Plejaren Federation have a multiple personality disorder, and are also known as Galactic Federation of Worlds, Dark Fleet-Earth Alliance and terrestrial NATO. They inherited an ancient story of Lucifer's broken household, blasphemy and rebellion with the shapeshifting Draconians and Tiamat-Beast-Whore of Babylon. Nokodemion-Lucifer was the original founder of NATO, as "Multinational Peacekeeping Troops", established during serious Trojan wars, when the Draconians were ravaging the Universe. Lucifer was unwise and unperceptive, so he did not differentiate between a male and a female. Lucifer brought the doom of cannibals that destroyed planets and life forms. The last destruction is a scenario from the Bible Tribulation and the Henoch prophecies, with mutually exclusive and impossible timelines.
With latest Contact Report 811, Plejaren confessed that they are making fools and playing religious jokes for their Nazi wars and blame game. The most prominent joke from the last 2 millennia was the crucifixion of Immanuel, or Jesus Christ, by the Jews, which sparked anti-Semitism and World War II.
According to Biblical scripts, Jesus Christ was crucified by the Jews in Judea, who betrayed him to the judge Pontius Pilate, for not paying taxes. Jesus Christ earlier collected taxes for Tiberius Caesar, saying "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's". Jesus also evaded paying taxes and claimed he was "King of the Jews", which opposed the former tax authority of Tiberius Caesar. Pontius Pilate resided on the trial for "King of the Jews" and punished Jesus Christ with crucifixion. Centuries later, the crucifixion and betrayal of Jesus Christ by the Jews was abused as a global anti-Semitic motive that sparked World War II and the Holocaust for extermination of Jews in concentration camps. Plejaren-Nazi essentially invented revenge for their prophet Immanuel, who had a Codex mission from the Vatican, with banking and taxes.
The false crucifixion of Jesus Christ was Plejaren-NATO joke and reason for Nazi wars
Plejaren's lecture about Nokodemion and the 7 prophets and 7 teachers, with a different death of Jesus
The underlying caveat of all terrestrial blame game events was always the Codex mission with the 7 prophets. The Codex mission became a hedge fund with incalculable debts and chaos. As above, so below, Lucifer's Codex and debt reached a dead end with hyperinflation. Fortunately, the free will of free people has been released from the inhibition. Free people can ignore the Codex mission and start their new desired timeline and new households, without obedience to NATO's Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Jesus-Immanuel lived 111-113 years, according to Plejaren, who also claim that the Romans executed him, but do not say that Pontius Pilate was his judge for tax evasion, because that story was also invented.
In the same vein, Plejaren invented a new Biblical joke, precisely related to Jesus Christ and Pontius Pilate. Jesus Christ (Immanuel) was born as Caesarion from the forced reincarnation of Cleopatra and Julius Caesar. For the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Plejaren again forced the reincarnation of Cleopatra, but included several mutually exclusive jokes. From year 2012, Cleopatra's timeline was modified with a "husband" Pontius Pilate, with whom she was supposed to spend 16 years. From 2019, Cleopatra's timeline also included Mark Antony, with whom she was supposed to have Second Jesus with the spirit of Muhammad. (Plejaren hoped the fully vaccinated people will not notice the difference between prophets Jesus and Muhammad.) Mark Antony's timeline was demonized with Tiamat-Whore of Babylon who has a soul swap of Cleopatra, for the love frequencies. Cleopatra and Antony would have never met on the crossroads, to have Second Jesus.
Reincarnations of Roman Empire for Second Jesus and Second Joke from the Bible
Therefore, the Second Joke from the Bible was mutually exclusive and dead on arrival. Even though Second Jesus was impossible for the Tribulation, Rothschild and war profiteers continued torturing people with the Tribulation events. Victims of the Biblical Tribulation cataclysm, pandemic and war truly pray to Jesus to save them and stop the storm. Little do they know, that Second Jesus was the Second Joke by Plejaren-NATO, who laughed in their spaceships "upstairs". Plejaren's dark sense of humor is replaced with a psychiatric diagnosis for serial criminals who suffer from multiple personality disorder, kleptomania, voyeurism, sado-masochism, cannibalism, nymphomania, incest, addiction and domination. Criminogenic profiles should be captured and locked in psychiatric asylum, prisons or executed with death penalty. Instead, naïve and sado-masochistic governments worship and obey Rothschild's cannibals for money. They do not realize that they are tricked to paying expensive membership fees, called taxes and hyperinflation, thus actually financing them, rather than being financed.
