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Bible Tribulation for Martyr to Getreuer - Dark Fleet from Antarctica

The year 2020 was one of the darkest on Earth, after Holocaust I and the genocides of Auschwitz-Birkenau. Holocaust I was caused by racial persecution of the Jews, punished for disobedience to Jesus Christ and the false crucifixion of the King of the Jews. The Bible Tribulation is a new punishment of the Jews, for God's wrath after disobedience to Jesus Christ. The Jews are arbitrarily selected nationality, after Jesus lived and worked in Judea. The Tribulation did not create antisemitism as in Holocaust I and World War II, but rather pandemics for economic depression, eviction, unemployment and lockdowns for transition to artificial communism.

The Bible is a leapfrogged document prepared with advanced time travel technology. The manuscript portrays very advanced technology, nuclear and electromagnetic weapons, much earlier than they appeared on Earth for any of the World Wars. The technologies expressed with poetic verses are inconsistent with the primitivism of the civilization, during the centuries when the Bible was being prepared. For example, Revelation 18 for the Fall of Babylon mentions a nuclear war in America's Babylon. Earth's first atomic bombs debuted in World War II, with the attack on Japan's faction of Hiroshima, revenging Pearl Harbor.

The truth of the Bible is a poetic expression of colonialism and capitalism, with the military-industrial complex of shadow government and banking, from the corporation of the United States of America. The origin of the military-industrial complex and the time value of fiat money has a very long galactic history from Nokodemion's rebellion. Nokodemion was demonized by the Universal demon, Tiamat, of chaos, supremacism, domination and control. Nokodemion was the fallen Lucifer, and his 144,000 volunteers became the Nazis with the military-industrial complex and supremacist domination and control.

Eduard Albert Meier - Billy Meier

The misbehaving loyalists caused very violent Holocausts, such as slavery in Antarctica. The violence ensued imbalanced spirit equity from Antarctica and Codex, as spirit liabilities for the warriors, bound to return to Earth for balancing the energy, expressed by DNA. The Codex methodology requires that the warriors and victims are alive at the same time, for balancing the energy. After Antarctica, Nokodemion punished the warriors on hermetically barricaded planets for millions of years. He repurposed their spirits and returned them to a blank planet Lahson as Getreuer, who became the Nazi warriors. From the planet Lahson, Earth received 7 Getreuer prophets, such as Jesus Christ, Muhammad and Eduard Meier.

The Tribulation is God's punishment for his son Jesus Christ with pandemics of COVID-19, famine, poverty and natural disasters. The Tribulation is one part of the Codex, for which purpose Earth's Sol was added as the 8th star to the 7-star system of the Pleiades. Sol is the outermost star orbiting Alcyone, with the longest Galactic Night and shortest Galactic Daylight. The length of Galactic Night is intentionally the longest for keeping Earth in darkness and dense consciousness for the accomplishment of Codex clearance.

Earth's solar system Sol is 8 star on the 7-star Pleiades travelling within Photon Belt for Codex until 3999

Tribulation is the gravest and most ruthless manipulation for clearance of Codex for murders, which humanity never committed. People on Earth are multilayered martyrs and victims of military-industrial complex, chauvinism and misogynism. Throughout the dynamic history of Milky Way's war, Getreuer became the Dark Fleet - Nacht Waffen that colluded with Ciakar Draconians and Reptilians for the Orion religious autocracy with prophets Jesus Christ (Immanuel), Muhammad, Eduard Billy Meier and Henoch.

The military-industrial complex is a very complicated alchemy of electromagnetic consciousness to money for domination and control, by Getreuer or Dark Fleet autocrats. Jesus Christ from the Bible and the Roman Catholic Church with financial hegemony, were one astrological precession from Pisces to Aquarius. Jesus Christ was born to Julius Caesar and Cleopatra on 23 June 47 BC, and was portrayed as the son of Virgin Mary, by the myth of Isis and Horus. The virginity of Isis represented spiritual purity, ethical and moral wisdom, previously nurtured by Queen Hera from Olympus and the mythology of Milky Way.

The mythology of Isis and Horus was the last multidimensional epoch on Earth, from a fixed trough that set the intention for the next precessions. The fixed ages are Leo and Aquarius within the Photon Belt, Taurus trough and Scorpio peak on the electromagnetic sine wave. Earth's cycle around Alcyone was interrupted by the axial tilt from the asteroid of Atlantis and Ice Age until Taurus. The tilt of 23.5 degrees creates different 4 seasons, summer and winter solstices and changes of extreme temperatures.

Sine Wave with longest Galactic Night of 8th Sol to 7-star Pleiades for Codex from Antarctica until 3999

The weather and Sun affect electromagnetic consciousness, and are influenced by ionization from HAARP that creates clouds, fog, storms, hurricanes, tornados or droughts. A Galactic Night is synonymous with winter, darkness, apathy or fatigue from the season. Additionally, the electricity/kundalini from the South Pole rarely reaches the North Pole for recycling on the Sun and Alcyone. The military-industrial complex and banking hegemony inhibit the 1st and 2nd chakras, acidify the pH and control consciousness. The North Pole has a proton barrier of uncoupled electrons, forming an electric circuit, that is overheating the ozone layer and rising temperatures from alpha rays of the Sun.

Humanity is a martyr for the Codex of Getreuer-Dark Fleet and an experimental laboratory for chemists from the Plejaren Federation. The ancient biological lifeforms had electromagnetic consciousness, quantum entanglement, telekinesis and telepathy. Technology replicated and utilized the electromagnetic spectrum for radios, microwaves, infrared devices or X-rays. Hostile electromagnetic frequencies as 5G for the fastest speed of artificial cyborgs, with mRNA, microchips and nanotechnology are very dangerous experimentation by unethical people from Plejaren Federation and Black Nobility.

Plejaren Federation with Nokodemion and the Watchers of the Akashic Records are teaching "Creation Laws and Recommendations", Christianity and Islam for triad psychiatric disorders and disorientation of martyrs by the tyranny of autocratic artificial communism. The true Creation of the Universe is polymath education for natural sciences and geometry, with construction machinery.


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