The COVID-19 virus from Plejaren Federation, owned by Rothschild, was prepared in China's secret laboratories in the 1970s. According to Plejaren, the virus was released as plotted revenge from an anonymous American citizen and CCP Chairman Mao Zedong for their mutual hatred of America. Different accounts and photographs testify that Mao Zedong and US President Richard Nixon with Henry Kissinger nurtured a peaceful and diplomatic relation. Richard Nixon traveled to Beijing, Hangzhou, and Shanghai, from February 21-28, 1972.
Evidence of their meeting was kept a classified secret. After Mao Zedong and Richard Nixon died, Henry Kissinger used Mao's speeches for his lectures and was a mentor to Klaus Schwab from the neo-Nazi Great Reset for COVID-19 and climate forcing.
Meeting of President Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger with CCP Chairman Mao Zedong, for conspiracies

Contact Report 728 on 30th November 2019 / Published on 1 July 2021
72. So all US state officials are to be called state and humanity criminals in the same way and in this respect to be put on the same level as the NAZI empire in the 20th century.
73. The same principle has always prevailed in China, too, and continues to do so, … (Note FIGU: The origin for the criminal secret research on the Corona virus was a decision dating back to the 1970s. At that time, the leader of China, Mao Zedong, met with a vengeful American citizen who presented the Chinese party leader with the idea of developing a viral bioweapon, which Mao Zedong then took up and had implemented as a secret matter, which is still being worked on today and from which the Corona virus has now emerged. This, however, without the current Chinese government being involved in the project in any way or also having the slightest knowledge of it).
74. In the 1970s, a decision for clandestine research in laboratories was implemented between the Chinese state ruler Mao and an American, which has remained so to this day and is still carried on because hatred literally outlasts generations.
75. But silence is to be maintained about this, which must also remain so today and in the future, as you know, because …
76. However, as far as earthly 'modern' technology of all kinds is concerned, it is in truth still extremely backward and primitive, as it also has extremely detrimental effects with regard to its use, whereby the rampant worldwide overpopulation also results from this, which is the original cause of all extensive destruction of the entire earthly ecosystems, as well as with regard to the extermination and destruction of nature with regard to its fauna and flora.
77. All the worldwide destructive machinations that have arisen from the overpopulation mass, which also affect the planet Earth itself in many ways, have only become possible through the extensive inventions of the still very primitive 'modern' earthly technology, by which Earth human beings are completely overwhelmed and which they are not yet able to master.
78. This is because they are not yet able to use their still weak intellect and reason through a conscious sense of responsibility, but are still sunk in the deepest reasons of irresponsibility in this respect.
79. This fact is proven by all the Earth human degenerations I have already mentioned, such as wars, terrorism, the use of death sentences, but also serious crime and violent crimes, delusions of religion and other delusions of faith of all kinds, torture and murder, family feuds, religious, xenophobic and racial hatred, paedophilia, prostitution, fraud, slander and thievery, etc., whereby in this respect many other degenerations could be mentioned almost endlessly.
80. But now I have to mention again some things that arose in connection with the secret laboratory experiments and led Mao to take up the American's motives, although he did not like him and called him a vindictive 'goˇuzázhoˇng', although he nevertheless agreed with him that he had secretly initiated the laboratory research.
81. With the help of some like-minded people on both sides, everything was finally done so that the secret laboratory work could come into being and the research could be started and carried out.
82. However, Mao then died, after which the secret laboratory work nevertheless continued, and continues to this day.
Contact Report 733 on 15th March 2020 / Published on 10 July 2021
Prediction by Quetzal: 230th Contact of 11.10.1989,
'Pleiadian-Plejaren Contact Reports', Volume 6, page 101:
700. It will be the same in the new millennium with a serious lung disease that is created by a laboratory accident in China during criminal experiments for new biological weapons and spread throughout the world.
701. Animals will also carry the disease, spread it and transmit it to human beings.
702. Also, all governments worldwide always trivialise everything and claim that this and that would not have any harmful effects on human beings or the animal and plant world, be it with regard to any gas eruptions or other escapes of substances into the air or water from chemical plants etc., or with regard to military or secret service machinations.