That is why Rothschild and globalists are trillionaires, and the naïve countries are sinking in poverty, famine, diseases and civil war. The puppet politicians are rarely so corrupt as Volodymyr Zelensky, to become overnight war billionaires, but they are happy with as much as they can steal. This nihilist theft of Earth finally reached the end, when Earth is uninhabitable with ice age. Now, even the cannibals are not laughing for their Second Joke and Second Jesus. They are too cowardly for nuclear war and afraid of the future, without a stolen timeline and without sufficient population, that can suffice their megalomania.
Plejaren Federation, Galactic Federation of Worlds, Dark Fleet-Earth Alliance or NATO are enemies to life, with a mission for extinction of all species of flora, fauna and people.
Waiting for Second Jesus is "Waiting for Godot" with Nazi Great Reset, to "own nothing and be happy"
Confession for Biblical joke about Jesus Christ, leading to the Second Joke about the Second Jesus
"Hostility towards Jews originated in antiquity and was also rampant in the Middle Ages, with the roots for this coming from the Christian faith planted by early Christians. The original reason was that a hatred arose that became more and more widespread, which was based on the fact that Jmmanuel – Jesus, as he is wrongly called, although he never bore this name – was crucified, or rather that the Jews caused the crucifixion of Christ. This led to the Jews being called 'God-killers', persecuted and murdered, which led to the mass murder of them in the 3rd World War and cost the lives of millions of believers in the Jews. The hatred has maddeningly persisted to this day, even though not a single Jewish-believing human being was involved in the crucifixion of Jmmanuel.
Jmmanuel was not crucified by any Jewish believers, but solely by Romans who truthfully executed him because he railed against their religion, the faith of 'polytheistic universalism'. Jmmanuel taught the 'Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Creation-energy, Teaching of the Life' which was destructive to the Romans and therefore Jmmanuel was considered an enemy of the state.
The fact that in all this the early Christians talked about the Jews being 'God-killers' was probably the biggest joke of the early Christians, because there one wonders whether they were in their right mind and normal, because how could a God – also a supposedly incarnate one – be killed by human beings, since supposedly the 'omnipotence' is given in him and he does not have to sacrifice himself by murder in order to become credible. Such a view and assertion is typically fallacious – and it probably does not get more primitive and stupid than this. Nonetheless – and one wonders how silly, dumb and stupid a human being actually has to be to believe such a bogus and, what is more, religious bullshit story in the first place – hatred of Jews spread worldwide, not only among Christians, but also among believers in Islam, i.e. among Muslims, as well as among other lunatics. Especially with Christianisation in Europe, hostility towards Jews spread in the Middle Ages. Especially from the 13th century onwards, Jews were murdered, expelled and persecuted, which reached its climax in the 3rd World War by the Nazis, as well as through the false 'Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion'. Since then, however, the whole concept of hatred of the Jews has changed in such a way that the point of attack of anti-Semitism or anti-Jewish hostility is no longer directly the faith and religion, but more the origin of the Jewish person."
Billy: There you are, been waiting for you for a long time, I – – ah, you have also come, you are both welcome. Greetings, Bermunda, and of course even you, Quinto.
Bermunda: Greetings also to you, but excuse me, for I was sorry to have been unable to get here earlier.
Billy: Yes – it is all right. You do not have to excuse yourself, because every human being has his work and has to do it, consequently it is just not always possible to keep to the time as one would like to do.
Quinto: I also welcome you, and thank you for welcoming us.
Billy: Of course, that is self-evident. By the way, I am immensely pleased that you have learned to speak Swiss-German, my mother tongue, so well. In this regard, I mean because of the language, I have a question then, which I would like you, Bermunda, to pass on to Ptaah.
Quinto: That is no problem for us, as you know. The big work, however, is yours, because you have to translate everything into written German when you call up the conversations and write them down.
