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Plejaren's Nuclear Football in a Pyramid of NATO vs. Anti-NATO

Plejaren Federation are the Luciferian heralds of the New World Order with NATO, EU, UN, Vatican, CIA and multilateral globalism, worshipping Lucifer's soulmate Tiamat-Whore of Babylon. Because Lucifer and Tiamat were two males, they disrupted the metaphysics, biological procreation and natural laws of physics. After millions of years, their Nazi insanity trickled down to clones who continue misinterpreting and creating genocidal policies for extinction, with the ultimate goal for transgenderism.

Nuclear and conventional wars play a large part in Plejaren's extinction, organized as a football match. But, the difference is that regular football has two goalkeepers, on a horizontal rectangular plane, compared to Plejaren's football field with multiple goalkeepers on a multilayered and multidimensional triangle. Plejaren's goalkeepers are also the contract keepers from the Akashic Records, each having a specific duty for religion, finance, prophecy or NATO with Popes, cardinals, Royal families and governments. The football has received more clones of "Multinational Peacekeeping Troops" as Asia-Pacific SCO and QUAD, making a total shooting chaos.

Plejaren Federation are the aliens from Orion, emanated from the prophet Nokodemion, proverbial God, Lucifer, Picard, Moses-Abraham-Henoch and Hitler. They advise that a war planet as Earth needs "Multinational Peacekeeping Troops", as the one Nokodemion founded in antiquity. Nokodemion's "Multinational Peacekeeping Troops" is the ideological foundation of NATO with Article 5, when the armies from different worlds "pressed the red button". Plejaren also condemn NATO as a murderous organization created by the American deep state, and justify Russia and China. This is their nuclear football arrangement of playing NATO against Anti-NATO, aligned with the New World Order, with technological domination of Russia and China from Orion. Collectively, Rothschild and different banking Cabals control all sides simultaneously for transferring trillions of dollars among their matrix of the Military Industrial Complex and Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate, now heralded by Space Froce.

Nuclear football money printing time machine of West vs. East / NATO vs. Anti-NATO / Nazi vs. Anti-Nazi

Sunspots with opposite electric charges create new electricity for time manifestation, but on Earth time is money, so the Sun is abused for Corona virus, climate forcing and ice age, from the same bankers

Lucifer's clones for petro-dollar war economy substituted by Starlink quantum financial system and blackout

Before Rothschild's clones inherited Lucifer's Codex mission, the pagan civilizations worshipped the Sun

After the Henoch prophecies caused World War III and ice age, the same rebranded factions as Space Force will continue to the already agreed Artemis Accords on Jupiter's floating station in July 2021. Space Force is the rebranded Air Force and Solar Warden, which also included the banks and corporations. The Great Currency Reset is terrestrial fiat deleveraging and transition to digital currencies on Starlink. The Great Cosmic Reset is extraterrestrial Codex debt and organizational restructuring of nihilistic clones.

Excerpt from Contact Report 237 from 9 November 1990, explaining how NATO worked with a "red button"

"These multinational peacestruggle troops were under the direct command of the multinational army command. If a unrest, revolution or fratricidal war broke out somewhere in one country, or if one country attacked another, the red button was pressed on the multinational army leadership. This meant that the command was issued immediately, that so many men of the multi-national peace-struggle force within 24 hours appeared together and in one fell swoop in sophisticated coordination at the scene of the revolutive or belligerent events and put an end to every revolution and every war within a few hours by force of arms in completely logical consequence of the application of the law of self-defence."

Excerpt from Contact Report 622 on 7 May 2015, advising that Earth needs "Multinational Peacekeeping Troops" which is ancient NATO, and denying the existence of Nazi NATO

"This is precisely because every nation is mistrustful and hostile towards every other, instead of all the states on earth finally behaving antimilitarily and peacefully towards each other, which could be achieved by a unified peace treaty between the states if the intellect and reason of Earthlings were finally to triumph. But such a global peace of states can only come about when all the states of the world finally form a unified and globally active 'Multinational Peace Battle Force', which has the right to resolve all armed conflicts and dictatorships in all countries with logical force and without any degeneracy, and thus to ensure peace, freedom and democracy in every state as well as effective justice for the peoples, to build everything up in this way and make it a reality. And only then, when all states of Earth finally come together in a reasonable way politically, militarily and economically peacefully and in a human way, can a best educated 'Multinational Peace Fighting Force' be formed, which is acting world-wide, which is entitled to stop all military or terrorist fighting actions and injustices etc. in all countries and to dissolve all dictatorships and to replace them by democracies. And only then, when this finally comes about in this way and takes effect worldwide, can there really be peace and freedom and an effectively peaceful, free and harmonious coexistence and coexistence of all states and peoples. This, however, requires as far as possible decency, sincerity, love, honesty, goodness, humanity, respect and consideration, etc., both from all the powerful of all states among themselves, and from every human being of every people towards every fellow human being in general, and thus also towards every other human being of all other peoples. Neither the race nor the opinion, as well as the social status nor the religious or secular faith of a human being may play a role in this, because in principle all human beings are equal as human beings, consequently all must have the same rights."

Plejaren Federation are NATO with Anti-NATO rhetoric and pro-Russia and China propaganda for NWO

In the latest Contact Report 812, Billy and Ptaah discuss the war profiteers in Ukraine. They antagonize scapegoat Zelensky and countries with dictators who supply him with weapons, as murderers and accomplices who prolong the war. Zelensky is directing the war as a result of stupidity, faith, lack of insight and misunderstanding of what the US deep state is secretly aiming. The countries who arm Zelensky do not understand the US deep state, but nevertheless continue supplying arms. Zelensky is a puppet for America's interests of waging war, war-mongering against Russia and domination of Earth and outer space (Artemis Accords). The war profiteers from the Henoch prophecies are weapons corporations, particularly Lockheed Martin, collectively joining the Artemis Accords.

  • Being the anti-NATO faction, as antidote to NATO, Plejaren seem defensive of Russia, claiming it is Zelensky's war, and not Russia's war. They provide evidence that Ukrainians are stealing Russian weapons from fallen Russian soldiers, to continue killing civilians.