Prediction by Billy: 251st Contact of 3.2.1995,
'Pleiadian-Plejaren Contact Reports', Volume 7, page 334:
There will also be an outbreak of lung disease among human beings, through the fault of China, where bioweapons are being researched and pathogens are being released through carelessness. The long-standing and ever-present threat of chemical weapons being used will increase again, despite efforts elsewhere, as is also the case with nuclear as well as biological weapons.
4. I am aware of all this, and what you and Quetzal said at that time and what you also warned about is indisputable, and besides, the two of us had the conversation in 1995 when you mentioned it.
5. But then when you retrieved the report of the conversation you failed to mention when it would happen.
Yes, of course, but at that time, when I retrieved and wrote down the conversation, I deliberately did not say anything about how, where, why and under what circumstances the whole thing of the epidemic will occur, which I called lung disease, because it is precisely the lungs that are attacked by it. We said at the time that it would not be good to name a specific time, as well as that this disease would arise in China during criminal experiments for new biological weapons, which would then be spread by a laboratory accident. And I now think that I should clarify a few things in this regard, but still not address the background and not explain it, because it is simply too blatant. However, for the sake of justice, I must clarify that the current Chinese government itself has nothing whatsoever to do with the research and experiments that led to this deadly Corona disease pandemic, which basically already started with the SARS disease, when a laboratory accident led to the infection of three people, as a result of which the pathogens got out and triggered an epidemic. The 3 infected people then died, as did many others who were infected, just as it also happened in a new way with the Corona virus. Also this time there was a laboratory accident and 2 people were infected with the now more advanced new and much more dangerous virus than the SARS virus. These 2 people also carried the virus out and infected several people in a market before they also died after a short time, while those infected by them quickly spread the new disease, which thus took its course, against which the Chinese government and all other responsible parties did nothing, which is to be blamed on them as irresponsibility. So the disease was able to spread very quickly and was also spread abroad, where all governments and people in charge did nothing against it, but only made big words and stupid speeches, as is still the case today and will continue to be the case. Irresponsibly, everything continued in the same style, so that all those responsible in the world effectively did nothing, neither advice nor action, and also not from the WHO, as a result of which the pandemic was able to develop and is now rampant. But as it has always been, so it will continue to be, namely in such a way that all those responsible will talk their way out of it and declare themselves innocent, give each other help in this respect and lift themselves up to heaven in order to cover up their failure. This will be the case with all governments, the WHO and other health organisations, etc., which exist solely on the basis of taxpayers' money, but do not achieve what they should – consequently all those 'working' in these organisations receive horrendous salaries – which they do not do, but rather self-importantly only make big speeches and words, but in reality completely fail in their 'offices' as unfit people.
But as far as the secret laboratories in China are concerned, where Mao Zedong ordered secret criminal research and tests for new biological weapons at the beginning of the 1970s, these have nothing to do with the research institute in Wuhan, nor with the supreme government of China.
Since Mao's death, this secret research has been carried out in small secret laboratories in various places in China, and is still being carried out today, by a fanatic group with a specific plan, consisting of various persons with the same interests. This group also includes a few officials close to the government, but it must be said repeatedly that the present Chinese government has nothing whatsoever to do with it. This, as well as the fact that the highest government of China has no knowledge whatsoever of what was conceived and decided at the beginning of the 1970s by Mao Zedong with regard to the secret laboratories and the invention of a dangerous biological weapon, which was then being worked on in China in various places in the area of 7 provinces, whose names I no longer know. In any case, according to Mao's idea and his will, the 7 secret laboratories were set up, and they still exist today and are still being used in his spirit and long after his death. In the process, laboratory accidents with evil consequences have occurred several times, causing mischief far and wide. However, the top Chinese government is equally ignorant of all this, as well as where these secret laboratories are everywhere, what is the basic purpose and reason of the dangerous secret researches regarding a biological weapon and what it will be used for.