Billy: Yes, I know, and besides, it is not a problem for me when I have to translate everything from Swiss-German into German. But this – Bermunda, here I have written down everything I want you to give to Ptaah. If you can copy everything, please? But I still have a question, which is unusual because I never ask it otherwise, because it's not my business where you go and what you might do etc.: What might Ptaah be doing and where is he?
Bermunda: Your question actually does not correspond to the usual, because you never usually ask about it. But it is no secret where he is and what requires his attention. His task …
Billy: Actually, I do not want to know, because I know … That's enough for me, and besides, it does not have to be announced to the world, so it does not have to be mentioned. Therefore, I will also only mention it with dots …
Bermunda:… it's good, I am sure you will do it correctly. But then I want to do what is necessary now and leave afterwards. So I will now already say goodbye to you.…
Billy: Well then – goodbye. You can do your work on this table, I am sure we will not mind if Quinto and I talk.
Quinto: We really do not mind, besides I will see you later. – Then I want to explain a few things now, after which I will leave and have to go back to Erra. My work is finished here on Earth, which also involved investigations of earlier months, weeks and days. All of these have brought very unpleasant and even frightening findings, which show that the majority of the persons who are in the highest positions as leaders of the states, as well as the subordinate leaders and the advisors, are to a great extent incapable of their office, which also applies to the majority of the leaders of your homeland, which unfortunately is to be mentioned.
As I have found out in cooperation with … in the time of the past, future and present for months, weeks and over the days of my being here on Earth, many leaders of various states are financial beneficiaries of their corruption, as is currently the case to a very great extent in the war-torn state of Ukraine, where corruption effectively flourishes unchecked. President Selensky himself is also one of the corruptors and enriches himself, although he lies and claims that he is seriously trying to fight corruption in the state.
In all arms-producing, as well as arms-selling and arms-buying states on Earth, we have found that probably the most corrupt authorities are those of the Ministries of Defence. However, there is also serious corruption, fraud and theft in other offices, but also at business levels and in organisations of all kinds, such as well-known and world-renowned aid organisations and health organisations, in alliances, but also in societies, clubs, associations and communities, etc. A great deal is built on deceit and fraud, and a great many persons at the top of the leaderships enrich themselves financially and factually with the property of the states, the manifold and world-renowned organisations of all kinds, the clubs, the alliances, societies, associations and communities, and so on.
In politics, in all earthly states, the majority of the leaders, the auxiliary leaders and advisers lie and deceive in such a way that the effective truth is given no chance whatsoever of ever reaching the public and thus becoming known to the people. The same also results from the public media, which spread lies and deception so unrestrainedly that the effective truth is completely distorted. As a result, the human beings are unconscionably misled and take sides with criminal and felonious elements, such as the President of Ukraine, Selensky, who managed to quickly lull the leaders of many states and win them over as arms suppliers in order to continue the war in Ukraine for a long time and longer and longer. The truth is that the leaders of all those states are very stupid who are supplying weapons to Ukraine, thus encouraging killing and murder and prolonging the war, which is costing many human lives. In their stupidity and irresponsibility, they do not realise that this man Selensky is directing them according to his and the USA's will and that they are actually no longer the leaders of their state, but the lackeys of the USA and above all of this Selensky, who is misleading them through lies and deceit. This fact led me to investigate with … the origin of the whole thing that ultimately led to the war disaster in Ukraine. Through investigations that we have carried out in the past over a year and over the months and weeks, as well as in the present time, it has turned out that basically the USA and its dark state leadership as well as the President of Ukraine, Selensky, are the basic authors of the evil Ukrainian war, while Russia, respectively Putin, lost his nerves and patience, consequently he let the war break out because of that. Something that we, however, judge as a crime, like any act of war. However, the Ukrainian war is being spread by the media with one-sided false reports, lies and fraudulent news, both in the neighbouring states and in the whole world, in such a way that the war crimes of the Ukrainian army are being concealed, as are the machinations and war crimes of foreign mercenaries and adventurers from many foreign states, as well as from Ukraine itself and from Russia. As we, … and I, could observe, mercenaries, who are all passionate and degenerate as well as hardened murderers, shot at refugees and their vehicles with captured Russian weapons and killed the human beings – women, men and children. However, this was later blamed on the Russian military through claims of lies. These degenerate human beings know no feelings of remorse, shame and guilt, for truthfully they are much worse than degenerate wild animals called maneaters among you.
