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Plejaren's Wild Illusions and Fantasies of Ridicule

Plejaren Federation use multiple identities for the same phenomenon, causing a chaotic and disorganized environment. This enables them audacity to impose Gods, deities and an illusion of authority, for malevolent domination and control. For millions of years, clones were passing the Olympic torch of Lucifer's rebellion and reinvention of the natural laws of the Universe.

Luciferian Freemasons from the Vatican and UN planned the depopulation agenda to 500 million people and extinction of flora and fauna, colloquially called "Agenda 2030", "Great Reset", "Sustainable Development Goals", "Green New Deal" or "European Green Deal". Billy Meier claims that the future of humanity will look different, polluted by humankind, depleted and deprived of life, destroyed and wiped out by overpopulation. The atmosphere and climate will be terminally destroyed, because Earth will have ice age.

The same UN accompanied by NASA planned the Artemis Accords for the globalists and ICC corporations, who continue with information asymmetries and profiting from the unacknowledged people. Although Plejaren plotted the Artemis Accords, via Earth Alliance and the Galactic Federation of Worlds, Billy Meier is claiming that settling on foreign planets are wild illusions and fantasies. Plejaren first destroyed Earth for Agenda 2030 and the Henoch prophecies, and invented the foolish Artemis Accords with a celebrity Elon Musk with ICBM mission on uninhabitable Mars. Instead of feeling guilt for a global genocide, they make ridicule and blame "exuberant humanity" for its own demise and wild illusions and fantasies for settling on foreign planets. If Caligula's clone would not have been marketing SpaceX and Mars, humanity would not be exuberant, but objectively assess that Mars and Moon are uninhabitable.

"The mass of exuberant humanity is creating its own demise, and this is happening despite the wild illusions and fantasies of being able to resettle Earth-humans on foreign planets and let them continue to exist through earthly technology and its progress."

Being full of jokes and laughing at humanity in their ships "upstairs", the pathological Plejaren lastly invented the new story "Return of Seeders", because the Return of Second Jesus was mutually exclusive. If the Return of Second Jesus for the Great Reset was impossible, then the Return of Seeders for Artemis will be even more impossible and destructive. Half of the current signatories (11/22) of the Artemis Accords form a multilateral hegemony of G20, which will be reorganized after World War III with collapsed institutions as EU and NATO, who will join BRICS+. Because Russia and China oppose the Artemis Accords, it is very likely that Artemis Accords will collapse before they will start.

Plejaren's improvised story of "Seeders" because Second Jesus was impossible

Until the start of the Artemis mission and ice age, Plejaren will improvise with World War III, COVID and overpopulation. As there are no more pathological lies to tell humanity, the Contact Reports are repeating the same story about America's deep state (Earth Alliance) controlling the scapegoat Zelensky, EU's puppets sending him weapons, the origin of COVID in China and the cause of climate change (forcing) from overpopulation. Plejaren's Earth Alliance defected from Dark Fleet and became the new Deep State, fighting a "liberation war" from the Deep State, for effective banishing of scapegoats and repurposing of the hegemony. The last global rebranding will be the future renaming of G20 to BRICS20, with most inglorious scapegoat, Volodymyr Zelensky. The Akashic Records have been discovered and the matrix of Rothschild's God is dismantled. Hopefully, Plejaren Federation will realize they are being disclosed and stop with pathological messages to humanity.


There you are, welcome and greetings. It is rare that I call you, but I need your help, because everything I have to do is a bit tricky and that is why I have called you, because …


Greetings also, and as I was coming here anyway, my early appearance is of no particular consequence. Quetzal is also out in the field looking at everything.


I hope he thinks everything is all right. But now I want to deal with the matter with you, which has been unpleasantly pending since yesterday. The matter is that – but see here, this is the corpus delicti, which is why … It is therefore necessary for me to get to the bottom of the matter by … That assuming it is possible for you?


If that is your biggest problem?


Of course, because I am not a magician, that I …


Of course not, but we can immediately …


Here we go then. … So that is the solution to the riddle, that … So all this agitation could have been avoided if … In fact, I got agitated because I just cannot understand that … This especially does not …


But that is understandable to me because …


I suppose that is correct, but sometimes I do not think about it. Even though I always try to take this into consideration, sometimes my understanding just goes through the roof.


I can understand that too, because also you cannot be perfect despite your knowledge, understanding and ability, consequently it …


… of course not, because I also have to learn constantly and be aware that precisely learning must not be forgotten and everything must be practised constantly.


That is so. Only it should be understood and comprehended.


What human beings do not do, however, is also not to finally achieve the peace that has been hoped for in this world for millennia.


Unfortunately, not, for everything is directed towards discord, war and destruction, for only very, very few Earth-humans have, through their own efforts, progressed so evolutionarily in their entire behaviour that they can be said to have true humanity and inner peace, and that they are able to control themselves in this respect in such a way that they refrain from all violence and thus also from hatred and war. These degenerations must not be used uncontrollably out of any illogical presuppositions, which really must never be. So hatred and strife and war etc. are not part of making peace and they never require a necessity.


Yes, that is also largely my understanding, but while we are at it and talking about it, then it is to be said that the development of the technology of destruction also comes to my mind, especially with regard to weapons, which nowadays give much to talk about. This is especially true in the context of the war in Ukraine, where various countries and their irresponsible rulers are supplying weapons for the war, which is being prolonged for a long time and resulting in the death of many human beings. This, as well as immense destruction are the result, whereby it is unfortunately mainly the case that the world domination-addicted America has its dirty fingers in the pie, supplying huge amounts of money and large masses of guns, ammunition and various weapons to the warmonger Selensky. Thus, he can endlessly wage the war as long as he pleases, which is actually his, because he wants it and does not want to end it, and the USA and its shadow government are only too happy to help him. The USA and its shadow government are only too happy to help him in this by supplying Selensky with weapons, but the intention behind this is not friendship and peace, but the nasty intention to finish off Russia more quickly and efficiently so that it can be humiliated and overrun more quickly by America and incorporated into the murderers' club of NATO and into America's sphere of world domination. To this end, all the countries and state powers and populations that are in sympathy with America are doing everything to make this crime succeed all the more, which makes them true criminals. In particular, they are also the racists who are fanning a fire of hatred against Russia and helping the Yanks to get everything they want shoveled into their hands. Particularly pathologically stupid and partisan ones, such as the German brat, Foreign Minister Baerbock, and the brat Ursula von der Leyen of the European dictatorship are fuelling international hatred and peacelessness against Russia, though they mean Putin. But I actually want to say something else, namely that weapons are mainly a matter for the military. The military, however, sooner or later means their use, through which, as a rule, not only murder, manslaughter and destruction take place, but also rape, mainly through the rampant degenerations in war, but also through other activities directed against human beings and their lives, as well as against their freedom and security, and so on. So it is to be clearly understood that military is never any good for creating peace or for maintaining peace. The truth is that military deterrence only achieves a standstill from acts of war and war skirmishes, but does not secure or achieve peace.

What Switzerland achieves with its 'armed neutrality' is neither the security of peacekeeping nor the security that a crazy leadership of a foreign state will not involve Switzerland in a war, which would mean that many human beings would die, and which would be pointless because the small Swiss army would not have the slightest chance against the giant armies of other states. So it would not be like in the last world war that enemies would sing: "Little Switzerland, the porcupine, we will take it back." And, this must also be said: Switzerland's neutrality has been made a pig of by irresponsible people in our government in Bern and no longer exists. This was also said by telephone by two leaders of foreign countries who called because they had read our contact reports on our website. But also many from the populations of Switzerland and foreign countries have made negative comments about the fact that certain stupid and idiotic people in Switzerland's government are so idiotically stupid that they do not know that neutrality in no way allows interference in the affairs of other countries. Neutrality also includes any hostile measures against another country, such as just taking and implementing sanctions, etc., and also when these are taken over by foreign states, as the Swiss government has taken over such measures from the EU dictatorship and applied them against Russia.


What you mention are unfortunately indisputable facts, also with regard to neutrality, which does not allow any possibility to take sanctions against another state. If this is done, however, then not only is neutrality violated, but it is even annulled and completely null and void. Such a procedure proves at the same time that neither thought nor in-depth consideration is given, but simply action is taken, thus clearly proving that persons who act in this way are unfit for their office and, moreover, a danger to the state and its security.

