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Hitler's Puzzle of Nokodemion and the Universe

Our Universe is an electromagnetic sphere formerly managed by an Angelic order of respective experts in natural science, cosmology, astrophysics, metaphysics and alchemy. Nokodemion was the first Prime Creator with a twin flame. He ventured to the Ciakar Universe for space travel technology, but brought the Alpha Draconian demons. The Universal demon, Tiamat, of chaos, supremacism, egocentrism, domination and control demonized Nokodemion, as the fallen Lucifer. The second twin flame continued with the management of the Universe. Nokodemion's twin flame remained an undestined love and a thriller, such as Nefertiti and Hitler, Cleopatra and Apollodorus.

Nokodemion's supremacist demon caused rebellion in the Universe

Adolf Hitler was a "walk-in" for Nokodemion and God of the Third Reich for religious hegemony and centralization of a One World. Hitler's chauvinist personality and Earth exploration remained pieces of the puzzle of the Universe. Hitler searched for Nefertiti, while courting Eva Braun in Germany. Earlier in Egypt, Apollodorus expressed love to Cleopatra, and ensured the birth of Jesus Christ from Julius Caesar. Hitler and Himmler observed the wormhole in Alaska for HAARP, Antarctica's entrance to Agartha and remnants of Atlantis. Hitler was connected to 13 Dark Men who financed the Third Reich from Wall Street.

Earth's two poles are wormholes for entrance and exit to Agartha with a "tunnel effect" for UFOs visiting Earth. The spacecraft enter the atmosphere through Antarctica and exit from Alaska. Alternatively, they can enter and exit through Alaska. The wormhole connects Earth with other planets and star systems.

The North Pole wormhole in Alaska installed the radio-wave transmitters HAARP in 1992 and launched them in 1998. The official purpose of HAARP was to study the ionosphere, development of missile defense systems, geophysical, weather and psychotropic weapons. Two different ionospheric stations were built in Norway and Greenland. The undisclosed purpose of HAARP was to monitor and search for the configuration of UFO movements from the wormholes and Agartha's tunnels.

Wormholes from South and North Pole in Antarctica and Alaska

Hitler believed Agartha was inhabited by a superior human race of much more powerful people on Earth. He planned to seek scientific assistance from Agartha for stealth technology and nuclear power for the Third Reich. Antarctica was a location for a safe base and exploitation of vast uranium and natural resources.

Antarctica was one of the earlier locations of Atlantis, before the pole shift and flood. Atlantis was located on several points and one remained near Gibraltar between Europe and North America. The Nazis assumed Atlantis was the native home of their Aryan ancestors with encrypted and scattered secrets of the Universe. Germany was the cradle of civilization and heir to Atlantean technological knowledge with giant ships and flying vehicles.

The Nazis followed the "World Ice Theory" claiming that an icy moon collided with the Earth and caused a cataclysm of Atlantis and Ice Age. Atlantis was attacked by an asteroid hurled from the Asteroid Belt and the survivors fled to the high Andes and Himalayas. They bred with Asians and created the Eastern civilizations, Japanese samurai and the ruling caste of India. World history was considered as a battle between the first species and Aryan autocratic supremacism.

Heinrich Himmler and Joseph Goebbels believed in scientific astrology and utilized the prophetic timelines of Nostradamus for military propaganda. The Nazis used dowsers to locate enemy ships. They forced dowsers to hold pendulums over nautical charts with one-inch toy battleships and waited for the pendulum to point to the location of allied battleships. Hitler used his dowser for the Reich Chancellery for harmful "death rays".

Heinrich Himmler created Ahnenerbe for the promotion of Third Reich supremacism

The lost Aryans of Atlantis in India and Tibet became an obsession for Himmler who created the occult society Ahnenerbe (Ancestral Heritage; Legacy of Ancestors) between 1935 and 1945. Ahnenerbe was a think tank of Nazi Germany by the highest-ranking SS officers, archaeologists and scientists. Their mission was promoting Aryan racial doctrines of biological and genetic supremacism on semi-mystical projects. They explored the reality of religion, esoteric and mythological cosmology, paranormal phenomena, synergies of ancient occult knowledge and current scientific knowledge for the Third Reich.

Himmler wanted to invent a new supremacist religion with Sun worship and the Aryan aristocracy of the Nordic ruling class for world domination. They applied selective breeding and eugenics to obtain more "living space" in Eastern Europe, after the extermination of the Jewish enemy race, punished for the earlier crucifixion of Jesus in the Roman Empire.

The new religion for Aryan Europe included witchcraft and Luciferianism (Satanism). Hitler was connected with the 13 Dark Men from Orion who financed the Third Reich from Wall Street. The Nazi cartel of IG Farben with oil and pharmaceuticals was established in the labor camps of Auschwitz-Birkenau. Hitler was a "walk-in" for Nokodemion and God. The Tribulation is God's wrath and punishment for the Jews for his son Jesus Christ. The Holocaust of World War II punished and exterminated 6 million Jews and minorities in Auschwitz with Catholicism from the Vatican.

Pope Pius XII and Pope Francis connection with the Holocaust and Tribulation

The most secretive and controversial Pope from the Third Reich was Hitler's Pope Pius XII. From the start of World War II, Jews pleaded for help and described atrocities with individual stories and letters of petition to Pope Pius XII. He was informed of the atrocities towards Jews in Eastern Europe. Pope Paul VI served in Ukraine and told Pius XII of the horrors to Jews. Pope Pius XII spoke against racial persecution, without reference to the Jews. After World War II, the Vatican released 1,000 victim letters and declared Pius XII a saint in 1965.

Pope Francis became Bishop of Rome on 13 March 2013 with a mission to restore and open the Vatican to the public and confront inconvenient truths from the archive of the Holocaust and World War II. On 2 March 2020, Francis declassified the most controversial secret files from Pope Pius XII after the Holocaust for access to historians. Even though Francis portrays accountability for the Holocaust, he actively participates in the Tribulation of Holocaust II with COVID-19 and mRNA vaccination for Great Reset.

"You will own nothing and be happy" with the Great Reset while "Waiting for Godot" as Muhammad



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Queen Cleopatra Isis Pleja

New Universe Creation

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