  • Being an anti-Nazi antidote to the European Nazi, Billy also condemns European politicians for prolonging the war. Billy explains that European politicians as Annalena Baerbock and Ursula von der Leyen are warmongers at the helm of state power. The German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is described as naïve and coerced to decisions by his advisors.

  • Being anti-CIA moralizers of CIA, Plejaren provide details about the atrocities and weapons of mass destruction used by CIA for experiments and tortures.

The collision of electromagnetic matter and anti-matter was the genesis of the Universe, photons and electricity, which manifested future time and space. Forced collision and acceleration of NATO and anti-NATO, Nazi and anti-Nazi, CIA and anti-CIA, is a business model for a money printing time machine for trillions of fiat currencies that need transactions from the war economy with "conflict-resolution". The etymology of economy was the management of a household, preferably from electromagnetic male and female.

As if war, pandemics and climate forcing are not enough for money laundering, scientists have to research the fundamental forces of the electric Universe with CERN's Large Hadron Collider. CERN is a location for Satanic rituals and spending printed money to disrupt the Schumann resonance, causing insanity among people. We live in a forced and regressed timeline of the Roman Empire, with monotheist mind control via religion, education, media, entertainment, and no free will. The regressed Roman Empire with America's clones is collapsing spectacularly with hyperinflation, after having lived on stolen souls and borrowed time. Life in the cloned Roman Empire with nuclear football, artificial intelligence and Tokamak is a recipe for end of the Universe, without future time manifestation from free will and random walk. That is why, they must be stopped.

Billy: There you are, greetings and welcome, Ptaah.

Ptaah: Greetings also and thank you for your welcome, Eduard.

Billy: I guess your work is finished, isn't it?

Ptaah: Yes, it was not very pleasant what I had to do.

Billy: I know that because Bermunda and Quinto have enlightened me. But I think you must have some things to say about that, which would certainly be important, wouldn't it?

Ptaah: I do, however what you already know about my father Sfath, that is not to be mentioned because it would be information that must be kept quiet.

Billy: That is always one of those things, where you have to be careful to look at how and what is allowed to be said. Sometimes it's really difficult, also because of the foreigners that we just call them that, because they're just foreign to the earthlings, even though we know about them … Especially what the high government official – Weaver or something his name was, I don't remember exactly – explained to you, Wendelle Stevens and me in confidence and then also said that he has to lie in public and hide everything.

Ptaah:… yes, who and where the foreigners are must be kept quiet because ….

Billy: It's good, because I will keep quiet and I certainly won't say anything more about it than I have said so far. So I will be careful not to say who and where the foreigners are, I won't say anything about that. Let those grit their teeth about it who put everything in a false light and deny it with ridiculous explanations, like Tim Printy, who was paid for it, or whatever his name is, which I also can't remember exactly.

Ptaah: What you're saying is almost too much, we really shouldn't talk about it anymore. What I want to say, however, concerns Switzerland and its governance, about which I have studied what is necessary. This, as well as what you wrote in the sixth grade with teacher Leemann about neutrality, which my father Sfath kept and I recorded on this little device, which I want to retrieve and thus reproduce, because I think that back then, in your youth, you thought much further and understood more about what neutrality actually means than is clear to adults. Even teacher Leemann was fascinated and made your interpretation known around the teaching circle, which caused teachers Graf and Fehr in particular to note words of praise on the page of the handwritten work, which my father then somehow secured and added to his annals.

Billy: I do not remember that; maybe teacher Leemann also showed it to the teachers and the only teacher who was teaching at the time without my knowledge. I don't know.

Ptaah: Then hear what I have recorded and can read here: Neutrality implies and states absolutely without reservation that peacefulness and non-partisanship towards foreign states, as well as their state organisations, companies, corporations and entrepreneurs, etc., is always to be observed without any deviation in any case, and this irrespective of whatever may occur and happen politically and militarily. Neutrality of rights, duties and true freedom, however, guarantee this not only to the state, but also to the national citizens of both sexes, regardless of whether they are in conscious honour and rights or not, whether they are consciously capable of making decisions or disabled in this respect, or whether they are of the right and, as a result of a criminal offence, legally determined to a temporally determined deprivation of criminal non-freedom.

Neutrality guarantees to human beings that they may freely and openly, in accordance with their own will, and without hindrance by unlawful state decrees and prohibitions, etc. He can exercise and cultivate connections of every kind. This is the case when everything is right, when one's own and the general order, as well as the safety of one's fellow human beings, can be maintained, and when correct dealings with fellow human beings can be cultivated.

If we now consider neutrality, then this has nothing to do with personal rights and the freedom of citizens of both sexes, but only with the state itself. The latter is, like Switzerland, for example, contractually subject to absolute neutrality, but this does not apply to both sexes of citizens, who can of course have their own views etc., but they never have the right to attack state neutrality and not to change it in one iota or in a major way. This is not the right of the entire government or of any private individual, for neutrality in its entirety is contractual and unalterable.

This is your work that you wrote at that time.

Billy: Somehow that sounds familiar, but for the life of me I can't remember where.

Ptaah: You wrote it yourself, it is your original writing from back then. Look here …

Billy:… yes, this is actually my millimetre writing, which I used to use when I was still writing handwritten articles. But that is also about 50 years ago.

Ptaah: I guess that's the way it is.