As far as America is concerned, its official leadership, led by the senile Biden, as well as the dark power in the background, in cooperation with the Ukrainian leadership, i.e. with Selensky, have orchestrated a worldwide conspiracy against Russia. Many state leaders as well as large parts of the population of many states have fallen for this conspiracy, which was fundamentally and systematically caused and brought about by the USA. America and its dark leadership working in the background have brought about everything against Russia in such a mendacious way that a large part of the entire population of the world is biased on the side of America and Selensky and does not perceive what really is and what the whole thing is really about. The one-sided and American-directed war coverage conveys to the world population the half-value of what is really happening in this war in Ukraine. We also overheard and recorded conversations in which the Americans made this Selensky believe that all of Europe's freedom depended on Ukraine winning the war, which is why all means had to be used against Russia and thus against Putin, so that the war would be effectively won in Ukraine's favour. In order to achieve the goal, America would supply all the heavy weapons necessary, regardless of how the whole thing would financially drive up the national debt.

Selensky, as an evil power-hungry warmonger, was and is of course in bondage to this deceitful promise, so sooner or later he will also make this mendacious claim public in order to keep the leaders and populations of other states, who can be influenced by lies, on his side. This will only be a question of time, because many state leaders and many of the populations of various states, above all the completely irresponsible, partisan German Foreign Minister Baerbock, who is suffering from blind megalomania, as well as the person Ursula von der Leyen in the European Union, as you mentioned these two persons in your speech, are only now starting with their hate propaganda against Russia and thus against Putin. Moreover, the one-sided war reporting directed by America conveys to the world population the half-truth of what is really happening in this war in Ukraine, which is why they will also list a number of Russian dead military personnel, which on the one hand does not correspond to the truth and on the other hand conceals what is happening in this respect on the Ukrainian side. The fact that Americans are taking part in the war is also being concealed; this is to be kept secret at all costs.

Selensky is an evil power-hungry and war-monger, as are also many leaders of various states, first and foremost of whom is the completely irresponsible German Foreign Minister Baerbock, who is suffering from blind megalomania, and in the European Union the personality Ursula von der Leyen, the two persons you often cite in your speeches. But this is not all, because also far away, especially in Europe, many politicians and also large parts of the population do not realise what is really going on in the war in Ukraine. This, for example, that mainly through the greed for power and war of the megalomaniac Selensky everything is being aligned and juggled according to America's plans and hopes, and for this purpose the trust of all those state leaders and sections of the population who are friendly to him is being abused.

By supplying weapons to Ukraine, the war can continue unabated for a long time and cause many deaths and destruction, on the one hand for the benefit of the war-mongering Selensky, but on the other hand also for the benefit of the USA, which is extremely addicted to world domination. The current world war was also triggered by their negative and underhanded efforts, because with the start of the arms deliveries to Ukraine, the whole thing became a global concern. Even though it is currently a global economic war, but it can continue to become dangerous – how shall I put it – and escalate, it is still … … …


But we should not …


… of course not, consequently, you should not do it while retrieving the ges…


… that is obvious.


Good. – All of the supporters also fail to see and recognise that through the underhand machinations of America – which has long had its own soldiers in the war in Ukraine, along with mercenaries from all over the world, even from Switzerland – the war continues. If it were not for the USA, which wants to destroy Russia with all its dirty intrigues and means, as well as integrate it into its delusions of world domination, the war would have ended long ago and all disputes would be over. However, nothing of the sort is in the interests of the USA, which is why the one-sided war reporting only absolutely admits the destruction and atrocities of the Russian military, while the same practices of the Ukrainian military are concealed, which even rapes and murders its own compatriots, as well as causing destruction, in order to then portray everything as Russian war crimes, as we often find. We have observed this several times during the long war period and have also noticed that Selensky is not willing to care about this, because the only thing that is important to him is that he can keep his power, play warlord and present himself as such worldwide through public TV organs in his pathological megalomania. However, the whole of this and all other truth is recognised even in his own ranks, which is why, after all, you have been written to and asked for advice by persons in his immediate circle and even by the secret service, to …


… stop, because I do not really want to talk about that anymore, because it's all pointless anyway and I know that those people will sooner or later fall into the clutches of Selensky who do not agree with his machinations. As I know from my time with Sfath, he will persecute many, and thus also those from the secret service, and will also charge them with treason and possibly have them executed if they finally turn out to be collaborators in their distress of conscience. I also know that he secretly … in the food of his army …


You should not mention that openly.


It's good, but Hitler did the same thing with Pervitin, just in a different way. Mankind, however, knows nothing about it, because everything is concealed from it, also what and who Hitler, whose real name was Hiedler, really was, that was and still is stubbornly concealed.


That is indeed the case. He was not only a substance abuser as well as a drug addict, but really a nobody by origin, who was also incestuously conceived, by his father with his own daughter, who was therefore Hitler's sister. Moreover, he was not only mentally ill since childhood, but also suffered from episodic schizophrenia. But talking about it is of no use, because very many of the earthly politicians and state leaders who would be responsible for such things being submitted and explained to the public are so corrupt that everything is kept quiet. As we know very well, a great deal is negotiated and decided by many of the leaders in all the states of the Earth, which, however, remains secret from the peoples and consequently does not reach the public. Such a thing is not possible with us Plejaren and, moreover, would not be permitted according to our directives, for every member of our Federation and planetary humanity is entitled to know explicitly everything that is discussed and decided by state leaders. Furthermore, it is handled in such a way that every negotiation of state duties, as well as other duties that arise, etc., is carried out reciprocally by other persons, thus never the same persons carry out a meeting, deliberation and decision, consequently different persons are involved each time. Furthermore, all meetings, deliberations, decisions, etc., are broadcast planet-wide, so that every single person of the populations of all the planets of our vast Federation and of our planet can interfere or intervene if he or she feels it is necessary. However, this happens so rarely that it is not really worth mentioning.

But if I now return to what is happening on Earth, then it is to be said that we Plejaren do not take sides with the belligerents in Ukraine, on both sides, i.e. neither with Ukraine nor with Russia, nor in any other way with other states in any other matters, but remain neutral throughout. This is consistently our Plejaren general behaviour, which was created by our early ancestors more than 52,000 years ago as a general rule of that and has ensured us ever since that we can deal peacefully with each other privately, politically and in every other way and thus preserve peace, freedom and humanity. Also, all behaviour of power, hatred, theft, murder and the like, as well as strife etc., is foreign to us and therefore not our own, consequently we must strictly guard against it here on Earth and not come into direct contact with Earth-humans. Although we are not very susceptible to all the evil behaviour that is unfortunately common among Earth-humans, our directives nevertheless forbid any direct or indirect contact with human beings of Earth. Only in the form of indirect mediation would this have been possible, but this is now out of date because of the grave unteachability and evil of the bulk of Earth-humans through the directives. Therefore, if Sfath and Semjase were still able to visit various Earth-humans together with you and make contact with them, this is now no longer possible, for the behaviour of the Earth-humans has since deteriorated to such an extent that all our really extensive security measures can no longer give any guarantee.

However, as far as the state leaders and a large part of the population of various Earth states are concerned, they are allowing themselves to be beguiled and misled by the two-part state leadership of America and by the Ukrainian warmonger Selensky, as well as by his feigned anxious pleading – which, as a trained actor, he has more than mastered. This is clearly because all those who support him are, for their part, non-thinkers and thus stupid, unable to make up their own minds. In their non-thinking they are will-less slaves of Selensky and let him decide how they should align themselves in their opinion and partisanship, thoughtlessly in his and America's favour, by having him direct their actions according to his and the USA's will. This is without them being able to realise in their non-thinking, i.e. in their stupidity, that they are ensnared by Selensky and are absolutely slavishly in bondage to him and America and are being misled by a widely spread false propaganda that Russia and China are the bad guys who are trying to dominate the world with all their might. This corresponds to an unparalleled lie that is being spread worldwide by America and is captivating all believers and supporters of the USA. This is the case with the simplest human beings of the majority of the population, as well as with the leaders of the various states, including Ukraine, who are not capable of thinking for themselves and making their own decisions, but are subjugated by Selensky, who embodies nothing other than a puppet of America. He is surreptitiously controlled by the powerful of America's state leadership, who in turn – sometimes knowingly, but usually unknowingly – direct their actions according to the powerful of the dark state leadership who secretly influence them. Thus Selensky, in his stupidity and greed for power as well as in his pathological megalomania, is rightly controlled by the dark forces of America, as is also the official state leadership of America, whose supreme power, according to our findings, has so far succumbed to a still mild form of senility. The fact is, however, that America's entire leadership, as well as the Ukrainian President Selensky, are nothing more than puppets of the American dark forces, which control the entire economy of every sector, as well as all the political machinations of the USA abroad, respectively everywhere on Earth, where America and its secret services have their dirty fingers in the pie, as you like to say. The fact that America is usurping world domination and has been doing so for a long time is truly no secret to those human beings who are still capable of thinking for themselves.