6. We have to be silent about that, just as we were silent about what we were talking about earlier.
7. But that you cannot remember the names of the 6 provinces where the secret labs were set up, I know them, namely Guangdong, Hunan, Fujian, Guizhou, Guanxi and Jiangxu.
Yes, I guess those were the names, but I wonder if it is smart for me to name them openly when I recall our conversation and write it down?
8. It is possible, but when you consider the vicious consequences the whole thing of criminal research in these secret laboratories has already brought, I do not think it would be wrong for them to be searched for and possibly excavated.
Aha, and how could that be reconciled with your directives, since you are not allowed to interfere in earthly matters?
9. We do not do so in any way, for if I have now given you the names of provinces which you cannot remember, I have not thereby made myself culpable, for that would only be the case if I were to supply the leaders of China themselves with appropriate data which they could use for any action.
Aha, clever. But according to your research, how do you see the whole thing in relation to this virus? Your father Sfath said back then, when we were together … that this virus would continue to exist underground for all time, even after a suitable vaccine had mastered the pandemic.
10. There will be no changing that.
Then, unfortunately, it is so. But what do your forecasts for the next months say?
11. Nothing encouraging, because the number of people infected by the virus will be in the millions and the death toll in the hundreds of thousands by the end of April, despite the fact that certain governmental measures are being implemented in various countries, which will somewhat mitigate the rapid spread of the Corona virus pandemic.
12. But then, when a larger part of the population reasonably begins to get used to the measures and regulations restricting daily life, these will be relaxed and lifted again far too quickly and far too soon, causing the state of infections and deaths to increase again.
13. And this will be due to the double bean straw stupidity, unreasonableness and successful blackmail of the state leaders, who will bow to the demands of the entire multifarious economy, resulting in the fact that already in one month it will be decided to obey the blackmailing of the economic powers.
14. This is because all the world's economic powers see in their commercial behaviour, which dominates them, a financial collapse which they are beginning to recognise as imminent.
15. The leaders of many countries will irrationally and irresponsibly give in to this all-round threat and the blackmail-like demands of the economy, thereby inevitably increasing the danger of a renewed spread of the epidemic.
16. This on the one hand, while on the other hand the governmental decrees of the relaxation of measures will lead to the fact that parts of the populations therein will erroneously assume that the great danger has been averted, consequently all necessary safety measures will be disregarded and negligent actions will be taken, consequently the infections will increase again and will also cause new deaths.
Idiotic, but nothing can be done about it, because the greed for money of all the economic bosses, as well as the stupidity, incompetence and blackmailability of the majority of the unjust and unwise rulers, is more powerful than all reason and rationality. But look here, these questions come up again and again, because exactly last night, shortly after 1:30 hrs, a Mrs Baumberger called me from Germany and asked me what you Plejaren think about homeopathy and Bach flower therapy on the one hand, and about euthanasia and suicide on the other.
Contact Report 739 on 22nd May 2020 / Published on 14 July 2021
Good, then I now have a different related question, and that is, to what extent are you, through your observations and research today, with your findings in relation to the continuation of the whole affair that Mao Zedong and the vindictive American … … set up in the 1970s? It is also not clear to me why Mao got involved in this in the first place. You also said that the Chinese leadership actually had nothing to do with the creation of the Corona virus. This on the one hand, and on the other hand also that there is no truth in what is being spread with the stupid-witted claim that it can be proved that the Germans and the Chinese are working together to develop a bio-warfare agent for the purpose of war and thus working towards another world war. A bullshit of a conspiracy theory beyond compare, whereby it is claimed, as you can read here in this fax letter nonsense from the USA, which I received 4 days ago and kept only to show it to you. If this nonsense of a conspiracy theory was beamed not only to me, but also to other people, then I can vividly imagine what will ultimately result from it in connection with the warmongering that is being carried out in the USA by the stupidly stupid would-be presidential clown TrampTrampTrump against China and Russia. I can still vividly imagine that all this nonsense might have come from the pen of Trampel-Tramp-Trump himself or that he entrusted it to someone who has now beamed it to me. In my opinion, only an insane madman could come up with such an idea. It is really crazy that 'China' wants to force another world war with such a bio-warfare agent in order to wipe out the populations of other states and in this way gain new land for its own giant Chinese population. In my opinion, this smacks of tramp Trump, because that is exactly his style. And the fact that this fax also says that the Germans, as descendants of the Nazis, are in cahoots with the Chinese in this regard, because they built the high-security laboratory in Wuhan together and work together there, opened it in 2017 and have since been able to research the so-called BSL-4 pathogens, obviously doesn't suit certain people in the USA. But now I didn't know what the BSL-4 meant, so I looked it up on Wikipedia and now I know that BSL means 'biosafety level', which I translate as 'biological protection level'.