Billy: Then I also want to say something about neutrality in today's Switzerland, because I think it's urgently necessary that our rulers, at least the fallible ones, are told what neutrality really means. Obviously, certain persons in the Federal Parliament in Bern do not understand what neutrality really is. And this is obviously because they are not educated enough and therefore ignorant, which means and says that such elements are no good as governors and do not belong in a government position at all, and certainly not as a Federal Councillor, National Councillor or Council of States. And the fact that they, if possible, have advisors who are obviously ill in the same hospital, who feed their nonsensical and stupidly thought-up crap to the ignorant and incompetent 'governors' and who are paid horrendously from taxpayers' money for it, has nothing to do with good and correct. However, what those in Bern have done, our Swiss government, the Federal Council, the National Council and the Council of States – or rather the relevant wrongdoers, because not all of them are guilty – that they have not only violated neutrality, but have effectively made a pig of it and committed a wicked betrayal of Switzerland and its neutrality by adopting the sanctions of the EU dictatorship against Russia in violation of neutrality and applying them against Russia as an economic boycott, has done tremendous damage to Switzerland. The state of Switzerland in terms of neutrality policy has been made a pig of and ruined, and not only in such a way that various Swiss companies, corporations, business relations, as well as business people and private individuals have been damaged, but also politics, such as Russia no longer wanting to know anything about peace negotiations etc. being conducted in Switzerland, especially in Geneva, etc. Switzerland is no longer trustworthy for Russia and has become an enemy, and this only because there are loutish good-for-nothings in the Swiss government who do not have the necessary education and consequently do not know that neutrality does not allow one iota of deviation and must refrain from any partisanship and any hostile action against a foreign state. Taking sanctions and applying them against another state is also hostile. Neutrality does not allow any interference in a conflict of a foreign state, neither directly nor indirectly, thus also not via any media that disclose opinions that embody nothing other than an assertion of something that cannot be proven. Neutrality does not permit such action, but only that the pure reality and its truth be named and acted upon, namely in such a way that a fact of reality is added without any biased commentary, because something to the contrary can never be reconciled with neutrality.

For the citizens of both sexes of a state, neutrality means that their rights and freedom must be preserved by the state and for the sake of neutrality throughout and in every case, which is undoubtedly the main task of a government that behaves neutrally. It does not have the right to interfere in the affairs of foreign states, and certainly not to violate or even break the country's own neutrality, which is fixed and laid down in treaties, and to abuse it as a result of personal partisanship. This means, however, that a person who presides over a neutral state in any way may not himself have an opinion, because such an opinion corresponds only to an assertion of something that cannot be proven. Therefore, this person must think and act in accordance with reality and its truth and be consistently devoted to neutrality in every situation and in every single case. Consequently, it must never and never come to the point that this is made a pig of, as has been done by certain incompetent louts in the Swiss government, who do not belong in government simply because of their lack of knowledge regarding the unbreakability of neutrality, which is written in the Swiss Federal Constitution.

The official duty of government, whether exercised by a woman or a man, is absolutely and under all circumstances always to be devoted to neutrality, without any deviation from it.

The Swiss state leadership has obviously 'forgotten' – namely some of the Federal Council and National Council as well as the Council of States, together with all their 'advisers' – that the bulk of the population adheres to the neutrality of Switzerland and insists that Article 2 of the Federal Constitution obliges the entire government – I want to make special note of this – that is, the Federal Council, National Council and Council of States, in full numbers and without exception, to grant Switzerland and its entire population freedom and all rights of protection and neutrality against any foreign country. Part of these profound rights and of true Swiss freedom is that the state and all those who govern ensure everything, that all rights and true freedom are preserved as the first and most important values – I also want to make special note of this – towards every citizen of every gender, that is, female, male or of a different sex. Only in this way can the country of Switzerland as well as every citizen of our state be protected against arbitrariness and hostility as well as against a belligerent attack etc. by a foreign state, precisely by adhering to the absolute neutrality of Switzerland against every foreign state and every person. As I understand it, this alone has a great deal of validity in terms of true neutrality. That is also how I learned and understood it from Sfath and you. It would be correct and necessary for the Swiss government to officially apologise to Russia for its shameful actions and betrayal of neutrality, just as the country of Switzerland should endeavour to ensure that ignorant, poorly educated and totally incompetent persons are never again elected to the national government. There is no excuse for the fact that sanctions were taken over and applied by the EU dictatorship against Russia by fallible people in the government in Bern. This could have been prevented if there had been enough educated persons at the helm who were knowledgeable about neutrality and who had also known that in the world war from 1914 to 1918 Switzerland was only spared from it because a thinking man by the name of Carl Spitteler, who was aware of neutrality and its value, saw to it, and its value, ensured that Switzerland's neutrality was preserved and adhered to, just as the majority of the Swiss people did not allow themselves to be distracted in 1914 and did not become partisan when war death, war chaos, all the misery, hardship and destruction reigned all around the country's borders. I was a young boy then, but under Sfath's wing I saw the horrors of war in many countries, and that sunk in for me, even though I could only see the atrocities from his flying ship, as he called his flying apparatus. But that was enough for me to see reality as it really was then and as it will always be in the future, as it was millions of years in the past; and I know that much does not correspond to reality and truth what so-called researchers have 'found out' and 'find out', what human beings take at face value. The future also looks different from what is imaginatively and illusorily fantasised about. It will be completely different, polluted by mankind, depleted, and it will be deprived of much of life for all time, destroyed and wiped out by overpopulation, from which the Earth, nature and its fauna and flora, as well as the atmosphere and climate, will never recover in thousands of years in the future. The mass of exuberant humanity is creating its own demise, and this is happening despite the wild illusions and fantasies of being able to resettle Earth-humans on foreign planets and let them continue to exist through earthly technology and its progress. When the 'foreigners' … … …

Ptaah: You speak things you shouldn't.

Billy: I don't intend to say it when I call it up, because I'm only saying it to you. I can say what I said with dots …

Ptaah:… Of course, I didn't think of that.

Billy: Exactly. But here I want to ask you what answers you can give regarding all the questions that Bermunda photographed and delivered to you?

Ptaah: Bermunda has already explained to you that in the future we will bring before the panel all questions concerning problems that arise in your country. The panel, however, brings the questions to the whole advisory committee, which is always fully present and has different persons at each meeting. So I will give you the answers that were unanimously given by 1.5 million persons, because that is how many the Advisory Committee comprises. I don't need to mention the questions separately, because the answers are sufficient to explain what is being asked.