Already Wendelle Stevens complained to me that the rulers of the USA and their secret services have been striving since time immemorial only for the domination of the world and would truthfully disregard and deceive the people. Still the world has not understood that every war in which the US and with it NATO gets involved is for the sole purpose of securing world domination for America.


That is so and it will remain so.


Yes, nothing can be done about it, not even by us, which is why we have to go along with it. It is clear to me that I am in hot water and have to fear that I will be shot out of my life because we speak the truth in our conversations. It has been tried 24 times so far, and FIGU core group members have been there several times and were even in danger of being shot, but fortunately they missed, but it may be that once … well, it does not matter. But something else: What about the fact that the Corona epidemic is on the rise again?


That is an inevitable consequence of the wrong action taken with regard to the perverse orders of the state leaders who removed the compulsory requirement of wearing respirators and keeping their distance.


So mask wearing and spacing should continue to be observed.


That is and will continue to be required for some time, and that is that the FFP2 respirator is required to be used. So act as I have advised you, because the Corona plague is ….


… not yet over, I know that, also that the epidemic will never disappear again in such a way that it cannot claim victims again even after 1,000 years, because it can just die down and suddenly come back unexpectedly, but again in a new form, because it mutates inexorably over and over again, as it could be practised artificially and will therefore continue to happen in this way. But let's leave that alone, because the question still arises as to whether one day the truth will come out in the open as to how and why this epidemic came about artificially, precisely through laboratory work in China, whereby Mao and … were the two decisive people that the epidemic could come about on their behalf? In this regard, I do not know what the distant future holds, because Sfath and I have not fully explored everything far enough.


Yes, all this is correct, but the truth will be stopped with many lies, consequently this will be covered up for a very long time and disclosure will be questionable. We do not know either, for we too have not gone far enough in this matter. For the time being, however, it should not be made known that an American and Mao are the culprits who caused the Corona plague to be produced by laboratory work, that is what I can say. However, it was not intended that this disease should spread into a pandemic, because the intention of … was to cause an epidemic in the USA as an act of revenge for … A 'research group' was founded some time ago to cover up the fact, insisting that bats were the original carriers of the Corona virus and had transmitted it to human beings and various animals. But this is not true, as we know very well, because this lie does not correspond to the fact. However, they do not want this to become public, so they are using all kinds of lies and means to try to pin the cause of the Corona epidemic on bats. It is convenient for the liars that flying creatures infected with the disease pathogens were released by the accident in Wuhan and have since spread the disease, not only to human beings, but also to their own kind and to various other genera and species of living beings. However, to fathom these genera and species is a very lengthy matter, so we refrain from doing further research on this.


Then it is just not determined if at all or when the whole thing will be uncovered. However, for us at FIGU, it is certain that we will abide by your advice and continue to wear the respirators and keep the distance when we meet with foreign people, like visitors.


That is correct, and with foreign visitors you must ensure that proof of non-infection is produced, with no more than 24 hours ago. That should continue to be the case until the Corona epidemic is very low risk of infection.


But that is still some time away, as I know from my time with Sfath.


About which, however, you are not to divulge any further information.


I do not have that in mind, but I can say that at least in the early days of the epidemic, the vaccine thing was a hoax and countless human beings fell for it and also died because of it. As I know, it is also still the case today that the immune system is largely, not solely, the factor that determines whether the human being falls ill or dies from the epidemic. If you, as a doctor, can say something about the immune system for once, I am sure it would be instructive for all those who read our conversation reports?


I can gladly do that and say that the immune system of the human being and all those living beings that have it is the factor that largely determines the health of the whole body, but is not absolutely responsible for providing a complete defence against every infection in full effectiveness. This is because other decisive factors besides the immune system are important for a pathogen to penetrate and cause an infection. However, I am not allowed to give more details about this, because this would violate our directives, which do not allow us to interfere in any way with the course of any development in any field, science or other branch, etc. This has nothing to do with such things. It has nothing to do with giving advice on one thing or another. So just by mentioning a certain technical term I would be violating our directives, but I cannot do that in a certain way, so I will limit myself to a more detailed explanation concerning the immune system, which is universally of equal value.

The body of the human being as well as of all life-forms is constantly exposed to attacks from environmental influences, parasites, bacteria, viruses, fungi, microbes and toxins, etc., which lurk everywhere. Without the body's own defence system, the majority of all life-forms would be defenceless against the attacks of these disease influencers. The immune system acts defensively against the attackers and prevents infections, normally rejecting the pathogens that could enter the body from the outside and make it sick.

The body's immune system is mainly distributed among the cells and organs, each of which has specific tasks in the complex system and the defence against pathogens. The following can be mentioned:

1. The mucous membranes are mainly endangered by the penetration of pathogens, i.e. the causes of infections, but also the throat, the nose and the intestines, and ultimately also the skin.

2. The organ spleen has to fulfil functions of immune defence, namely with regard to the multiplication of white blood cells, the so-called lymphocytes, whereby overaged red blood cells are also secreted via the spleen. But it also stores defence cells, which are then supplied to the body when an immune defence is necessary.

3. A few defence cells are also produced as precursors in the bone marrow.

4. Then the tonsils also have an initial defence function against externally invading pathogens.

5. The lymph nodes and lymph node tracts simultaneously form a collection point for defence cells and antibodies.

6. Above the heart is the primary lymphatic organ, the thymus, or glandular tissue, which, as part of the lymphatic system, stores the mature defence cells or T-cells.

The immune system has 2 different types of bacteria and lines of defence for the defence against pathogens, firstly the body's own immune system, which is based on 2 pillars or 2 lines of defence, namely the natural immune system and secondly the immune system learned and acquired by the body. So there are the 2 following systems:

1. The natural immune system resp. adaptive resp. non-specific immune system, which is inherent and innate to the human being, as to every other life-form carrying an immune system.

2. The 2nd specific immune system has to be learned and trained by the human body, but this requires an initial contact with any pathogens, whereby the body then uses its ability to form antibodies.

An early warning of the immune system is given by the so-called branched cells, whose task is to alert a system of early warning of the immune system, immediately after the registration of a foreign invader in the body.

Protective means of the adaptive immune system are mechanical and chemical barriers, whereby the adaptive or innate immune system is the first to come on the scene as soon as pathogens make themselves felt and seek to find their way into the body. The early warning system usually identifies all foreign bodies and pathogens on first contact. This system, however, is divided into external and internal perceptions, which can be explained as follows:

1. The external protective function is formed by the skin and the mucous membranes, which in their function and existence are also called mechanical barriers, which protect the human body purely mechanically.

2. The inner protective function, on the other hand, is exercised by the chemical barrier.

This external barrier consists of body fluids as well as the body's own chemical substances that prevent the deposition of invading pathogens such as bacteria and viruses by immediately directing or flushing them away from the body. The main substances of this chemical barrier are:

1. The cilia of the bronchial tubes, but also the intestinal musculature, which, due to their constant movement, are responsible for ensuring that no bacteria or other pathogenic germs can be deposited in the bronchial tubes or in the intestines.

2. Saliva,

3. Eye fluid,

4. Vaginal fluid,

5. Urine,

6. Gastric Juice.

The substances that are available to the chemical barrier for defence or to prevent the invasion of pathogens are the phagocytes and killer cells, which are naturally given. Both types are constantly active in the cellular defence within the scope of their capacity, consequently they directly take up pathogens and foreign bodies, destroy them or transport them away.

1. phagocytes belong to the leucocytes or white blood cells, which eat up the pathogen, after which what remains of it is transported to the cell surface, where the specific immune system then also carries out the further immune defence assigned to it.