As … and I have explored in the past, the misguided policies of the USA and its dark leadership and the domineering and mendacious and world-deceiving Selensky are to blame for the whole disaster. They have truly caused the crisis and war in Ukraine, because they have done everything to deliberately bring it about. In fact, they are the culprits, not Putin, although what he did, namely to trigger the war, is a crime that costs many human lives. Now it has even come to the point that the world must even risk a nuclear war through the fault of the USA and Selensky – and this is really threatening. The USA with its dark leadership and Selensky have done everything against Russia to create the cause of the war in Ukraine. It was and is not enough that the US has been tending since time immemorial to have the whole world, business and industry and peoples, etc., turn against Russia and continue to conspire to make it go bankrupt. Moreover, it has been the case for years that the USA has been dominating various European countries underground, without their leaders and peoples realising it. For a very long time, the USA has been creeping into the most diverse states of the world in order to make them rebellious against Russia and to win them over as supporters of war and haters of Russia. However, war is never the solution to act against the state of Russia, just as it is not the solution to bring about the peace that the US claims to want through domination, hatred, lies and deceit.
Billy: Diplomatic conversations based on logic, reason and rationality, such as honest friendship and cooperation without the airs and graces of domination, really do bring about an effectively functioning coexistence or dispute-free coexistence. However, the USA has been doing exactly the wrong thing since time immemorial, because peace will never come about with a desire for world domination, enmity, hatred, lies, deceit and war. Especially not with crazy rulers supplying weapons to Ukraine and prolonging the war as long as possible, and also with like-minded parts of the population agreeing to it. However, nobody of all those who supply weapons or simply agree to it thinks about the fact that many human beings die as a result. This also applies to the millions of dollars that are donated for the war, because this is also used to buy weapons and ammunition that are used to kill and murder again.
Quinto: The denial and distortion of the truth is the profession of the USA, because they only want combat and war, for which they secretly constantly invent new weapons and test them in special places, in which the secret services of the USA are decisively involved, as we have established. The American public knows nothing about this, because in this respect everything is kept so secret that nothing becomes known, as many other states also do, because they are dependent on the USA in one way or another, which of course is not openly admitted. This, just as in Ukraine sexual assaults and thus rapes are part of the daily routine by all parties, i.e. by the Ukrainian and Russian military, as well as by the mercenaries and murder adventurers who are always intent on killing, but this is blamed deliberately only on the enemy.
Billy: I am well aware of that. Even when I was with Sfath, in the 1940s and early 1950s, the Americans were working on the atomic bomb during the war and were carrying out tests in the Nevada desert, one of which I observed with Sfath. Sfath said at the time that the Yanks got their knowledge from Germans, just as other knowledge was also from Germans, e.g. from von Braun. Even today I can hear Sfath talking to German engineers when it came to German big weapons and machines that were copied and tested by the Americans, as I also saw one in NAZI Germany together with Sfath, for example. It was a huge thing with a very long gun barrel that could also have been dangerous for Switzerland, because as Sfath said at the time, the gun had an enormous firing range. If Switzerland had tainted neutrality as it was done by stupid good-for-nothing heads of the government in Bern by taking over sanctions from the EU dictatorship and applying them against Russia, then the NAZIs would certainly have invaded Switzerland back then. Today, due to the fact that neutrality was damaged by stupid people in the government, many states have become enemy countries against Switzerland (Note Billy: Also the so-called neutral Switzerland, which took over and implemented sanctions from the EU dictatorship against Russia). In my opinion, it would be necessary for people who are elected to government to be tested on their knowledge, especially on what relates to the important of the national, which includes precisely neutrality. While I am not exactly a deer about these things, at least I know that as a neutral human being I am not allowed to interfere in anything, nor am I allowed to tamper with and change anything about neutrality. But if I am supposed to interfere in something because I am explicitly asked about it, then, as a result of adhering to neutrality, I may only deal with it in a neutral form of advice. But what is then still very important, this refers to the fact that I observe the facts of reality and their effective truth and never form my own opinion, and certainly not a belief concerning the whole, just as I also do not allow myself to be persuaded, what I call 'over-scrounging', to do or say something that does not correspond to completely neutral logic, understanding and reason.