Well, I think that everything corresponds to a deliberate malicious slander of lies, which possibly serves the purpose of spreading the nonsense written here as a conspiracy theory, or that it is intended to spread the lie that the China government would conduct research for a bio-war weapon after all, which the China government had ordered, etc., which of course would be a reason for all conspiracy theory believers worldwide to harass the Chinese government, 'China' and its population. Thanks to the bullshit claims of the tramp-tramp Trump clown, this is already partly being done in the USA on the open street, as I saw on TV news when an over 70-year-old US-Chinese man was chased and miserably beaten up on the open street by tramp-tramp Trump believers. This apparently as a result of the US presidential clown's bean-stupid, primitive and moronic accusations against China over the Corona plague, shouted into a journalist's microphone moments before.
46. This man you also called USA chief buffoon is a totally irresponsible, egotistical, pathologically insane clown figure, as you also once said.
47. Now, in fact, it is to the point where I must finally resort to your terminology and apply it to describe facts and facts as they effectively are.
48. Therefore, I too will henceforth use your ways of expression, because they state the relevant facts in the correct terms, and since I am still capable of learning at my age, I have no need of them.
49. However, it would be pointless to go on about how incompetent, insane and sectarian the senile US wannabe gross really is.
50. In fact, this fax letter, which according to the data here was actually sent to you from the USA, is not only ridiculous but also dangerous with regard to already existing and further developing lies and conspiracy theories against China, but it would be pointless to say any more about it.
51. We have looked into everything concerning your question in detail over the last few months, and we have found and gained clarity that in the whole scope everything is pure nonsensical conspiracy theories, but nothing corresponds to the truth in any way.
52. But nevertheless the conspiracy theories are taken up by their believers and spread without hesitation, just as all actual corona virus conspiracy theories of any kind, which have come into being especially through the unreasonableness and guilt of the USA government clown – there you have found a good and appropriate term.
53. In all of these lies there is not the slightest iota of evidence that the Germans and the Chinese are researching a bio-warfare agent of any kind in the high-security laboratory in the central Chinese city of Wuhan, because the Chinese microbiologists there are engaged in real research work, so they are not classified under any government contract for the production of a bio-warfare weapon and do not carry out any such work.
54. If nonsensical, malicious and slanderous reproaches and accusations are made against the Chinese government regarding the Corona plague, and if they are even accused of having had the plague produced in the form of a bioweapon, then this corresponds to a malicious lie and slander.
55. What is being done in this regard corresponds to irresponsible disgracefulness, such as that practised by the good-for-nothing presidential clown of the USA, for he is making the Chinese leadership culpable for something, precisely for the Corona epidemic, for which it is in no way responsible.
56. The Corona virus was caused and spread elsewhere in Wuhan, about which, however, no details are to be given, because only by keeping silent can various persons and families be protected from state tribulation and capital punishment, because the Chinese penal code is even more inhumane and contemptuous of human life than is also true of the USA, Saudi Arabia and Iran, etc.
57. What was carried out in a secret backyard laboratory from the mid-1970s onwards on the orders of Mao Zedong and with the cooperation of the client, the vengeful American … until recently, in order to …, now belongs to secret history, because the last three persons who were jointly responsible for the Corona epidemic had also been infected with the Corona virus and died a few weeks ago.