2. killer cells become active in a different sequence, particularly in the case of viruses and tumour-like cells. If they recognise such cell types, then a production immediately occurs to create special cell poisons, which then destroy the viruses or tumour cells.

If the specific immune system is explained in more detail, then it is to be said that it fights specific pathogens in a very targeted manner. It is important to note that if it is to do its job well, it must first 'get to know' the pathogen, which means that identification is necessary. A direct 'confrontation', so to speak, takes place between the immune system and the pathogen, whereupon, after identification, the immune system responds by producing special defence cells that serve to destroy the pathogen. This means that the immune system's reaction takes a little longer, because the first contact with a pathogen actually requires clarification as to what kind of invader it is. As is common everywhere, once something has been recognised or experienced, it is also the case with the immune system that on further contact with the same pathogen, it is recognised, consequently the system reacts more effectively and immediately takes countermeasures against it. The reason why the specific immune system protects the human body against certain diseases in this way is that the symptoms of the disease are significantly weaker or do not appear at all in the event of further contact with the pathogen. The immune system, which has learned everything it can about a pathogen through the first attack, then continues to work with the help of 2 types of cells, namely

1. with the T-cells or T-lymphocytes, which the human body has in the bone marrow, but which migrate from there to the thymus to mature and are then deposited in the tissue. In their fight against pathogens, the T cells perform 3 different tasks, namely as:

T-helper cells, which basically initiate the defence reaction in the body,

T-killer cells, which recognise and destroy infected cells and also tumour cells,

T-memory cells, which ensure that the specific immune system directly identifies the specific pathogen already infected once on the next contact and can react quickly against it.

2. B cells or B lymphocytes are also formed in the bone marrow, and they remain there to mature. Like the T-cells, the B-cells also have names from the place where they mature. The B-cells are always targeted at a particular pathogen, but they only form on that pathogen when the body has contact with it. The B cells are also activated by the T helper cells, and this happens when the pathogen enters the body and matches the B cell. The T-cells in turn then sound the alarm, causing the B-cells to multiply rapidly and transform into plasma cells, which in turn produce numerous antibodies or immunoglobulins/proteins within a very short time that render the pathogen harmless.

While the innate immune system attacks everything that crosses the body's barriers, the learned immune system is targeted and specialised to specific pathogens. T- and/or B-cells specifically attack a pathogen with specially targeted antibodies, and do so more efficiently even when an initial immune response takes more time because the learned immune system works more slowly than the innate immune system during initial contact with the pathogen.

The immune system can also be strengthened or weakened by a wide variety of influencing factors. For example, many external factors have both positive and negative influences, such as an unbalanced diet, alcohol, nicotine and everyday stress. On the other hand, the immune system can be strengthened by a balanced diet and also by a targeted supply of the necessary micronutrients. The body's own defences, which are thus addressed, require micronutrients, which are extremely diverse and vital, but which, in contrast to macronutrients such as fat, carbohydrates and protein and other substances that the human organism has to take in as plant and animal food, do not provide the human body with energy, which enable it to be energised and strong, but rather keep it healthy and able to defend itself against disease by means of a functioning immune system.

The abuse of alcohol and cigarettes weakens the human beings' immune defence and makes them more susceptible to pathogens and infections of all kinds, which is due to the fact that the antibodies for the defence against foreign substances and pathogens resp. immunoglobulins cannot be formed or can only be created very sparsely. The result is, for example, that a wound becomes inflamed very quickly or that wound healing is significantly slowed down, as well as that serious complications can be caused.

Very rapidly, however, these symptoms are intensified, for example, by the duration of the addiction to smoking, how long it has lasted and whether arteriosclerotic vascular changes have already developed that affect the blood supply to the skin, which has a further negative effect on the course of wound healing.

Alcohol is harmful to the entire immune system in a similar way as smoking; it even leads to an overreaction of the immune system, whereby the production of immune cells increases greatly, but later an opposite effect occurs and the killer cells of all kinds decrease and at the same time permanently limit the activity as well as the effectiveness of the immune system.

A human being who is an alcoholic or who frequently and carelessly consumes alcohol in excess will fall ill much more quickly, e.g. with pneumonia, than a human being who thoughtfully and sensibly restrains himself from alcoholic beverages so that neither an addiction nor a state of intoxication or simply a habit of drinking alcohol develops. In any case, alcohol is harmful either way if it is supplied to the body on a daily basis, but is not enjoyed sporadically in small amounts and in a way that is not harmful to the body.

The micronutrients take over key functions for the immune competence, namely in such a way that the supply of the body with all necessary substances or vitamins, minerals, trace elements and secondary plant substances functions, whereby e.g. vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, folic acid or vitamin B9, then also vitamin B12, vitamin D, zinc and iron etc. are significant and important. These have a positive effect on the immune system, whereby vitamin D and zinc are of particular importance for the immune system, because both are of special importance for the normal function of the immune system.

Other essential micronutrients that provide for the immune value of the human body are substances that have a decisive importance for the maintenance of the immune system through a healthy and balanced diet. The most important prerequisite for this is therefore a balanced diet that is such that the immune defence system can function optimally. In this context, overweight or underweight of the body is also to be avoided, which is why care should be taken that

1. the body is supplied daily with sufficient vitamins, minerals, trace elements and secondary plant substances, which is usually done through the diet. However, since natural foodstuffs have long since lost their value on Earth due to the application of chemicals and other toxins for rapid growth in the entire agricultural economy and also in the private sphere, even before the middle of the last century, since their invigorating naturalness for real nourishment has lost its value in a comprehensive way due to the use of chemicals and other toxins, the assistance of food supplements in the form of additional micronutrients has become necessary and supportive.

2. overweight or underweight of the human body is in any case and without exception harmful to health, because first of all overweight increases the susceptibility to infections, while underweight, on the other hand, is usually accompanied by a nutrient deficiency as well as a mineral deficiency, which negatively affects the immune system.

3. Furthermore, a high-fat diet is to be avoided, because this impairs the function of the immune system and thus increases the susceptibility to infections dramatically and uncontrollably.

4. Care should be taken to ensure that sufficient omega-3 fatty acids are always consumed, which are contained in high quantities in fish as well as linseed and rapeseed oil, among others.

5. It is a matter of course in a healthy diet that the diet should be varied and that one main food should not be used repeatedly within 12 days. This is because a diet that is too little varied is completely unable to provide the necessary natural minerals, which impairs the immune system and the general health of the body and thus promotes overweight or obesity.

If this is adhered to and what is learned is trained by the immune system, thereby strengthening the body's own defences, only then can it function correctly. The immune system itself is a complex system formed by different organs, cells, tissues and signalling substances, which is also constantly alert to ward off any threats from all kinds of germs immediately and as quickly as possible. However, in order for this defence mechanism to really function smoothly, it is necessary for the human beings to pay attention to and do what is necessary.

The immune system is dependent on help and strengthening from the outside, consequently the human being should support it himself, among other things with a

1. a truly balanced diet, which is varied and appropriate,

2. as well as with necessary food supplements, which can also consist of tried and tested home remedies.

The intestine in particular, as part of the immune system, has a very great influence on the body's own defences and thus also on health. The intestine, which is around six to nine metres long in normal human beings and also has a total surface area of around 400 square metres, is responsible for 77 to 83 percent of the immune defence in the entire body of a normal human being. The intestine decides what the intestinal barrier allows to enter the bloodstream and what not. The good bacteria are distinguished from the bad, just as pathogens are denied entry into the bloodstream. The intestine, which is part of the immune system and thus has a very great influence on the body's own defences, is not only very important for human beings, it is vital. Thus the intestine, with its influence on the immune system, is the most important organ of all in this respect.