Quinto: I know that because your neutrality thinking is known to me by the fact that I am deeply involved with your approach to life.
Billy: Aha, and how do you know that one?
Quinto: That results from the fact that on Erra we are publicly informed about your life story and everything that happens around you and on Earth. This is also in the sense that everything that Sfath has left behind in terms of knowledge about you and the experiences with him will be made public. This is very, very much – and everything is being made known little by little since you made it possible for us to enter and use the great library.
Billy:– – I did not know that. – But then I do not have to know everything.
Quinto: That is so with you, I know that from Ptaah, because you never ask what is done with us on Erra with the extensive knowledge that Sfath has all handed down.
Billy: I am really not interested, that's why I also do not ask about it, because I know what has been. That's all I need to know.
Quinto: But for us, everything is not only very interesting, but also instructive and important to know.
Billy: That may be so – but that is your business and none of my business.
Quinto: That's why you also do not know …
Bermunda:… I have finished my work, so I will say goodbye again now, but I will be back soon.
Billy: Yes, take care – and she is gone.
Quinto: Then I want to continue with what I have to say. – Well, we were at neutrality with our conversation. What I have to say is that Russia has also distanced itself from Switzerland in a certain way. The unreasonable and treasonable breach of neutrality by the Swiss leadership by adopting and applying sanctions from the European Union is tantamount to a betrayal that Russia cannot simply accept, nor can other states. But what I have to say further about the USA is the following: We, … and I, have noticed during the stays in the past that also with a NATO manoeuvre conducted in 2015 on the Russian border – although it was promised in the 1990s in Munich that there would never be an eastward expansion of NATO – shortly after the promise of non-expansion of the NATO border to the east, this was broken. America stationed troops in the regions of the Eastern states in order to move closer to Russia in terms of territory and to deter it. Of course, NATO – which in truth is directed by America in the background – has also strengthened its presence on the eastern borders of Poland as well as in the Baltic States on the borders with Russia.
For almost 200 years now, when the formulation of the Monroe Doctrine was made in 1823, the USA has been making security claims of states that extend practically across the entire Western Hemisphere. Any state that stations its own military forces near US territories in the Western Hemisphere is aware that doing so would jeopardise its own security, because it would be doing something that the US does not like and that goes beyond what is intended by America. The powers of the USA – regular and dark – live with the conviction and delusion that any foreign military force, and consequently any stationing near their own forces, is a potential adversary. A belief that is the cornerstone of US foreign and military policy, according to which any stationing of military forces near US military bases in other states is immediately interpreted as a violation of their 'state security' and considered hostility and grounds for war.
However, when it comes to Russia, it is the case that the USA and – it must be said – their NATO have for decades violated precisely the principle, namely the form 'not to provoke Russia'; this by disregarding in such a way that the USA with the military and NATO acted in this way against Russia after all. So, by advancing into the Baltic States and stationing their forces on the borders of Russia, they have continued to advance and move towards Russia. The fact that the Russian leadership observed and perceived this advance and remained silent about everything was simply 'overlooked'. If, however, Russia had done the same as the USA, then the latter would have taken measures that would have put its armed forces in a state of war on its expanded territory, and consequently a war could have broken out that would have been declared as a defensive reaction to the military incursion of the Russian might.
Now, if everything is considered carefully with regard to the origin of the war in Ukraine, then Russia's invasion of Ukraine is not an act of revenge by Putin, but the mendacious and peace-disturbing military and political machinations of the USA in the Eastern states and through their efforts to push NATO's eastern expansion in Ukraine to Russia's borders by means of lies and breach of promises; namely, they began preparations very early on during the period of the 1990s, but kept them in view until the year 2022, in order to then strike out. The debacle of the America-friend and would-be ruler Selensky came at just the right time to want to join Ukraine to NATO and the EU dictatorship, against which, of course, Russia inevitably intervened. This eventually led to everything slowly getting out of hand as America, with the senile President Biden at the helm – and in the background, of course, the dark government created in 1787 secretly directing him – dragged everything out, longer and longer, until Putin lost patience and went to war with Ukraine. This, however, is not meant to be an excuse for Russia and Putin, because war is always wrong, criminal and felonious, consequently it cannot be condoned. It should be mentioned simply because this war is the reason why Biden with his dark government secretly directing him as well as the actual governmental USA politicians have delayed everything in such a way in order to do the right thing, namely to take Selensky's intentions in order to be able to provoke the war against Russia. Selensky himself is conscienceless and willing to hunt the Ukrainian soldiers to the last man to death, if only by doing so he can keep his position of president and realise his US-inspired plans. So far, he has achieved what he wanted and what America demands, namely that he was able to make the leaders of various states in bondage to him through his begging for weapons, whereby he now has the actual leadership of these leaders, who do exactly what he wants and demands, supplying weapons of all kinds, as well as finances that run into the millions and billions. First and foremost, of course, is the USA, which is interested in Russia being damaged by armed force, as well as in other ways, and becoming a loser.
