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Galactic and Terrestrial Hypocrisies of Orion's Artemis Accords

The reason for the military-industrial complex and patriarchal rebellion on the Universe was caused by an ancient story among the members of the Angelic management. On the planet Sadr, Waron, Lyren, Nokodemion appeared and experimented with scientific curiosity for faster biological evolution and invited Ciakar Draconians for space travel technology. Nokodemion had loyal Vegan followers of 144,000 scientists and fleet commanders, who colonized worlds and thought his patriarchal Creation.

The spirit of Nokodemion was a polymath scientist, who was reincarnating as wizard and magician Merlin, prophet Henoch, Moses, Abraham, philosopher Democritus or poet Dante Alighieri. All along, a very malevolent and corrupt group of Vegans colluded with the Ciakar and ousted him, even from the early rebellion on the Universe. The misbehaving loyalists kept the personality and name "Nokodemion" for timelines, for their future colonization with patriarchal, autocratic and violent tyranny. The core group of 144,000 scientists was conducting monstrous murders, tortured people as slaves and clapped them in chains, for teaching Nokodemion's Creation. The unique torture method of clapped chains was preserved for the slaves in Antarctica and the Roman Empire for Cleopatra's forced death after the lost Battle of Actium.

On one occasion in the Universe, the residing Prime Creator Nokodemion punished and hermetically closed them on a barricaded planet, not to escape with space travel, levitation or teleporting. Because of their advanced technical capabilities and knowledge, they were returned and repurposed as "Getreuer", the most loyal to Nokodemion. The Getreuer repurposing on planet Lahson and Pleiadian High Council was happening parallel to the creation of Anunnaki on Sirius. The original Anunnaki were created on the former planet Nibiru, as an alchemical marriage and dynasty of polarized races from Draconians and Lyrans, for reaching peace after the Orion Wars.

In spite of the efforts for peace, Orion remained the most malevolent and conflict-ridden region, the future center of every war and conflict on Earth and other planets. Orion was inhabited by colonies of Vegans, Getreuer, Ciakar Draconians and Reptilians, who shared mutual interests for rebellion, treason and misbehavior with the ancient story of "Nokodemion". The Draconian Empire became the Orion Empire and retained Nokodemion's God supremacism for the triad tyranny. Getreuer became the most superior Dark Fleet and formed a Nazi cartel from Getreuer-Dark Fleet, Ciakar Draco Reptilians and Greys.

The Nazi cartel from Orion is liberated with hypocritical NATO Star Fleet and UN Artemis Accords

The mission and purpose of the existence of the Nazi cartel was Nokodemion's quest for faster biological evolution with the electromagnetic spectrum and energies. The Nokodemion mission has been severely misinterpreted with clones as David Rockefeller and George Soros, for an organized cartel with petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, weapons of mass destruction and genocidal frequencies. The murders for Nokodemion resulted in spiritual debts from the Akashic Records, which became Codex. In the modern banking and finance from Getreuer-Dark Fleet and Anunnaki, the Codex is a debt economy with currencies and collateralized and privatized birth certificates.

The Orion Empire and Galactic Federation maintained a dual and polarized conflict environment. Throughout the history of the Milky Way, members of the Getreuer-Dark Fleet separated and formed the Alliance on various planets under domination, as Earth Alliance or Mars Alliance. The modern Galactic Federation and Earth Alliance have been liberating the Milky Way and Universe from the malevolent forces. They continued with the complacent duality and polarization of war, without tackling the God delusion of Nokodemion.

For the future of the solar system, the Galactic Federation and Earth Alliance selected a very hypocritical, mutually exclusive and unimaginative treaty from Orion's United Nations, the "Outer Space Treaty" from 1967. These 2 galactic organizations claim a defense and liberation mission of humanity from the malevolence of Orion. Their corrupt, ego-centrical, unethical, unconscientious and illogical actions speak louder, in favor of the worst collusion and hypocrisy, and substitution of the tyrants from Orion on the top of the hierarchy. The Galactic Federation and Earth Alliance are continuing the military-industrial complex, while Earth has very grave oppression from Orion's UN Great Reset (Project Blue Beam with Second Jesus and Roman Empire from UN and NASA).

The Galactic Federation and Earth Alliance are substituting the Dark Fleet and Orion Empire for domination

The Galactic Federation and Earth Alliance have confirmed that they do not have integrity, ethics, duty, conscience and responsibility for humanity and ignore the consequences of Orion's Great Reset for depopulation to 500 million people. Furthermore, their new preferential business collaborators are Earth's genocidal billionaires from the space travel industry, as clone Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson. Elon Musk has been imagined by NASA's founder Werner von Braun as President of Mars, and is NASA's clone of Roman emperor Caligula, for the Project Blue Beam with Second Jesus (Caesarion).

Clone Elon Musk has launched Starlink as a genocidal project for 42,000 5G satellites, which is the ultimate blackout and death of every living species on Earth. Satellites of Starlink are being rolled out in lower orbit, and unless stopped, Earth will have a total blackout of visible sunlight from the Sun. The 5G microwave frequencies are electromagnetic weapons of mass destruction from 60GHz-100GHz and elimination of the breathable oxygen. Even though they are installed in the ionosphere and within the magnetosphere, the 5G frequencies from 42,000 satellites will consume all oxygen molecules from the troposphere.

Starlink with 42,000 5G satellites will cause a total blackout of visible sunlight without oxygen molecules

Solar particles from the Sun reflect our visible light from oxygen and nitrogen atoms and molecules in the atmosphere. Extinction of flora with GMOs, crop germs, infections, mice, frogs and locusts invasions destroys the plants that supply oxygen with photosynthesis from the Sun. Extinction of fauna and human species, with viruses and vaccines, autism, sterility and neurological diseases, destroys the recurrent micronovae biological cycle that provides metallic elements for self-sustaining biosystem and ecology.

The patriarchal extinction of the matriarchal magnetic field has lasted for 9.6 billion years with nuclear wars, murders, tortures, genetic and biochemical experiments. The biosystem of the Universe, with stars, planets and seeds is completely disturbed and re-engineered with artificial technology, for Nokodemion's ancient curiosity for faster biological evolution. Eventually, the speed of light cannot travel faster than gamma waves and the feminine magnetic field cannot be replicated by artificial computers. Therefore, the experiment for an artificial Universe with faster biological evolution has destroyed the ingenious Creation.

Patriarchal Universe with autocratic tyranny halved the electromagnetic energy in last 2 billion years

The Galactic Federation and Earth Alliance organized a meeting for the future of the solar system and are excited for the Artemis Accords, without consideration for the pressing and urgent problem of the Great Reset depopulation, cataclysm finance, ice age, Starlink blackout, deoxygenation, extinction and heat death of the Universe. The electromagnetic energy of the Universe has halved in the last 2 billion years, aligned with halved DNA metallic elements (copper, zinc, magnesium, iron) and halved electricity conductivity (144Hz halved to 72Hz).

Oxygen is the last electrically conductive element of fragile biological species. The signatories of the Artemis Accords will continue with nihilist extinction, dehumanization and discrimination for space mobility. The future of space mobility is already charted as 2-tiered discriminatory model, of reusable rockets from Earth's genocidal billionaires for the 99% and spacecraft for the new Gods from the Galactic Federation and Earth Alliance. The Artemis Accords are a substitution of Orion's Cabal by the worst hypocrites and nihilist war profiteers, implying that they have been plotting and waiting for a takeover for domination and control. Ironically, all of the galactic military factions are soulless war profiteers who live on an ancient story of Nokodemion's undestined love and scientific curiosity.


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