As far as the statutes are concerned, I will dictate to you in a moment what is necessary, what you should write down, which Christian will then have to work out, so that it is not to be considered as an actual discussion report. Therefore, you should also not mention it specifically because the wording will be changed anyway and so I have to say the following about what was decided …

What was further discussed and decided in relation to issues is the following:

After consultation with the 'High Council', it shall be valid that the 2-year entrance examination was decreed by the 'High Council' in wise foresight, because according to the unreliability and consequently also the fickleness as well as the immature, even puristic ability to judge, such a firm and real necessity is not given. Therefore, the 2-year probationary period should not be an uncompromising order, but rather a recommendation, to be decided on a case-by-case basis, but for the time being, the 2 years should always be considered.

The work was defined as unusually valuable and good by the panel and by a total of more than 1.5 million Plejaren of the consultation, whereas the evaluation of the core-group members was not good. If I only want to mention a few of the statements, some of them were described as childish, ill-considered and addicted to criticism, as well as irrelevant, maladjusted, strange, and as unobjective, simple-minded, naïve, unrealistic, out of touch with reality, uninformed, and so on.

The statute regulation 'Friends of the House' is valid in its entirety according to the group resolution, and this is to be understood to mean that this is valid timelessly as long as the friendship person does not commit any offences against the rules of order of the FIGU. As was already decided at the beginning of the first statutes according to the overall group decision, it was also stated that the person who is considered a friend of the house – which was called something else at the time – is entitled to enter and use all rooms of the centre that are not of a private nature. (This is to be included in the by-laws, because the whole of this decision or regulation was not recorded in writing, just as the possibility of a friend or girlfriend of the house to take up permanent residence in the centre's residential facilities was only agreed orally).

As far as the question of the management of the centre and the FIGU members is concerned, these are to be managed in such a way that the decency and freedom of neither the association nor the members are restricted in any way. Articles of the Statutes that have been jointly decided and thus prescribed always correspond to guidelines that apply in principle to every situation, but which must be considered, discussed and worked on in their application, depending on the specific circumstances or situation. A dogmatic or obstinate, unbending, stubborn and persistent adherence to a given article of the statutes testifies to a pathologically dogmatic or obstinate obsession with regulations and stubbornness, which in this respect is almost equivalent to an incontrovertible faith as in a religious belief.

Articles of the statutes and regulations cannot and must not be implemented word for word in every case, if the order or the prescribed statutes must be considered in one case or another and another solution must be sought, which may well be correct according to the statutes, but must be regulated differently according to the rules. However, it is never right to proceed in a dogmatic or obstinate, stubborn and unbending manner in order to clarify or demand the fulfilment of the fact in question. A factual clarification of the matter at hand is in any case the only correct course of action, not, however, an uncompromising, demanding and unbending attitude in order to enforce what is at hand or should be considered.

As far as the learning of a language is concerned, it has been unanimously decided by the Board and the entire Advisory Committee that each person, whether Plejaren or earthly, is differently predisposed to learning, understanding and comprehending a language, and that consequently the time required to learn a language varies according to the ability of each person. Thus one person can learn a language fluently in a few weeks or months, while another person needs years to do so, or yet another never learns in such a way that everything becomes comprehensible to him. Therefore, a person cannot and must not be given a specific time to learn a language, but must be given the time to learn according to his or her ability.

SDSG books that are printed are, of course, at their own expense in terms of all financing, as is also the storage of the works. However, the books can be listed in the FIGU Sales Book Directory, but only for orders placed in Germany with the SDSG, which is responsible for both packaging and shipping, as the Mother Centre can only be responsible for works of any kind that fall within the direct FIGU domain or private members' domain and their relatives.

Neophytes are alien plants which, if they are not invasive in their species and not detrimental to nature at the place of growth and its flora – which, by the way, is the case in very few cases – then they should absolutely not be controlled. For centuries, a wide variety of foreign plants, such as trees, shrubs, herbs and flowering plants of different genera and species, have become native to Europe. This will increase in the future, because in 80 to 100 years many neophytes or new plants from foreign countries, which are intentionally or accidentally introduced, will have become wild and so integrated that they will effectively be native here.

What neophytes are called invasive is often nothing more than a lie, because on the one hand the necessary understanding and knowledge of which foreign plants are really invasive is lacking. On the other hand, however, because persuasion regarding false information and measures protecting nature and its flora has become a delusion, namely that all neophytes must be eradicated with regard to the protection of native flora. This corresponds to false claims, because only invasive foreign plants from foreign areas can be harmful to the native flora if they displace and eradicate the natural flora; however, there are not very many of them. Climate change, which began as early as 1844, will in future provide plants of all kinds and from many parts of the Earth with a habitat in Europe that is the result of Earth-humans' self-created climate change and can no longer be changed. For this reason alone, it is absurd to go against the development of nature, such as fighting neophytes that are not dangerously invasive to the native flora.

Which music is most conducive to evolution, as well as which composers that may be, cannot be judged in general terms; it varies from one human being to the next. However, what has emerged since the end of the 20th century in terms of alleged modern harmony and music no longer has anything to do with being truly harmonious and musical. It is …

Billy:… simply a yowling, clamouring and disharmony etc. beyond compare, which delights many presenters etc., as it does many human beings in general. Apparently their sense of harmony is broken.

Ptaah: What aurally normal-sensing human beings think of the negative influences and shrink back from what you call yowling etc., but which from now on increasingly determines the passing life of Earth-humans, is the consequence of the anthropogenically caused change of the climate, which already began in 1844. Thus, Earth-humans' senses and aspirations as well as their brains, and consequently also their ability to think, will be adversely affected by climate change, which anthroposcientists will only discover when they come across it through various incidents that cannot be overlooked.

And it has already been apparent for a long time that the majority of human beings are becoming more and more religious again. Only realistic and thus self-thinking Earth-humans are holding back from this, consequently they are also withdrawing from religious faith, which mainly concerns the Christian faith. Many are believers in Catholicism in particular, although it is not the faith that is being questioned, but the machinations of paedophilia and sexuality in general on the part of Catholic leaders, priests and all those in high places who speak out, but who often pretend to be innocent and know how to conceal the fact that they themselves are guilty of paedophilia or sexual 'misbehaviour'.