The brain is important for the immune system, because it is – but you are not to mention this later, as you are not to mention various other things, but which I will mark specifically so that you know what to keep quiet when you call up our conversation, but which you yourself can of course know, which is why I will also mention it – with regard to … responsible for … and the blood-brain-…, because … the immune cells … in …, which means that the brain has a very important influence on the immune system. … A human being – like you, you are aware of this because we have already talked about this in detail when you suffered a left-sided stroke – whose brain has been damaged by a stroke, is consequently more susceptible to infections caused by pathogens, and this is especially the case when the left hemisphere of the brain has been damaged. It is also worth mentioning that left-sided brain damage has a negative effect on the immune system of the intestine. …

It is also to be explained that in human beings, in animals, as well as in various other living beings, certain genes have an influence on the immune system, and also on various brain functions of various brain areas. Immunological diseases are also able to negatively influence the memory function of the memory and the vegetative nervous system. This is because permanent stress also influences and damages brain activity in the same way as two very important nervous systems are influenced by the brain, namely the sympathetic nervous system, which as part of the autonomic nervous system supplies the intestines in particular, and the parasympathetic nervous system, which belongs to the involuntary autonomic nervous system and is responsible for relieving tension and regeneration, whereby the respiratory rate and heart rate flatten out. Permanent stress can cause lasting damage to the immune system, because stress, like certain other nerve stimuli, is able to penetrate directly into the immune cells in the brain, thus influencing the brain and thus the immune system negatively or positively. In this case, stress in particular is one of the influencing factors that have a very negative effect. The two nerve cords sympathetic and parasympathetic, starting from the brain and running through the whole body, correspond to a necessity that is extremely vital with regard to consciousness and the psyche. They also supply important organs and cells, including the spleen and the lymph nodes, where parts of the immune system are located.


That is really steep, but whether the majority of Earth-humans really grasp it and really understand it is probably too much to ask. The majority would rather believe in a delusion of God than think for themselves and do what is correct. But what about recognising, as I learned from Sfath, that there are living beings in the air as well as in the water that have nothing to do with the plankton beings or aeroplankton beings, such as algae, spores, plant seeds and viruses, pollen, thunderstorm beings, bacteria of the canopy spiders, etc.? Living beings, in other words, that have not yet been discovered by scientists because they lack the apparatus and instruments to do so. Is it fair to assume that findings will soon be made in this regard?


That will take a very long time, because the life you are referring to is the finest bioaerosols or the tiniest micro-organisms, which cannot be investigated with the equipment etc. that exists on Earth today, let alone fathom them. These are many times tinier than anything that the scientists responsible for this have been able to find out and determine with their apparatus and devices, because these are still very primitive and far removed from what would be useful to find out what is necessary.


And yet they think how clever they are and that they have eaten all knowledge with the shovels. So it is not, as Sfath said in the 1940s, that what already exists in the new millennium is only a beginning of what must be brought into existence, and that is much more than the earthling could ever imagine. All the technical achievements, which, moreover, will only be brought about from the 21st century onwards, are practically only a drop in the ocean, which can only be touched with gloves, because first everything has to be invented, which will take a long time into the 3rd millennium, and before that is possible – provided that it is possible at all due to overpopulation. This because this had already laid the foundation stone at the beginning of the new millennium for the fact that … … …


But you should …


… of course, you're right. But if I want to talk about something else, it occurs to me that I have been asked about the biblical giant Goliath, as well as Gog and Magog Enag. Unfortunately, with Sfath I only saw Goliath, who was actually no taller than Danel, who measures 250 cm. But as for the others, I do not know if they really existed?


I am afraid I do not know that either, because I did not travel around in the past to find out whether they were real or not.


The tallest giant I know personally, that is Andron, who is 550 cm tall, who Bruni also saw when he was leaning comfortably against the roof skylight at the house. Then, on the way to the air tower, the army night watchman who cut down young trees for more than 3,000 francs saw him. His reaction was completely idiotic, because he ran down to the guardhouse in fear and shot himself.


I am aware of that.


What do you think or what do the Plejaren think about sportsmen and sportswomen playing sports for money instead of doing real work?


The same thing wonders concerning football, tennis and other kinds of popular stupidity and that through the stupidity of the spectators and fanatics the players etc. can 'earn' a lot of money and live on it in joys and glory, as you often say in other relation, because they get millions through the stupidity of their followers belonging to both sexes, I find that disgusting. We Plejaren do not have such things, if only because we do not know money. And as for the stupidity of the followers, whose enthusiasm often corresponds to fanaticism, these human beings would do well if they were to take a job or a hobby on their own initiative.


Then something about neonicotinoids, which penetrate into the plant cells, as well as other insecticides. In total, all these poisons have already wiped out about 75% of the insect world, as you said, but practically humanity is also being treated with these poisons and exposed to diseases or death. This without the majority of earthlings really caring. Only a few environmentally conscious people are doing something about it, but what they are doing is something like a drop in the ocean, so their efforts are actually useless. Also, according to your measurements, there is much more fine plastic in the air, in the water and in all possible and impossible places on meadows, in forests and everywhere else, that the Earth is really contaminated with all kinds of toxins with plastic. We are mainly talking about plastic that is as fine as dust and is therefore not perceived by human beings, but which is deposited in the lungs and intestines through inhalation and even gets into the brain and thus ultimately impairs its function. This is not yet known to those of our scientists who are concerned with environmental pollution, whereby plastic is also brought up, but not in a form that really corresponds to what you have fathomed with certainty.

Already about 7 years ago we talked privately about the fact that microplastics organically change human beings and their brains, this among other substances, as you said. I also remember that you explained that very fine plastic particles etc. also change the thinking and mentality of human beings, through plastic particles and other material particles that are as fine and small as dust. But the organism of animals and all living beings in general is also affected by this, as you said. But we also talked about the fact that the mentality of the majority of humanity, as well as their general behaviour, could no longer escape dumbing down. Human beings will no longer be able to cope with life properly, which in time will reach global proportions and increasingly bring the psyche of many people into such turmoil and disorder that many suicides will be committed, human beings who have gone crazy will commit murders unexpectedly out of the blue and for incomprehensible reasons, and they will also be mentally ill for the rest of their lives.

Since about the second half of the last century, all the poison spread by the chemical industry has had an effect on all natural foodstuffs and also on the human being's brain, and thus also on his thinking, and also on the animals, the creatures, the fish, birds and creepers, and on all genera and species of walking beings in general, and also on all genera and species of all other living beings. Consequently, countless living creatures have died up to the present time, and this will continue to be the case from now on and in the future. The application of all kinds of chemicals for many decades has also led to many plants being poisoned and wiped out with chemical poisons, as well as many wild creatures finding no or only scarce food and thus migrating from their traditional areas and settling in new areas, where they may cause damage. Wolves, for example, look for new habitats because in their previous home ranges the hunters have largely shot down their prey. But the same thing is also happening to other life-forms, such as deer, whose young are being killed by irresponsible farmers by ruthlessly mowing down meadows without first searching everywhere in the grass to see where young deer are lying and ensuring that they do not meet a cruel death at the hands of the mowing machines. But many farmers and managers of large agricultural enterprises don't care, because they are only interested in making money. The fact that a lot of wild life is killed and thus more and more wild creatures are wiped out is of no interest to the money-grubbers.

Many ecological areas and other areas have been destroyed beyond repair by chemicals, and the chemical companies that produce the chemical poison have earned and continue to make a dumb and stupid living from it, unconscionably shovelling billions upon billions. This is also the case with the waste of useless or dangerous substances in general, such as partly with ineffective Corona vaccines, to which many human beings have fallen victim and through which many more human beings will die, because certain vaccines used have not been sufficiently tested or are useless or simply unsuitable in their effectiveness.


And this has been manifesting itself on a daily basis for a long time. We first noticed the dumbing down, as you call it, of young Earth-humans back in 1984. They have also become dependent and fanatical and in many cases without control, also the adult human beings of both sexes, especially from sports fanaticism, which is related to the activities of those who practise sports for financial gain. Earth-humans have also allowed themselves to be enslaved by technology, whereby communication technology in particular has led to a lack of personality, i.e. to the loss of personal relationships between human beings. Connections of a personal nature have developed to the point of insignificance, and marital unions have become dependent on very large financial assets, as well as on the degree of public awareness of the persons.

But let us leave these remarks, for I have recently become interested in the witchcraft of the old and new times, which never existed among us Plejaren and which, consequently, we have also never fathomed on Earth in its actual essence. We know very well through observation and indirect witnessing how everything took place in the final analysis, but we know nothing about how the 'teachings of witchcraft' are structured. I have a question about this, because you moved in these circles with my father Sfath, as I know from his annals, whether you can explain something to me about this?


Yes, I suppose I can, because Sfath and I were actually guests of so-called witches for a long time, where we learned a lot. But it takes a little longer to tell what the 'teachings of witchcraft', as you call it, entail.


