age from the Henoch prophecies and CIA's (de)classified "The Adam and Eve Story" for climate financing for Orion's cabal from UN and BlackRock.
The goal of the Galactic Federation and Earth Alliance is to cause ignorance for forced acceptance of Orion's Artemis Accords and NATO Space Center, for continued war economy, enriching only Rothschild's empire. Earth is the center of the Universe, and only 18 countries have space programs, that can participate in the space war economy with NASA, UN and NATO. The rest 177 countries will require hundreds of years to reach economic standards and qualifications, that will later enable the development of very expensive space technology and space education.
Until the rest 177 countries converge with space technology and education, NASA, UN and NATO will behave as God and preaching an urgency to save the Universe and humanity, with their 1% billionaires club for artificial technology and patriarchy of "Nokodemion". The ultimate goal of the Plejaren Federation is the depopulation and extinction to 500 million people, which eliminates most 177 countries without space programs for joining the Artemis Accords and NATO Space Center. The Artemis Accords are a continuation of the Great Reset, with COVID-19 and climate forcing. In order to prevent future cosmic disasters from mismanagement by Orion's clones, the members of the Great Reset must be brought to justice and punished with the death penalty.
The Universe is a biochemical and electrodynamic creation of stars, planets, flora, fauna and people. The solution to the biological existential and constitutional problems in the Universe is the polar opposite of Orion's artificial technology and patriarchal tyranny. The true urgency in the Universe is the acknowledgment of Nokodemion for liberation and new timelines. The patriarchal autocracy, abused mythology, prophecies and Codex monetarism shaped constitutions and societies. Earth is an uninhabitable world with ice age and cataclysm, and any new constitution with NESARA and GESARA is myopic and unfruitful. A new constitution is viable on a new habitable planet from the Plejaren Federation.