Billy: I can tell you a thing or two about that, because years ago, when I was still living in Hinwil, three nuns complained to me that they had had sexual relations with their superior for years because that was what Jesus Christ wanted. All three of them were really psychologically broken because of this, and because I was also concerned at that time with helping mentally ill human beings, I tried to help these three women, with whom I managed to get them into … But it took a long time; even when I was already here in the centre, I had to look after the women by telephone until they were finally able to let go of what they had experienced. Two have died in the meantime.

Ptaah: Yes, my daughter Semjase told me about it.

Billy: Let me ask you about the US then. What do you think about the fact that I think the USA is an inhibitor of the 'spiritual' or the creation-energy progress of knowledge and of human rights and political progress with regard to a peaceful future of earthly humanity? In my opinion, the manifold religious delusion given in America is to blame for this.

Ptaah: To this I see that the USA is as unusually heavily Christian-sectarian infested as the Arab world with its Islam, as likewise India with Hinduism. However, the confused Christian faith, as well as the Islamic delusion, surpasses all logic, reason and rationality. This is more or less also the nature of all other faiths that exist on Earth.

Billy: Then we are in agreement on this, as we have been since time immemorial. But if I may change the subject from religious beliefs to politics: in my opinion, as a rule, the state leaders who supply weapons to Selensky in Ukraine are nothing but murderers' accomplices who help prolong the war. The autocratic rulers of various countries act like actual dictators and other strongmen who fabricate lies and criminally send military to their deaths.

Ptaah: You can see it that way with a clear conscience and say it very loudly, because it corresponds to what really is. Besides, they are responsible for dragging out the war and costing many human lives. Quinto and I have seen for ourselves how the Ukrainian military is shamefully murdering by taking weapons from fallen Russians and using them to murder soldiers from their own ranks, as are also mercenaries and adventurers who are supposedly fighting for Ukraine but are really just indulging in their degeneracy and joy of killing, as is often done in other wars as well. They are passionate murderers who know neither feelings nor responsibility, like Selensky himself, who greedily and degenerately indulges his might and obedience to America and impudently demands weapons from those stupid rulers of various states, which they give him without hesitation. Thus, from his side, the war in Ukraine will continue as long as he wants, which is made possible by the fact that he can profit from irresponsibly being supplied with weapons by non-realistically thinking and thus stupid leaders of other states. This on the one hand, while on the other hand the USA helps him and stands by his side, driving up its immeasurably high financial debts even further.

Billy: That Selensky can thus consciencelessly continue his war and drag it out according to his will, as well as the USA can secretly achieve its goal of world domination and the destruction of Russia and also of Europe, which is already largely in the pocket of America and dumbed down, is not considered by anyone of the dumber than stupid people in charge and agitators who supply him with weapons. That way he can drag out the war as long as he likes, as long as he is at the helm and can let his army rage and kill, whereby of course many Ukrainians as well as Russians die, he doesn't care about that at all, not even in the slightest. And the fact that war-mongering people are at the helm of state power, like the German Baerbock and von der Leyen at the European dictatorship EU in Brussels, that is more than can be borne. This, as well as the naïve and fickle Chancellor of Germany, Scholz, who does not know what really has to be done and is incomparably impressionable, does not think for himself and does not make his own decisions, but allows himself to be influenced by others and, moreover, by those who misadvise him.

Today, it is Selensky's war and not Russia's war, because that has been outdated for a long time, because Selensky is directing the war in Ukraine as a result of stupidity, faith, lack of insight and misunderstanding of what the USA is secretly aiming at in the background with its dark state leadership. In particular, those who are pro-USA and pro-Selensky do not see and understand this, and they also do not see and understand that the war in Ukraine will continue as long as this Selensky can agitate against Russia and demand and receive weapons from the stupid people of the world. This, so that he, as a puppet of the USA, can continue its secret war in Ukraine and that the USA can satisfy its imperial ambitions and airs. This, while in contrast Russia has to build up, the world as well as the USA-friendly and the fans of Selensky do not see and realise, because being blinded to the truth is easier and simpler than dealing with the effective truth. Therefore, as long as Selensky is in power and implements America's secret interests, namely waging war, waging war, and waging war again, war-mongering against Russia, there will be war in Ukraine. But this is not enough, because America wants to dominate not only all states and thus the Earth, but also so-called outer space – which really only begins far out beyond the solar system, i.e. not already in space outside the Earth – or rather the space that serves as the Earth's orbit for the present space station. The real purpose for this is so that the USA can take over and exercise total control over all states on Earth from Earth orbit and thus take over world domination. By no means do I take Russia and Putin's side, because war is always irresponsible and criminal, and no matter who and why it is initiated and waged.

Ptaah: As a rule, the state leaders who supply weapons are murderers as well as dictators and other tyrannies. They listen to lies and invent lies, and they send human beings to their deaths in a completely conscienceless and criminal manner. On Earth, moreover, politics is the greatest liar, just as America and its dark leadership probably spread the worst lies of all politics, also in the respect that their space experiments etc. are only for the future good of Earth-humans. But that the full truth is that which you have mentioned, that is denied. The Earth-humans themselves are physically grown, but 'spiritually' and thus consciously like a child without logic, understanding and reason. That is why very few human beings in Europe also notice that America wants to flood Europe with military and expand its might, which may happen soon. Besides, the bulk of the people of America are sectarian beyond compare, and this has been carrying religious sectarianism to Europe, especially to Germany and Switzerland, for some time.

Billy: So, if I repeat, according to what you say, as a rule, the state leaders who supply weapons are murderers, as are dictators as well as other tyrannies. They all listen to lies and invent lies through which they send human beings to their deaths in a completely conscienceless, irresponsible and criminal manner. On Earth, politics is effectively the biggest liar. Earth-humans lack logic, understanding and also reason, which is why only a few notice that America is actually flooding Europe with military and expanding its might, as they have done in those states where they are already squatting and have crept in.