Then it shall be later, I am thinking in doing so that the next time I visit you …


… Yes, I can do that.


Good, then it shall be so. I will be off then. Farewell, dear friend, Eduard.


Well, take care and see you again, Ptaah, my friend.


Here we are again, so I can give you the metal analysis of the metal I received from Semjase at that time, which was analysed very precisely in the USA by Dr Vogel. After all, his real analysis was totally different from the one done by EMPA in Zurich or in St. Gallen, which was strangely 'evaluated' as terrestrial or void.


This is known to me, but all that was given as an 'analysis' was only an infamous lie, because as we could fathom through our clarifications of that time, the whole thing was based on a swindle, because the metal samples were not analysed for their materials, because it was said beforehand that they were only allegedly pieces of metal of extraterrestrial origin, consequently everything was immediately ridiculed. With this, the die was already cast with regard to the alleged analysis, which was then actually fraudulently made, and without such actually having taken place. At that time, our very precise clarification clearly showed that it could also not be analytically established that the metal sample was not an earthly product. This was the reason why we ordered that a real analysis should be made elsewhere, whereby our committee, through my daughter Semjase, instructed you to pass on some of the metal samples and to have them analysed in America by real experts. So, through Lee Elders, Wendelle Stevens and Tom Welch, the samples came to the USA and to Dr Marcel Vogel, who then worked very precisely and did an analysis which was not completely finished when we had to intervene for security reasons, but the essentials were already revealed by the analysis. However, when he then wanted to do further analysis that would have revealed metallurgical findings that would still have been revealed almost 200 years too early on Earth, we had to intervene and take away the piece of metal sample that you had provided to him.


You just made it disappear on him, I was told.


You can call it that, yes.


Good, then here is the analysis translated into German, which I guess Wendelle Stevens, Lee Elders and Tom Welch had translated, which we also have in our small papers, which are in English and German, as you may not know?


No, I really do not know that.


All the better, then you can read the whole thing here:

Additional Metal Analysis

by Wendelle C. Stevens/Lee Elders/Tom Welch, USA

A small sample of one of the four metal states, examined by EMPA in Zurich and also by Dr Walter W. Walker, was brought to Dr Marcel Vogel for micro-analysis. Dr Vogel is a research chemist at IBM's investigative laboratories in San Jose, California, and a pioneer in luminescence technology. He developed liquid crystals, magnetic films, the floppy disk, etc. He is a pioneer in communication between human beings and plants and in energy transmission research and also wrote books and articles about it.

He began his work with the only tiny piece of metal of the second state form, the lacklustre silver piece, which had been obtained from the Pleiadians (note Billy: Plejaren). He discovered a great deal that had not been found out before (in the broad field of metallurgical analysis).

First of all, he found that one side of the micro specimen examined with a magnification factor of 500 stood up to the evidence that it had been machined in its microstructure, very probably with a laser. Examining the piece with the X-ray diffraction technique, for elemental analysis, he found a single elemental deposit of thulium (Tm, atomic number 69, atomic weight 168.934), a rare transition element in the lanthanite series, and also rhenium (Re, atomic number 75, atomic weight 186.2), another rare metal.

Thulium is usually only found in a transition state in modern Earth technology. He also found traces of bromine and argon gases alloyed in the metal. One side of the thulium indicated micro-machining. In a spectro-analysis, thulium showed the remarkable property that there was only one region of the main peak band for this element – and no secondary bands. All the elements studied with spectro-analysis have missing bands in their spectra that should be present if the elements had a normal atomic spectrum. This shows that the elements are composed very unusually compared to normal Earth technology. The spectrograms are completely different from what you would call an isotope. The spectrograms showed very high elemental purity and no secondary bands or catalyst. Most of the elements studied had the same non-terrestrial characteristics.

Because there was no ash and no heat residue, it essentially indicated a non-electrical cold-melt process of synthesis. Such a process is currently unknown in earth technology. A similar degree of purity was also recorded for an elemental aluminium as well as for silver.

Another unique feature of these elements was the almost perfect uniform fall of lighter elements preceding those studied by the spectrometer. Here the main band was at a very high purity level and then – without secondary bands and catalyst – an absolutely uniform curve of lighter elements, gases included, preceding the (elements) in question. It seems as if the desired metal is the result of a uniform build-up of atomic density particle by particle! The analysis of a non-metallic part of the sample with polarised light – called birefringence in a measuring method – showed crystalline structures that were organised in a spiral shape. The hexahedral shape of the crystals was clearly visualised under the electron microscope with a magnification factor of 2000. A micrographic photo showed unusual clarity, indicating unusual conductivity of the electrons illuminating the image. If one were normally dealing with ordinary, non-conductive crystals such as quartz, the electrons would accumulate at the crystal tips, creating a space charge that would obscure the images. The conductivity was so effective that the lower crystal structures within the crystal could be made visible – something previously unknown. The electrical bonding between the main crystal elements was so effective that a clear view through the crystal lattice structure was achieved. It revealed a spiral structure with regular intervals in the composition of the subparticles. Gas bubbles (occlusion?) were not present. If this had been produced by a heat fusion process, the picture would have been quite different and a greater mixture of elements would have been expected. There are exceptionally pure metals in one part of the specimen and non-metallic, extremely conductive crystals in another part. The composition of the crystals results in a non-identifiable substance that was previously unknown. Another micropart of the sample consisted of pure silver – again with no secondary bands and no contact substance. The silver was unusually conductive; it was fluid (smooth, frictionless) and connected to an aluminium surface that was also unusually conductive. Potassium, chlorine and bromine with a high degree of purity were also found. A density measurement showed other real anomalies in density and variable density curves indicative of the density gradient.

The metal specimen, wrapped in a small plastic envelope, was carried by Dr Vogel himself when he transported it, accompanied by Dr Richard F. Haines, to the Ames Research Laboratory. The aim was to conduct even more unusual investigations. Suddenly, the metal sample disappeared, leaving no trace or damage in the envelope. Dropping or mistakenly misplacing the sample while packing it in the envelope is out of the question. The original shape of the metal specimen was even still pressed into the plastic material of the envelope. This would have been even more disturbing if we had not already had to deal with a similar disappearance in Switzerland, where the metal sample had the next earlier condition of the sample mentioned above.

The following unique features that came to light during the investigations of the metal sample make it exotic and point very clearly to a non-terrestrial origin:

1. Unusual degree of purity of the metal, analysed spectrographically.

2. Absence of contact substance or secondary spectrogram lines.

3. Unusual number of trace elements found from the heaviest to the lightest gaseous elements, all along the scale, without interruption or gap. Again, all these lines show the same high purity for each element. The scientists mentioned have never seen anything like this before.

4. Strange, very uniform grain formation with a layer of horizontal grains sandwiched between layers of vertical grains, which are themselves sandwiched between two layers of horizontal grains, etc., in a tight lattice construction.

5. A metal surface showed an extremely fine machine cut, possibly made by means of a laser.

6. Composition of non-metallic crystals showing a strange structure and an extremely high conductivity for the elements.

7. The continuous build-up of lattice formations in the crystal structure and the spiral composition or piling up of crystals in the non-metallic substance was unique.

8. Some kind of non-electrolytic cold synthesis process is clearly identified.

9. There is evidence that the synthesis took place in a vacuum.

This metal specimen certainly did not come from anything known, and especially not from a smelting process (of the terrestrial kind) or from the residue of a scrap metal container. The real origin of these small metal fragments could very well be what the witness claims (namely extraterrestrial origin and extraterrestrial processing). We can offer no other explanation at this time. The investigation continues.

Very interesting, I really do not know that in this form, I mean in the German language. What I read, that was in English, but in German it is better to understand for me.


Me too, because I have always found English a disaster of a language that I never liked to speak and, moreover, have long since forgotten much of it. It is just fine for emergencies. Wendelle also told me, which Lee and Tom also confirmed, that Dr Vogel explained that the approach would be made in 150 years at the earliest and that it would then certainly take another 50 to even 100 years of research to produce the metal so that it would be equal in this respect.