58. It should also be said that in the last 16 years, the laboratory experts who worked on the virus no longer had any idea what it was actually intended for, because the knowledge of its purpose was lost when the last bearer of the secret died without having passed on the secret.
59. However, since work continued in secret, the purpose of the research and the American's revenge were finally fulfilled, although the spread of the epidemic did not affect the USA as planned, but the entire world.
Contact Report 741 on 30th May 2020 / Published on 18 July 2021
That is also clear to me. But if you now want to say something again about the Corona virus, then it will probably be necessary that you also repeat some things that have already been said and explained – I think.
29. That will be the case, because as a result of the unreasonableness and irresponsibility as well as the incapacity and incompetence of the majority of state and local leaders, we keep finding that they are incapable of making the correct decisions and ordering the correct actions, safety measures and behaviour, as well as the correct precepts for implementing the necessary measures.
30. Therefore, much suffering will continue to befall Earth human beings as a result of the Corona plague.
31. The real danger of the Corona virus is also concealed from the people, as well as the fact that the virus can persist for a long time in sewage and in ventilation systems and cause mischief, and also that it can attach itself to certain open or cut foodstuffs and have an infectious effect, especially on meat.
32. The Corona virus, called Coronaviridae, belongs to the virus family in the order 'Nidovirales' and keeps particularly well where there is a certain coolness or cold, while in the warmth it tends to slacken, is less aggressive and consequently less virulent.
33. Our research showed that this virus already appeared as a pandemic in 1889 and 1890 and caused more than one million deaths worldwide.
34. Mistakenly, this epidemic, which was also equivalent to a corona epidemic and mutated from the Chinese horseshoe bat and spread from China, was called the 'Russian flu'.
35. This virus has mutated several times since then and has persisted until the 1970s, at which time, as a result of the American's … boundless hatred of the USA, it was enacted in the mid-1970s as a secret matter by China's ruler Mao Zedong, in like-mindedness, to develop in a laboratory through the virus a disease of destruction to be used against the United States of America.
36. However, this did not come to pass during the lifetime of Mao Zedong and the hateful American, but now his hatefulness is nevertheless fulfilled at the present time, if one considers that the most comprehensive number of corona deaths is to be lamented in the USA to this day.
37. Furthermore, it is to be said with regard to the Corona virus that, at least at present, there is no herd immunity in sight, and furthermore, not only adults but also children and juveniles can be infected by the virus and trigger an overreaction of the immune system, whereby various inflammations can also occur, while direct-acute Corona illnesses are, however, rarer than with adults.
Contact Report 743 on 16th June 2020 / Published on 22 July 2021
So this is the list of …, to which he writes and asks whether there is anything more to be said about it in an open manner, but I will ask you about that later, because he asks a few more things here that should not be discussed openly. But here he asks who is really to blame for the Corona pandemic, because he is not really clear about that, because I told him on the phone that China alone is not to blame, because the majority of all governments and populations of all countries worldwide have completely failed, including Germany, and he then asked what happened to Switzerland. I also told him that the majority of the Swiss government and population had also failed like everyone else. I also answered his question about the story that the coronavirus had been caused by a pangolin at a market in Wuhan truthfully, saying that this was a lie, because this false claim is really a lie and the disease was spread from a secret laboratory. I took the liberty of telling the minister that the origin of the disease goes back to an order by Mao Zedong, who in the 1970s, before his death, conspired with the American … to research and produce a disease agent in laboratories, which was then to be imported into the USA by the American and trigger a deadly disease there. This was revenge for the fact that he, the American, …, could have taken revenge for what …
