Luc Montagnier is a French virologist and joint recipient of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the discovery of the HIV virus. In 2020, with Jean Claude Perez, he discovered the origin of the COVID-19 virus. The COVID-19 genome has 16 fragments from different strains of HIV1, HIV2 and SIV retroviruses, with high percentage of homology. Each of these elements is made of 18 or more nucleotides, called Exogenous Informative Elements. The political origin of the viruses COVID-19, HIV, anthrax or plague is from the Plejaren Federation. The COVID-19 and COVID-21 viruses with constituent vaccines are disseminated by the Gates Foundation as part of the Tribulation of the Bible.
The premeditated extinction is Biblical tribulation:
Economic depression, bankruptcies, eviction and unemployment
Poverty, famine and civil war
Overwriting DNA with mRNA for cyborgs
New Health ID and tattoos
DNA sampling for eugenics and medical economy
Mark of the Beast on the forehead
Calcification of the third eye/pineal gland and acidifying pH of blood for scorching by Sun frequencies
The pandemic centralizes new Babylon from the IMF in Washington, UN with SDGs for marketing in New York and Hollywood in Los Angeles for mind control and propaganda with movies and entertainment.
COVID-19 began in Wuhan, China, after the installation of 5G technology. After it affected animals in China, the virus spread to the rest of the world, with coordinated infection from invisible Archon and Reptilians.
Archon had weakened humanity's electromagnetic auras by modifying the Akashic Records. The victims who died from immunity deficiency had weak auras. The reported numbers of victims from the media are false propaganda for spreading fear and Holocaust sentiment, such as the death camps of Auschwitz-Birkenau.
The Tribulation is a Biblical timeline for God's punishment of the Jewish believers, who disobeyed his son Jesus Christ. The prophet Jesus Christ was Immanuel from the Nokodemion spirit group, engendered for the mission of criminal Codex after mass murders in Antarctica, 51 million years ago. Core groups of 144,000 misbehaving loyalists committed mass atrocities on worlds under domination and control.
In 12 million BC, Nokodemion punished the murderers from the core groups on a barricaded and hermetically closed planet. For 4 million years, they were repurposed to a new spirit form Henok and became Getreuer, the most loyal to Nokodemion. After the repurposing, the Getreuer lived on a blank Akashic Records planet Lahson.
The spirits from Lahson continued incarnating as prophets on the worlds of past murders, for clearance of their Codex. The 7 prophets on Earth from Lahson included Jesus Christ and Muhammad for the finance hegemony. Prophet Eduard Meier with the FIGU Institute controls a contributing faction for the great earthquake of San Andreas and overpopulation propaganda.
Prophet Eduard Billy Meier talking to Semjase - Maria Orsic
Codex is a spirit equity methodology that requires the physical presence of the murderers and victims at the same time. The spirit equity is returned and balanced by electromagnetic consciousness and energy. However, the actual Codex is a criminal mission of unethical and immoral Nazi murderers. The Getreuer Nazis accrue ever new Codex when they visit worlds on a mission.
The Codex for Earth has a new prophet Muhammad for a new intention until the year 3999. For the mission of Muhammad, Getreuer prepared extinction with the Tribulation for millions of new deaths, requiring a new Codex on a later timeline, after 3999. The timelines of the Nazis are financed by the shadow government for the military-industrial complex for nihilism.
The first Nokodemion rebelled due to the Universal demon Tiamat, from the former Ciakar Universe of Alpha Draconians. They ventured to the Ciakar for space travel technology, and brought a race of demons for domination and control, supremacism and egocentrism. The 144,000 misbehaving loyalists followed the story of Nokodemion from the algorithms of the Akashic Records on the central Sun Alcyone in the Pleiades.
The future of humanity is facing a choice of complacent Tribulation for 7 years, or proactive opposition with sovereignty of Akashic Records and electromagnetic consciousness.
Sovereignty of Akashic Records and spirit equity is achieved by higher consciousness outside the matrix of materialistic and monetarist corruption on the physical plane. The Black Nobility controls people from the Akashic Records with money and the illusion of power and wealth. Money is the alchemy of time and electromagnetic consciousness. The Universal currency is DNA. Wealth is life experienced on worlds, galaxies and Universes with collected star codes.
Babylon's Anunnaki collected DNA as currencies for wealth, from smugglers of people. Anunnaki became the first Sumerian bankers from Mesopotamia, who created a modern financial sector. After London and New York with stock exchanges, monetarism centralized at the IMF in Washington for the Bible Tribulation.
On Milky Way, even the Anunnaki are slaves to Getreuer and Nokodemion, who continued with nihilist rebellion and fallen angels, without ethics, morality, education and acknowledgment of purpose.