Besides, you say that America's bulk of the people are unparalleled sectarians and this has been bringing religious sectarianism to Europe for some time, especially to Germany and Switzerland, as well as to those states where they have already crept in.

Ptaah: Yes, that's what I said – but what else I said before, what is unfortunately the case.

Billy: Yes, I've known that for a long time, because it's getting worse with it. Besides, everybody wants to be the best and the first, so in government, in sports, in football, in music and actors and so on. If you want to watch something on television, then often only idiotic programmes come on, in which such megalomaniacs and publicity-seekers flicker across the screen, at which persons get excited again, who themselves are not big enough to do something themselves, by which they could gain satisfaction and be proud of it. And on television, everything with money is sensationalised; millions and billions are negotiated, conned, lied about, raffled off, thrown around and tempts madmen to lurk and scam themselves for such amounts, whereby it is irrelevant how it is to be scammed. Influencing' is the fashionable thing to do, because everyone believes that they will become filthy rich. This world, or rather the human beings, are dependent on money, and so it is somewhat different from you, who don't know any money and therefore can't get into debt and don't have to worry about whether the pennies or money will still be enough to buy a piece of bread. What I want to ask you now is why Dr. Vogel in the USA suddenly had the fragment of metal disappear from his pocket that he had examined and found? He received the Plejaren ship metal because I received it from Semjase for analysis and for his investigation and research, which I then had handed over to Dr. Marcel Vogel by Lee Elders. Dr. Vogel then explained, after the weeks of research he had personally carried out, that it was an alloy unknown to him, which would probably not be invented and then used on Earth for another 150 years or so.

Ptaah: To that I must say that we had withdrawn it for safety reasons after he had researched it. This was because there was a danger of it getting into the hands of the CIA intelligence agency, which wanted it and was pushing and threatening Dr Vogel. It would not have been good if the samples had come into the possession of the CIA and then to the government, that is why we had to expropriate the metal from Dr Vogel. He didn't know that, but it was explained to him later by Wendelle Stevens, who we had hired to do it.

Billy: Aha. Then I want to show you the following article and give it to you to read, but you only have to skim it briefly to know what it is about.

The Shadow Government

by Chris Hedges Tuesday, 24 September 2019, 16:00 hrs

In the US there is an invisible government in addition to the visible one, made up of anonymous technocrats, intelligence officers, generals, bankers, entrepreneurs and lobbyists.The United States of America is firmly in the grip of an invisible government, led by the country's intelligence services. Chris Hedges uses excerpts from journalist Stephen Kinzer's new book to trace the historical and current crimes committed by the CIA and the impact they have had on the US and the world.

There are two kinds of government in the United States: on the one hand, there is the visible government – the 'White House', Congress, the courts, state legislatures and governors – and on the other hand, there is the invisible government, or deep state, where anonymous technocrats, intelligence officers, generals, bankers, entrepreneurs and lobbyists control domestic and foreign policy, regardless of which political party is in power.

The most powerful and important organs of the invisible government are the nation's bloated and unaccountable intelligence agencies. They are its vanguard; oversee a vast shadow world and are tasked with maintaining the invisible government's position of power; spy on domestic and foreign critics and smear their names, rig elections, bribe, blackmail, torture, assassinate and flood the media with 'black propaganda'; are immune to the chaos and human suffering they leave in their wake. The invisible government has overthrown democratically elected governments in Iran, Guatemala and Chile, and driven the wars in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria.

This has resulted in disasters, social unrest, economic collapse, massive misery, death and a fanatical anti-American resistance. The United States and the rest of the world would be far safer if our self-appointed shadow warriors, who failed to foresee the Iranian Revolution, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the 9/11 attacks, were seemingly unaware of the non-existence of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, and whose extensive use of torture makes them the most efficient recruiters of radical jihadism, were held accountable to the public and the rule of law.

Every now and then one catches a glimpse of the moral dereliction and ineptitude that is the shadow world of the US. For example, during the investigation led by Senator Frank Church into the activities of US intelligence agencies in the 1970s, or through leaked photos of tortured human beings at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. But those who try to expose or oppose the pernicious inner workings are usually discredited, persecuted, silenced and sometimes even 'disappeared'. So too Edward Snowden and Julian Assange. The invisible government deems its secrecy and criminal behaviour necessary in the face of apparent existential threats, first from communism and then from Islamist terrorism. The end always justifies the means. Everything – no matter how immoral or criminal – is permitted.

The best insights into this shadowy world are gained through historical accounts of its crimes. For example, Stephen Kinzer writes in his new book 'Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control' that the 'black sites' and torture techniques developed by the CIA after World War II were an indispensable link in this sinister chain.

The Nazis conducted medical experiments in concentration camps during World War II. The Japanese did the same in the occupied Chinese region of Manchuria. This triggered two opposing reactions after the war ended: Some members of the visible government wanted to hold the war criminals accountable, but many supporters of the invisible government were in favour of evaluating the results of the experiments and recruiting the war criminals who had carried them out for US intelligence and the military.

The antecedents of the Nazi scientists who had led chemical and biological warfare projects and murdered thousands of helpless victims, including children and women, with substances such as sarin, were purged by the invisible government in what became known as Operation Paperclip. The US was not above taking in and exploiting even the most cruel and sadistic criminals, including Kurt Blome, who led research into biological warfare during the Nazi era.

"Whenever it turned out that there was a blot on the past of a scientist they wanted, they rewrote his life story," Kinzer reports. "They systematically erased references to belonging to the SS, collaborating with the Gestapo, abusing forced labourers and conducting human experiments. Applicants who had been classified as 'ardent Nazis' were given the new category 'not an ardent Nazi'. References to their exemplary family life were added. Once the war criminals' past was 'washed clean' in this way, they made suitable candidates for a paperclip contract."

Shiro Ishii, who, on behalf of the Japanese government, murdered no fewer than 12,000 captured Chinese soldiers, anti-Japanese partisans, Koreans, Mongolians, prisoners, the mentally (note FIGU: conscious) ill and – according to some reports – US prisoners of war through medical experiments between 1936 and 1942, was a particularly valuable trophy for the invisible government.