93. You should keep quiet about that.
I did, because I did not mention his name, because I only mention it to you, nor did I say what the American's reason was for negotiating something so vindictive with Mao, who also hated the hell out of the powerful in the US, which is why he went along with the revenge plan. Mao was an unparalleled hater of America and told … when she went to see him that he would single-handedly massacre any American he could get his hands on. She told me that Mao was furious because he knew through the secret service that the powerful in the USA were planning a mad war to conquer the world, dropping no less than 12,000 atomic bombs in the 'Cold War', destroying the world and razing everything to the ground. The whole thing of dropping atomic bombs was to happen in Europe, the Soviet Union and China, whereby millions of the entire civilian population were also to be wiped out. At that time, many US atomic bombers were already flying around the world day and night without interruption for a long time, which could have struck at any time and plunged the earth's surface into a lunar landscape and atomic contamination. I was also told … that Mao Zedong saw the USA as a world criminal state that had been provoking war, murder, manslaughter and terror all over the world since time immemorial, interfering politically and secretly in foreign countries everywhere, moving huge masses of weapons to crisis countries and thus promoting uprisings and wars in them through US secret service machinations, and then ingratiating itself into these countries and their governments.
94. What Mao Zedong said shortly before his death … was also recorded by her, so I am fully informed and can say that, even if very belatedly, the American's … revenge plan is now being fulfilled after all.
95. Today, however, it is not those who were guilty at the time, but innocent people who have to pay for what was … done to them, i.e. human beings in America who have no idea whatsoever what the original cause of the Corona plague is really based on and that the real culprit for it died decades ago and that the Corona plague is a posthumous revenge for dirty US-American governmental machinations.
Contact Report 756 on 3rd November 2020 / Published on 2 March 2021
I know, yes. – At the moment a question comes up for me, but it concerns something else, namely China, for all around nothing can be heard of the Corona plague from there, for silence is kept about it. Also, all around, no or little general information is being announced which would actually be important to the populations, as you have explained it to me, and of which I may explain the most important, if you will allow me?
Good. But I would like to mention that I remember that in February, during our private conversation, you said that by the end of November, almost 70 million human beings worldwide would be infected by the Corona virus and 1.5 million would be killed by the disease. For Switzerland you said that by the end of November there would be about 320,000 infected people and about 4,600 corona deaths, while elsewhere, for example in Germany, there would be about 1.2 million infected people and about 15,000 or 17,000 corona deaths. The worst affected, you said, will be the USA and the South American countries, as for example the USA will have to suffer towards 270,000 Corona deaths at the end of November as a result of the insane bullshit President Tramp-Tramp-Trump, and so on. However, these are only the official figures, while the dark figure is, yes, much higher as of December 2019, when the epidemic officially broke out. Nor do these official calculations include the numbers of Corona-infected and Corona-death victims that have emerged since 1981, when the plague found its first origin after the US-Ami … in his hatred of the US agreed with Mao Zedong, … consequently, now the country is also being hit worst by the plague in late revenge fulfilment, through the fault of the moronic US President Trampel-Tramp-Trump.
Contact Report 760 on 11th December 2020 / Published on 6 March 2021
That is correct, but I still want to say some things again, according to which we really should not mention this matter anymore, as we have said before. Now, however, I have found a record in my father's annals, whereby he wrote the following under the date of Sunday, the 4th of April 1948, on the one hand, which he explained to you:
"Eduard, in the future you will continue to compose your knowledge of all that we have fathomed together in events and happenings far into the distant future, in prophecies and predictions yourself, and send them to the public media all over the world, as before with the help of your teachers, the priest and the professor. But this will change, as you have seen and know, in the next millennium. Everything will begin to change in just three decades because, as you could see in the future, a digital and electronic technology will emerge and open up to you the possibility of using this new technology and through it spreading all your knowledge in a worldwide way."