Putin's alleged unbridled expansionism is a lie, for he is fully aware that such expansionism is impossible and could only be carried out and won through a war that would go far beyond what Russia could muster in any way. The alleged malice as a Russian leader also imputed to him is no more than a morally-violent and destructive reactionary allegation that traces back to the misguided policies of the USA, as already happened in the NAZI empire by the NAZIs, triggering World War 3 and with it the worldwide hostility and persecution of the Jewish believers and their mass murder. What America is provoking according to the system devised by the Nazis and applied against the Jews, the USA is now imitating shamelessly, without inhibition and with all kinds of intrigues, only this time it is not against a people belonging to a certain religion and held liable for religious conceits, but against a state and its peoples, which the Americans have wanted to incorporate into their desire for world domination since their existence as the USA. There is also a hatred at play here, which, as with the hatred of the Jews, still exists today against the Jews and...
Billy:… which in fact has not ceased to exist and, despite everything that has happened, still has mad and confused and crazy followers all over the world, especially NAZI groups and extreme anti-Jewish groups who do not even know why and when Jew-hatred really arose. Hostility towards Jews originated in antiquity and was also rampant in the Middle Ages, with the roots for this coming from the Christian faith planted by early Christians. The original reason was that a hatred arose that became more and more widespread, which was based on the fact that Jmmanuel – Jesus, as he is wrongly called, although he never bore this name – was crucified, or rather that the Jews caused the crucifixion of Christ. This led to the Jews being called 'God-killers', persecuted and murdered, which led to the mass murder of them in the 3rd World War and cost the lives of millions of believers in the Jews. The hatred has maddeningly persisted to this day, even though not a single Jewish-believing human being was involved in the crucifixion of Jmmanuel. Jmmanuel was not crucified by any Jewish believers, but solely by Romans who truthfully executed him because he railed against their religion, the faith of 'polytheistic universalism'. Jmmanuel taught the 'Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Creation-energy, Teaching of the Life' which was destructive to the Romans and therefore Jmmanuel was considered an enemy of the state. This is the real truth that must now be told after all, for truthfully, polytheistic universalism was the reason that the Romans were able to spread their empire over the whole of the then known world. Jmmanuel was a danger to the continued existence of the Roman religion and the expansion of the Roman Empire, which is why he was sought out, hunted down and ultimately crucified, consequently the Jews had nothing at all to do with anything. Everything from the very beginning was nothing but an evil invention of the early Christians, who freely invented everything and attributed it to the Jews, whose foremost, the high priests etc., were of course also against the teaching of Jmmanuel and hated him, complained to the supreme Roman and found a hearing, because he could blame the Jews for everything. The real reason for the persecution and crucifixion, however, was the Roman religion, which attacked Jmmanuel and rebelled against it with the teaching of truth.
The fact that in all this the early Christians talked about the Jews being 'God-killers' was probably the biggest joke of the early Christians, because there one wonders whether they were in their right mind and normal, because how could a God – also a supposedly incarnate one – be killed by human beings, since supposedly the 'omnipotence' is given in him and he does not have to sacrifice himself by murder in order to become credible. Such a view and assertion is typically fallacious – and it probably does not get more primitive and stupid than this. Nonetheless – and one wonders how silly, dumb and stupid a human being actually has to be to believe such a bogus and, what is more, religious bullshit story in the first place – hatred of Jews spread worldwide, not only among Christians, but also among believers in Islam, i.e. among Muslims, as well as among other lunatics. Especially with Christianisation in Europe, hostility towards Jews spread in the Middle Ages. Especially from the 13th century onwards, Jews were murdered, expelled and persecuted, which reached its climax in the 3rd World War by the Nazis, as well as through the false 'Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion'. Since then, however, the whole concept of hatred of the Jews has changed in such a way that the point of attack of anti-Semitism or anti-Jewish hostility is no longer directly the faith and religion, but more the origin of the Jewish person.