Ishii was head of a 120-square-kilometre complex called Unit 731, which housed 3000 scientists and other employees. Kinzer describes the torture methods that were tested on the victims of this extermination laboratory:

They were exposed to poison gas so that their lungs could later be removed and examined; slowly roasted with the help of electricity to determine the voltage necessary for death to occur;

Hung upside down to analyse the course of a natural asphyxiation process; confined in high-pressure chambers until their eyes popped out of their sockets; hurled into centrifuges; infected with anthrax, syphilis, plague, cholera and other diseases; forcibly impregnated to provide babies for vivisection; tied to stakes and burned to test flamethrowers; and slowly frozen to observe the course of hypothermia.

Victims were injected with air into their veins to induce embolisms; injected with animal blood to see what effect it would have. Some were dissected alive or had body parts amputated so scientists could track slow deaths from bleeding and gangrene. According to a US military report that was later declassified, groups of men, women and children were tied to stakes with their legs and buttocks removed and exposed to splinters of anthrax bombs that were detonated some distance away. The researchers then observed how long the victims survived – which was never more than a week. Ishii needed a constant supply of human organs, so there was a constant need for 'logs', as the prisoners were called.

After each experiment, "Ishii's microbiologists carefully removed tissue samples and mounted them on slides for examination," Kinzer writes.

"The scientists used their research to make poisoned chocolate and chewing gum, as well as hairpins and pins for close-up killing. Plague-infected fleas were bred in huge laboratories and tons of anthrax were produced, which were eventually inserted into bomb casings and used to kill thousands of Chinese civilians."

America's invisible government went to great lengths to recruit Ishii and obtain the extensive records and specimens of his cruel experiments. These kinds of experiments were soon to be replicated under the CIA's top-secret MK ULTRA research programme – with the collaboration of Ishii and a number of ex-Nazis.

Kinzer's book is built around the person of Sidney Gottlieb, an elusive, idiosyncratic and influential agent of the CIA who, on his mission of researching mind control techniques – he and other agents of the CIA were convinced that the Soviets had already mastered them – supervised medical experiments developed by his German and Japanese colleagues. These experiments went first under the name Bluebird and later under the code name Artichoke – according to Kinzer, one of the "most violent projects ever sponsored by an agency of the United States".

Many of the subjects suffered permanent psychological damage from the torture. The victims were either persons arbitrarily abducted (later called 'extraordinary rendition') and transferred to illegal prisons outside US territory – so-called black sites – or inmates of both US and foreign prisons.

Persons forced to participate in the experiments included, for example, impoverished African Americans from the Addiction Research Center in Lexington, Kentucky. Many of the victims were deemed 'expendable', which meant that they could be murdered and made to disappear after the experiments were carried out. The bodies were usually cremated. Anyone who was powerless or could be rendered powerless was a potential victim. For example, mentally (note FIGU: consciousness) impaired children at the Walter E. Fernald State School in Massachusetts were given cereal laced with uranium and radioactive calcium. The illnesses caused by this were subsequently closely monitored.

Gottlieb supervised the administration of LSD and other psychedelic drugs at the Alabama State Penitentiary and at a juvenile detention centre in Bordentown, New York. None of these test subjects consented to serve as human guinea pigs, and many of them suffered lifelong psychological damage. Boston-born criminal James 'Whitey' Bolger, imprisoned in Atlanta, was told he would be part of an experiment to cure schizophrenia. Instead, he was then given LSD almost daily for 15 months without his knowledge. Similarly, CIA scientists conducted experiments on terminally ill patients in an annex at Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, D.C.

For years Gottlieb searched for a drug cocktail that would, as Kinzer writes, "detach prisoners from their identities and make them reveal secrets or even act against their will". The search was futile. But each failed attempt spurred Gottlieb and the CIA on even more. They worked closely with former German general Walter Schreiber, who was the Wehrmacht's surgeon general during World War II and in that capacity "authorised experiments at the Auschwitz, Ravensbrück and Dachau concentration camps in which prisoners were frozen, injected with mescaline and other drugs, and cut open so that the spread of gangrene in their bones could be observed." Kinzer adds that, according to an American researcher, the experiments "usually resulted in a slow and agonising death".

Gottlieb had a habit of secretly mixing LSD into his colleagues' drinks to observe their reaction. Some never recovered from it. One of his victims was Frank Olson, a CIA scientist who was horrified by the brutal interrogations he witnessed and planned to resign from the CIA. Gottlieb and his secret group of torturers were panicked that Olson would go public. In 1953, Olson was found dead on a Manhattan pavement after allegedly falling through a hotel window. In 1994, Olson's son Eric had his father's body exhumed and turned it over to James Starrs, a forensic pathologist at George Washington University in Columbia County. "Starrs found no broken glass on the victim's head or neck, which is what you would expect after falling through a window," Kinzer writes. "The strangest thing is that Olson's skull was deformed over his left eye, although he reportedly landed on his back."

"I make the suggestion that this haematoma is evidence that Dr Olson may have received a forceful blow to the head from a person or object prior to his fall through the window of room 1018A," Starr concluded.

Later, the coroner expressed himself more clearly: "I believe Olson was pushed out the window in an insidious and premeditated manner." Gottlieb also oversaw the production of a series of poisons to be used on leaders and other personalities 'hostile' to the US, including Patrice Lumumba and Fidel Castro. The 'Black Magician', as Gottlieb was known, and his team pursued bizarre plans, researching, for example, a chemical that would cause Castro's beard to fall out so that the Cuban leader would be subjected to public ridicule and overthrown.

Furthermore, the CIA experimented with implanting electrodes in the brain for mind control purposes. Kinzer quotes the following from an investigative report on the American intelligence services: "In July 1968, a CIA team flew to Saigon; among them were a neurosurgeon and a neurologist (…) In a segregated area of Bien Hoa prison, the team set to work. Three Vietcong prisoners had been selected from the infirmary there. It is not known what criteria were used or why they were selected. The patients were put under anaesthesia one after the other. The neurosurgeon then opened their skulls and implanted tiny electrodes in all three brains. When the prisoners regained consciousness, it was the behavioural scientists' turn (…).