It is then recorded that my father Sfath instructed you to write a letter to all governments and public media in Europe, which you then did on Thursday, the 7th of July 1949. After that, however, you explored with my father the next 6 decades from 1970 to 2030 and learned how, why and by what means the viral corona plague will arise and then evolve over the next decades to become the plague. This, my father wrote, will first emerge in mild forms to mutate itself over time, as but also by researchers deliberately commissioned by Mao Zedong in agreement with the vengeful American … under threat of death, to begin their evil work, which is how it all came about. However, I cannot understand why you want to keep the name of this man secret from the public, because he died, as did Mao Zedong, before the plan of revenge that the two had devised together could be implemented, but is now being fulfilled for them posthumously, so to speak, but not only in the USA as planned, but worldwide. What is further written in my father's notes, however, is that in China, in a secret laboratory in the city of Guangzhou, a virus will be created that will escape from a laboratory for the first time in 1976 as a result of carelessness. This virus would mutate several times until the new millennium and remain undetected by all research, only to cause the first recognisable outbreak of the disease in the first three years of the new century. This, however, would again undergo a division in a secret laboratory in a Chinese city called Wuhan through further mutation in the laboratory, from which a new type of virus would be formed. This new virus, my father noted, would then be extremely infectious and would attack the cell system of human beings, as well as certain mammals and animals, as soon as it was released. And, he noted, there would also be another mutation at the beginning of 2019, namely through a laboratory accident, whereby the new dangerous virus would affect all laboratory workers, who would gradually die through this infection and the resulting epidemic, but would still carry the epidemic out. This would then last from the month of January until December, before by a stroke of providence the deadly virus would be detected in December 2019, but it would then still take around 2 months before the relevant information was published and the public informed.
Contact Report 761 on 16th December 2020 / Published on 6 March 2021
Thanks for your understanding. I am aware of what we said on the 6th of November with regard to ending the talk about the Corona plague, but obviously there is a certain final word that needs to be said about it, and that is the following: Our observations show that through various scientific efforts and processes attempts are being made to fathom the origin and cause of the Corona plague. As for the term Corona-19, it is misleading and should be called something else, according to its actual origin. Subsequently, the name should have been traced back to the US-American … who, full of hatred against America, together with Mao Zedong, laid the foundation for the emergence of the epidemic. Both of them were responsible for this, but they can no longer be prosecuted for it, because they have gone the way of the transient, as in the meantime also all those who have worked in the three different secret laboratories since the mid-1970s on this hate project, which now brings deadly consequences for the entire population of the earth, instead of only for US America, as was fundamentally intended.
Contact Report 770 on 5th May 2021 / Published on 18 July 2021
As far as the Indian mutation is concerned, a permanent control of the Corona outgrowths would have been necessary in this respect, but this was just not the case, as it is not today, and as it will not arise tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, etc., and will therefore still claim many victims. Such a control and also the ordering of the necessary precautions, etc. would have been the task of the WHO, which is responsible for this on Earth, but which has failed in every respect in this case, just as it has failed in general with regard to the Corona pandemic worldwide. As a result, this pandemic was able to spread as a pandemic and to claim – according to our very precise counts – 9.65 million human lives, of which, however, official earthly statistics show 3.4 million fewer. This, while estimates of earthly scientists thus assume almost 3 million fewer dead than the 9.65 million we have counted very precisely.
The reason for these false estimates is that the statisticians lack all the possibilities to accurately clarify and count all corona deaths and corona events. Due to the lack of these possibilities to ascertain the effective facts, however, inconsistent figures as well as hypotheses are brought up and presented to Earth human beings as facts, which, however, corresponds to a deception and work of lies. In this respect, a new deception and work of lies by the WHO will also arise – as has already been mentioned, as I know, by Ptaah as well as elsewhere several times – because, as a further consequence, a bogus research into the alleged origin of the corona plague has again been started, whereby new allegedly scientific investigations, etc. in China are to prove the origin of the corona plague. And as we have learned through our observations, clarifications and overheard secret conversations, bats have already been determined by a few certain participants of this research commission as the alleged cause of the Corona plague, although the alleged research will not provide any corresponding evidence for this, because the persons infected with the virus from the secret laboratory have already died of the plague a few weeks after the virus was carried away. And I have already explained that this spread of the virus also brought mammals, such as bats, into contact with it, as well as the fact that this has also occurred in isolated cases in other countries.