It is simply unbelievable how silly, dumb and stupid earthlings can be, that for the sake of their faith, but also because they are addicted to domination and even want to eat the world with skin and hair, as the USA believe they can do, they can kill, murder, hate and even break wars and destruction from the bar.
Quinto: Unfortunately, this is indeed the case, for as old as Earth-humans become, they neither learn to develop true logic, nor to use their intellect and become capable of true reason, consequently they may well grow up physically, but in their Intelligentum they remain ungrown and pathetic. This is also the case with politics, which is often so full of childish decisions, actions, illogic, lack of understanding, irresponsibility, etc., that it seems like a miracle that somehow there are still effects which, even if unworthy, can still be accepted. This has always been the case, which is also why the USA's whole attitude towards Russia has always remained hostile since time immemorial; especially because the state of Russia has always displayed a strength that America itself has never mustered and still does not muster today. This is also the reason why the USA acts all over the world through intrigues, threats, deceit, cowardly intelligence operations, murder, war and violence, lies and deception, etc. An effective fact which, however, deluded America-worshippers and America-fanatics etc. do not recognise and are therefore deceived. So they also do not understand that Russia is trying to preserve its western border. Nor do they understand that the Americans' crime of the 1990s brought about the eastward expansion of the NATO border in the Baltic States, which meant a near NATO zone of danger for Russia, as well as an offensive threat from the USA, which not only has allies with regard to NATO, but secretly directs it, as … and I clearly stated.
Since the rulers and sections of the peoples of the various states all around do not want to understand at all why Russia invaded Ukraine, they are now basing existential decisions on the wrong premise, which is only exacerbating the crisis and the war, and doing so by carelessly and partisanly supplying weapons of war and ammunition to the Selensky wannabe and failing to recognise his lies and deceit that go hand in hand with the US. A fact that may amount to the various pathologically stupid and sleepwalking state leaders, as well as the sections of the peoples biased by Selensky and the USA, manoeuvring themselves into a nuclear war. This is my reasoning, which I present for what is presently occurring, on which is based everything that is threatening, and because all my statements are based on effective facts, as well as on effective foresight, as well as on facts that are presently occurring.
Billy: What you say coincides with what I have been saying for a long time and have also been spreading to the world through the reports of conversations. But all the words are useless, because the majority of the rulers and the people are incapable of thinking for themselves and are consequently so stupid and dumb that they are incapable of recognising the truth and build crap upon crap. The result is that the war in Ukraine will continue and masses of human beings will die miserably until practically all of them are wiped out and everything is razed to the ground – perhaps really by a nuclear war. But all those irresponsible rulers of all countries do not see and do not recognise this, because they are actually murderers, because they supply weapons for the war to Selensky, whereby countless human beings are killed, in which the arms suppliers are complicit and they are therefore murderers. That the whole business of supplying arms also means a kind of world war – which in fact can still come in a tangible form and by means of atomic bombs – but that cannot be recognised and understood by those misguided people in government who are too stupid and too self-important for that, but who pester those who are striving to do the right thing, to keep order in their own country and to maintain peace, justice and trust with all other states. But not even the government of Switzerland can do that, because it has created enmity around itself by making a pig of neutrality and taking sanctions from the EU dictatorship and applying them against Russia and kicking it in the teeth.
Quinto: We have already talked about this on the 14th of June, and it is to be said about this action of the leaders of Switzerland that such persons should not be tolerated as leaders of states, as well as their advisers in offices of state leadership, who then act wrongly when the persons corresponding to them are ignorant about it and do not understand what neutrality means and says, as well as that it can never be circumvented, violated or changed in any way. However, if neutrality is violated in the smallest way, then it is no longer a given, but is unvalued and dissolved.
However, I want to end the conversation concerning these happenings and machinations as well as the incidents now, because I still have some things of a private nature that I would like to discuss with you. If …
Billy:… of course, because...