That may be very good, for if I let present-day earthly metal research pass through my senses, then Dr Vogel was right, for the present state of earthly metallurgical knowledge is still so primitive that it is more than truly ridiculous what is being dreamed of and experimentally aimed at with regard to the Earth-orbiting station in Earth orbit in relation to possible space travel. There is nothing to object to if successes are achieved in the station with regard to research results that are useful for the health of Earth-humans and for general progress, but I cannot judge the dreaming with regard to space travel as good and correct, for it is so illusory that it really amuses me. What will be possible in the future will result from Earth-humans in SOL-space in such a manner that, for example, Mars and other planets, as well as their moons, can be explored and also exploited, but this does not correspond to the possibility of being able to carry out space travel, for the real space only begins far outside the SOL-space system.

Concerning foreign languages, however: You also spoke Ancient Greek and Modern Greek, as well as some Arabic, French and Italian, but also Turkish and Hindi, as I know. We spoke Greek with each other at the beginning of our contacts, and you cannot speak any of that anymore? How is it with …


… I have forgotten all that. I learnt it very quickly in three or four weeks, but I also forgot it again very quickly. I must say that I could not speak any language perfectly, but it was always enough to make myself understood and also to understand what was said to me. The last time I spoke Perdani, for example, it still worked when we, Guido and I, made an effort at the garage place and tried to use the radio to create a means of communication whereby the core-group members could have made contact with your committee. It was at that time when there was also talk of this and plans already existed for a screened room in which someone from you could also have been present, of course also screened but visible, to hold conversations with core-group members. But all that eventually went down the drain because betrayal was practised at that time and … that was then the end of the whole thing, and not least because … which almost cost me my life.


I am aware of that because my daughter Semjase told me everything personally. It was she, after all, who put you, Jacobus and Elsi in your condition …


… we do not have to talk about that. It was simply the end of the whole thing, which was planned and could have been.

This also made the whole thing with that part of the foreigners, the ones from …, unnecessary, that a contact should be attempted with them, who have been circling around in the Earthly skies since time immemorial, but who have never been able to detect your presence, and indeed still not up to today, although your ancestors came to Earth some 25 million years ago and you can still come here unrecognised from them and do your work. It is quite something that you Plejaren have been able to move and stay away from the foreigners in such an unrecognised manner for 25 million years, by which I mean those foreigners who …, and who, according to your explanations, came from … The other foreigners, we can leave them out, because …


We will continue to exercise all necessary caution, as against some as against others, also against Earth-humans, because there is still, unfortunately, the possibility of …


… Excuse me, but you do not have to say it, for it is also clear what would be, for you would be hunted down on one side as well as the other. Both the earthlings are keen on your technology, which also includes the second group of foreigners, as well as the foreigners from …, who could optimise their highly developed technology in such a special manner that they could locate things that are still unlocatable even for them, get hold of you, copy your technology and then unexpectedly penetrate into your dimension. As it is now, however, their aeroblitzers remain UFOs, which, however, certain Americans … This, however, is of course disputed, denied and kept secret, just like, of course, the military, secret service and governmental machinations, which would be so monstrous for the ordinary citizen that, if he/she knew, they would pull out all their hair or kill themselves.


About which, however, nothing shall be said.


Of course not, because I will put everything in full stops as usual.


Yes, it has to be.


Of course. Only those megalomaniac earthlings did not understand that, who ran the SETI project, which they should never have started, and also those who advocate it today do not understand that it should never have been designed and realised.


To worry about that now, and to make adverbs about it, is far too late, because this nonsense should have been considered earlier.


That is, unfortunately, the case, yes. As unfortunately as what the Swiss government is up to, that it will not let it end with the fact that it has already demolished Switzerland's neutrality by adopting the sanctions of the EU dictatorship and applying them against Russia, but now wants to destroy neutrality completely and utterly, under the destructive cover of a 'cooperative neutrality'. The latter is to be able to hold manoeuvres at home and abroad without directly joining the murderous organisation NATO. What happens later, however, that sooner or later entry into this murderous organisation becomes inevitable, is not thought about for the time being, but only when it is too late and the people then roar and rage and exclaim: "If we had known, then …". But then it will be too late and many dead Swiss, Swiss women and Swiss children will be sowing through the country. It will then be what has been said since time immemorial: "There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth", and this because Swiss neutrality will have gone completely to hell, forced upon us by irresponsible rulers who are supposed to guarantee security for the country and the people. In my opinion, these are no longer righteous rulers who are at the helm of the country today, but false and unworthy rabble who have no right whatsoever to sit in government and only cause mischief which, moreover, will be carried into the future and bring evil.


This is also what we have been pursuing and bringing to the notice of our peoples of late, who are commenting that if this is done, then neutrality – which is always to uphold and protect unbending and conceivably neutral forms in any case and under any circumstances – completely loses its value. If, therefore, the opposite is done in any form to the neutrality of a state, then this is tantamount to a betrayal of neutrality and, as it were, a betrayal of the country. So this was the case with the already very negatively tarnished neutrality of Switzerland, which has already irresponsibly and criminally broken the neutrality of the state by adopting the EU sanctions and applying them against Russia and somehow made it fair game for possible attackers. And this is done by completely irresponsible rulers who are absolutely unfit for their office, but are nevertheless hoisted into positions by just such irresponsible people, where they can then exercise their incompetence unchallenged and plunge the state and its population into misfortune. This is particularly incomprehensible from the very negative machinations of the Swiss state leadership, since our entire planetary people – we report to our peoples of the entire Federation what is important on Earth at any given time, not only political, but also natural events, etc. – have always had high regard for the leaders of Switzerland, ever since we reported on this freedom state. Now, however, this mood has turned negative, because a general lack of understanding has spread, which also raises the question why the people allow such misleading state officials at all and do not remove them from office immediately and without pardon.


Unfortunately, this is not possible according to our existing and primitive laws in this regard, because those who squat at the helm of government are protected, and their rights are also bent so that nothing can be done to them. So they can do whatever they want, as evil, mendacious and bad as possible, but they will always be proved right. If, however, they do not like someone in their own ranks, then the person is simply disregarded, cut, and pushed away until he or she throws in the towel of his or her own accord or is simply thrown out or voted away. This is what happened, for example, with Federal Councillor Blocher, who was simply voted out of office because he really represented the freedom of Switzerland and the people, which did not suit certain parties and people. On the other hand, misguided federal civil servants and other state officials are exalted, as happened with a Federal Councillor who was granted all the 'rights' of protection, although he … and thus did wrong, so he can continue to act as a Federal Councillor.

What else is happening now is that the part of the crazy and totally irresponsible rulers in Bern want to make a complete pig out of neutrality, precisely by Switzerland wanting to join forces with the murder club NATO in manoeuvres, under the want of falsehood 'cooperative neutrality'.


A word invention by state leaders who are irresponsible and stupid non-thinkers who do not care that by turning what is planned into reality, a treason will be committed and the state and its people will be exposed to future and unpredictable dangers that …


… who will not live to see the end of the song because everything will go down the drain before then.


That's about the right way to put it, then.


Yes, that's just what I was thinking.


That it will be so, if the nonsensical of that kind can be enforced, then it will indeed be so.


With this falsehood the people are to be bamboozled and deceived by good-for-nothings and swindlers who also want to have Switzerland incorporated into the EU dictatorship and thus banish the freedom of the entire Swiss people into EU dictatorship slavery. What kind of sad figures are these, who are such stupid and crooked figures of government, who are incapable of taking any responsibility for the country and the people, whereby Switzerland and the entire people are walking into the open knife of ruin and downfall. From a neutral point of view, the very fact that Switzerland wants to join forces with the murderer and criminal organisation NATO as a manoeuvre partner, according to the sense of the traitors to the country, is not only criminal treason, but absolutely impossible, because true neutrality never allows such a request, let alone such an action. This is also not the case when irresponsible rulers traitorously juggle with words like 'cooperative neutrality' and falsely and arbitrarily justify it in a deliberately fraudulent manner. But what this clique of murderers NATO, in addition to helping America's hegemonic mania, allows itself in its war mania obsession and thus in murderousness and destructiveness – whereby the countless rapes committed on the country's own girls, boys and women and these are later stabbed or shot, as this is committed in the Ukrainian army, but as it is common practice in every other army, but is deliberately hushed up – are not yet mentioned, that is not all. The truth is that everything goes even further, because this NATO clique of murderers manages to involve all the states of Earth in a conflict from which there is no way out that would lead to peace. I am not the only one who sees it that way, but also many others who even recognise the dangerousness of the murderous organisation NATO and write about it in newspapers etc., as the following article from yesterday proves:

NATO – the most dangerous Military Alliance in the World, 25th July, 2022

Chris Hedges is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who spent fifteen years as a foreign correspondent for the New York Times, where he headed the Middle East bureau and the Balkans bureau. Previously, he worked abroad for 'The Dallas Morning News', 'The Christian Science Monitor' and NPR. He is the host of the Emmy Award-nominated RT America programme On Contact.