Through the work of lies and deception, which is already a done deal, the whole of what has emerged as the effective origin of the Corona virus in the 1970s between Mao Tse-tung and the American … who was grown up in hatred against America, is to be prevented, whereby the virus was bred in secret laboratories and then released through carelessness. So, in a short time, a new work of lies and deceit will be put into the world by the WHO and fraudulently presented to the peoples, if the origin of the Corona pandemic is to be investigated again pro forma, whereby, however, as said, it has already been considered for some time to determine bats as the originators of the pandemic, which, as mammals, were also partly attacked by the Corona virus. This happened when the virus infected laboratory workers in a secret laboratory through carelessness and they spread it to the outside world. Not only human beings were infected by the Corona virus, but also various bats. And since bats are the only mammals on Earth capable of active flight, the search was also spread to some other mammals and creatures, but this has not yet had any widespread consequences that would have made the whole thing known. However, this has not only been limited to China, because the whole process of spreading the disease to the rest of the world has been carried out by infected human beings who, despite the Corona disease, have travelled around and spread the virus to various other countries, so that individual bats and other mammal species have also been infected by the Corona virus in other countries. Although this has so far occurred in very few cases in the wild, it has already occurred several times in private animal husbandry and in show animal facilities.
As we have known since time immemorial through our observations and investigations etc., the earthly peoples are misled by authorities, statisticians, officials as well as by secret services and politicians, etc. with fraudulent data and lies – which are presented as alleged scientific facts. This, while effective factual data and important enlightening information are concealed and hidden from the peoples, as is also the case with many political secret negotiations, high-handed decisions and secret resolutions which are often hostile to the people and the state and degenerate to the detriment of national populations and state constitutions, but as in this manner such machinations also lead to acts of war and terror against other countries and peoples – which would be absolutely impossible with us Plejaren. And these facts have nothing to do with the widespread pathologically insane delusions of the so-called conspiracy theories that have been spread on Earth since time immemorial.
Conspiracy theories, you're talking about something that could not be more idiotic, but which has been driving large groups of earthlings crazy with delusions since time immemorial. These conspiracy idiocies arose through religious-sectarian delusions, as for example in the case of pandemics, in which the believers in god's delusion, in their delusion of faith, regarded the whole thing as god's punishment for their disobedience to him and therefore chastised themselves, not infrequently to the point of suicide. The whole thing was driven forward by priests and clergymen as well as by crazy sect fanatics, as I was able to observe with Sfath.
But as far as the WHO fellows are concerned, whom you have addressed with regard to new alleged research, they are only loudmouthed and run a useless and very expensive organisation, whose operators 'earn' horrendous salaries, as is also the case with the majority of all government officials. But let's leave it at that, because talking is useless, and besides, one is viciously denigrated by the stupid people of the population who stand by the rulers and believe all their lies, but also by the authorities and the 'people's watchdogs' who call one a troublemaker and register them in files as anti-social, as I know from my own experience, but also from police reports and state archive records, etc. which I have requested and received. But now something else, and it is the following: In the case of infections by the Corona virus, is it possible that the vaccines, which have not yet been tested to a large extent, and the vaccinations carried out with them, depend on the current state of the immune system with regard to their effect?
Yes, that is true, I am aware of all that. However, what I wanted to mention with regard to conspiracy theories is that on the one hand the whole of the truth cannot be fathomed because the entire technological instruments for this are lacking due to all the necessary development possibilities and therefore do not yet exist, on the other hand everything will be concealed or, which could very probably become the case, will be brought up as a conspiracy theory. The reason for this could then be that America is to be protected from all blame and also to remain as a major financing force for the WHO. But how do you arrive at your question?
It will probably be as you say. On the one hand, it is the case that pathologically stupid human beings invent conspiracy theories, or such crazy theories arise unintentionally through some circumstances, while effective truths are also deliberately constructed and spread as conspiracy theories, not only by private individuals, but also by authorities, governments and organisations etc. This is the case, for example, with the faked alleged first moon landing by the USA, which was fabricated during the 'Cold War' in order to get one over on the Soviet Union and to scare them. And if it possibly comes to that with the origin of the Corona plague, then it will be to absolve the USA of any guilt, although it was an act of revenge by the American … in collaboration with Mao Tse-tung, because the hatred of … was directed against the American people and he wanted to punish them, although this …, but that is all the same.