The prisoners were brought into a room, each of them was given a knife. They tried to get the subjects to commit violence using the control buttons on the mobile devices. Nothing happened. For a whole week, the doctors tried to get the men to turn on each other. Confused by their failure, the team flew back to Washington. It had been agreed in advance that the prisoners would be shot by the Green Beret unit and their bodies burned if the experiment failed. That is what happened."

The extent of the moral depravity and criminality of those with unlimited resources, whose activities are not subject to oversight or public accountability but benefit from absolute secrecy, is staggering. Gottlieb and his team lured unsuspecting victims in New York City to a 'safe house' on Bedford Street and gave them LSD-infused drinks. The effects were closely monitored by CIA agents under the supervision of the notorious George Hunter White. Kinzer describes White regularly ingesting illegal drugs.

"Some of what he seized he always kept to himself. His alcohol consumption – often a whole bottle of gin during dinner – was legendary. He also had a penchant for sadomasochism and high heel fetishism. He bought his second wife a whole wardrobe full of them. He liked prostitutes who tied him up and whipped him. One of his few emotional attachments was to his pet canary. He loved to hold and pet it. When the bird died, White was inconsolable. 'Poor little fellow did not make it anymore,' he wrote in his diary. 'I don't know if I will ever get another bird or any other pet. It is very bad for all concerned when they die.'"

White, who as a narcotics officer had often hounded and wrongly accused jazz musicians like Billie Holiday, was later transferred and worked in a safe house that served as a CIA brothel. According to Kinzer, Gottlieb wanted to "systematically study how sex, especially in combination with drugs, can make men talk". The prostituted women were hired by the CIA to lure clients into bedrooms decorated with photos of bound women in black stockings and studded leather collars, and to mix LSD and other drugs into their drinks."

"When his prostitutes had sex with their clients, White watched sitting on his portable toilet behind a one-way mirror," Kinzer said. During his visits to the shelter, Gottlieb demanded women have sex with him just as if they were part of his personal harem.

White was given another safe house in Marin County outside San Francisco. There he used the prostituted women not only to drug men, but also to test some gimmicks on them à la 'The Little Shop of Horrors': stink bombs, itching and sneezing powder, diarrhoea pills, drugged drinking straws and LSD-filled spray cans were just some of them.

After the protracted search for the mind-control drug was abandoned, the CIA destroyed most of the records of the experiments conducted. White wrote the following in a letter to Gottlieb thanking him for employing him at the CIA:

"Where else could a full-blooded American lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape and pillage with the blessing of the Almighty? Not bad, brother!"

That would be a far more apt motto for the CIA than the biblical passage from John 8:32, which is carved into the walls of its headquarters in Langley, Virginia:

"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Ultimately, the CIA concluded that the best way to break the will of prisoners was through extreme isolation and sensory deprivation. These techniques were developed through CIA-funded research at McGill University in Canada and written up in 1964 in a manual called 'KUBARK Counter-Intelligence Interrogation'. KUBARK is the code word for CIA. The 128-page manual was only declassified in full in 2014. In the 1960s, it served CIA agents in Vietnam, among other places, as a main source for their interrogation methods. There, at least 20,000 captured Vietnamese were killed, many of them tortured beforehand.

An updated edition of the manual appeared in 1983 under the title 'Human Resources Exploitation Training Manual'. The torture methods described in it – including shackling, sleep deprivation, electric shock, sexual and physical humiliation, prolonged confinement in small spaces, disorientation by obscuring vision, and sensory deprivation – became routine in US intelligence 'black sites' at home and abroad after 9/11. CIA psychologists monitor and perfect these techniques – like Gottlieb's horde of mad scientists and torturers in the past – to ensure the complete psychological breakdown of the victims and a child-like dependence on the interrogator.

It would be naïve to assume that Gottlieb's and the CIA's behaviour is a thing of the past, especially since the invisible government has once again removed the activities of the intelligence agencies from congressional oversight and hidden them from the public, as well as appointed a proponent of torture Gina Haspel, as director of the CIA. When an intelligence agency resorts to torture, it has failed. If it relies on sadists and thugs, it has failed. When it uses human beings – including its own citizens – as pawns to experiment with and murder, it has failed. When it uses dirty tricks, provides billions of dollars worth of weapons to renegade militias and Islamist radicals, overthrows governments and assassinates leaders, leaving unforeseen disasters and chaos in its wake, it has failed.

Information gathering – just like investigative reporting – is a process that requires immense patience. It takes trusted sources cultivated over long periods of time, as well as cultural, historical and linguistic skills trained over years of study. This work should not be a summer camp for freaks who revel in human humiliation, dirty tricks and murder. Every state needs good intelligence agents – not the kind of buffoons, gangsters, sadists and murderers that the CIA has and who cause us so much suffering in the name of national security.

Chris Hedges is a journalist, Pulitzer Prize winner and New York Times best-selling author. He was formerly a professor at Princeton University, an activist and an ordained Presbyterian minister. Among his books are bestsellers such as 'The Wages of Revolt: The Moral Imperative of Revolt', 'The Empire of Illusion: The End of Education and the Triumph of Spectacle' and 'American Fascists: The Christian Right and War with America'. His book 'War is a Force that Gives Us Meaning' has sold 40,000 copies and was a finalist for the National Book Critics Association Award for non-fiction. He writes a weekly column for the internet magazine Truthdig and hosts the programme 'On Contact' on RT America.

Editorial note: This text first appeared under the title 'Our Invisible Government'. It was translated by Nadine Müller from the volunteer Rubicon translation team and proofread by the volunteer Rubicon proofreading team.

Ptaah: I have now copied that and will read it later, but right now I have a few things to discuss with you regarding something that I don't want you to mention in the interview report.

Billy: Good, then fire away …


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