At no time, including the Cuban Missile Crisis, have we been closer to the precipice of nuclear war. The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and its thoroughly dependent arms industry, with its billions in profits, have become the most aggressive and dangerous military alliance in the world. Founded in 1949 to thwart Soviet expansion in Eastern and Central Europe, it has become a global war machine in Europe, the Middle East, Latin America, Africa and Asia.

After the end of the Cold War, NATO expanded its presence and violated its promises to Moscow by admitting 14 countries in Eastern and Central Europe into the Alliance. Soon it will also admit Finland and Sweden.

It has bombed Bosnia, Serbia and Kosovo. It has instigated wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Libya that have cost nearly a million lives and driven some 38 million human beings from their homes.

It is building a military presence in Africa and Asia. It has invited Australia, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea, the so-called Asia-Pacific Four, to its recent summit in Madrid at the end of June. It has extended its reach into the Southern Hemisphere and signed a military training partnership agreement with Colombia in December 2021. It has supported Turkey, which has NATO's second-largest military and has illegally invaded and occupied parts of Syria and Iraq.

Turkish-backed militias are involved in the ethnic cleansing of Syrian Kurds and other residents of northern and eastern Syria. The Turkish military is accused of war crimes in northern Iraq, including several airstrikes on a refugee camp and the use of chemical weapons. In return for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's permission for Finland and Sweden to join the alliance, the two Nordic countries have agreed to expand their domestic terror laws, making it easier to crack down on Kurdish and other activists, lift their restrictions on arms sales to Turkey and deny support to the Kurdish-led movement for democratic autonomy in Syria.

This is quite a record for a military alliance that became obsolete with the collapse of the Soviet Union and should have been disbanded. NATO and the militarists had no intention of embracing the 'peace dividend' and promoting a world based on diplomacy, respect for spheres of influence and mutual cooperation. They were determined to stay in business. Their business is war. This meant extending its war machine far beyond the borders of Europe and engaging in an unrelenting state of war with China and Russia.

NATO sees the future, as set out in its document 'NATO 2030: United for a New Era', as a struggle for dominance with rival states, especially China, and calls for the preparation of a protracted global conflict.

"China is pursuing an increasingly global strategic agenda underpinned by its economic and military strength," NATO's 2030 Initiative says.

"It has demonstrated a willingness to use force against its neighbours, as well as economic coercion and intimidating diplomacy far beyond the Indo-Pacific region. Over the next decade, China is also likely to challenge NATO's ability to build collective resilience, protect critical infrastructure, engage with new and emerging technologies such as 5G, and protect sensitive sectors of the economy, including supply chains. In the longer term, it is increasingly likely that China will extend its military might around the world, possibly also to the Euro-Atlantic area."

Moving away from the Cold War Strategy

The Alliance has abandoned the Cold War strategy that ensured Washington was closer to Moscow and Beijing than Moscow and Beijing were to each other. The hostility of the US and NATO has made Russia and China close allies.

Russia, which is rich in natural resources such as energy, minerals and grain, and China, a manufacturing and technology giant, make a powerful combination. NATO no longer draws a distinction between the two, proclaiming in its recent policy statement that the 'deepening strategic partnership' between Russia and China has led to "mutually reinforcing attempts to undermine the rules-based international order that run counter to our values and interests".

On the 6th of July, Christopher Wray, Director of the FBI, and Ken McCallum, Director General of Britain's MI5, announced at a joint press conference in London that China was the 'greatest long-term threat to our economic and national security'. They accused China, as well as Russia, of interfering in the US and UK elections. Wray warned the business leaders they spoke to that the Chinese government was out to 'steal your technology, whatever your industry is, and use it to undercut your business and dominate your market'.

This inflammatory rhetoric is a harbinger of an ominous future.

You cannot talk about war without talking about markets. The political and social turmoil in the US and its dwindling economic power have led it to see NATO and its war machine as a means to its demise.

Washington and its European allies are fearful of China's trillion-dollar 'Belt and Road' initiative to connect an economic bloc of some 70 countries outside US control.

The initiative includes the construction of railway lines, roads and gas pipelines to connect with Russia. Beijing is expected to invest $1.3 trillion in the BRI by 2027. China, which is on track to become the world's largest economy within a decade, has launched the Regional Integral Economic Partnership, the world's largest trade pact of 15 East Asian and Pacific countries representing 30 per cent of world trade. China already accounts for 28.7 per cent of global manufacturing output, almost twice as much as the US at 16.8 per cent.

China's growth rate was an impressive 8.1 per cent last year, but is slowing to about 5 per cent this year. By contrast, the US growth rate was 5.7 per cent in 2021 – the highest since 1984 – but will fall below 1 per cent this year, according to forecasts by the New York Federal Reserve.

If China, Russia, Iran, India and other countries break free from the tyranny of the US dollar as the world's reserve currency and the international Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), a messaging network that financial institutions use to send and receive information such as money transfer instructions, it will trigger a dramatic fall in the value of the dollar and a financial meltdown in the US.

The enormous military spending that has driven the US debt to $30 trillion, $6 trillion more than the entire US GDP, will become unsustainable. Servicing this debt costs $300 billion a year. The US spent more on the military in 2021, $801 billion, which corresponds to 38 per cent of total global military spending, than the next nine countries, including China and Russia, combined.

The loss of the dollar as the world's reserve currency will force the US to cut spending, close many of its 800 military bases abroad and deal with the inevitable social and political upheavals triggered by economic collapse. It is a bitter irony that NATO has accelerated this possibility.

In the eyes of NATO and American strategists, Russia is the starter. NATO hopes that its military will become entrenched and weakened in Ukraine. Sanctions and diplomatic isolation, the plan goes, will oust Vladimir Putin from might. A patronage regime will be installed in Moscow to do the bidding of the US.

NATO has given Ukraine more than $8 billion in military aid, while the US has pledged nearly $54 billion in military and humanitarian aid to the country.

China, however, is the main course. Unable to compete economically, the US and NATO have resorted to the blunt instrument of war to cripple their global competitor.

Provocation of China

China's Provocation is a repeat of NATO's Agitation against Russia.

NATO expansion and the US-backed coup in Kiev in 2014 prompted Russia first to occupy Crimea in eastern Ukraine, with its high proportion of Russian-born population, and then (in February) to invade all of Ukraine to thwart the country's efforts to join NATO.

The same dance of death is being played out with China over Taiwan, which China considers part of its territory, and with NATO expansion in the Asia-Pacific. China flies fighter jets into Taiwan's air defence zone and the US sends naval vessels through the Taiwan Strait, which connects the South and East China Seas.

In May, Foreign Minister Antony Blinken called China the greatest long-term challenge to the international order, referring to its claims to Taiwan and its aspirations to dominate the South China Sea. Taiwan's president recently posed in a Selensky-like publicity stunt with a Pan-zero missile launcher in a photo circulated by the government.

Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen holds a locally made missile launcher this morning.

Source: – Rik Glauert (@RikGlauert) 2nd June 2022

The conflict in Ukraine was a bonanza for the arms industry, which needed a new conflict after the humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan. Lockheed Martin's share prices are up 12 per cent. Northrop Grumman is up 20 per cent. The war is being used by NATO to increase its military presence in Eastern and Central Europe. The US is establishing a permanent military base in Poland. The 40,000-strong NATO Response Force is increased to 300,000 men. Billions of dollars worth of weapons are pumped into the region.

However, the conflict with Russia is already backfiring. The rouble has risen to a seven-year high against the dollar. Europe is heading for recession due to rising oil and gas prices and fears that Russia could cut off supplies completely. The loss of Russian wheat, fertiliser, gas and oil due to Western sanctions is causing chaos in world markets and a humanitarian crisis in Africa and the Middle East. Rising food and energy prices, shortages and crippling inflation bring not only deprivation and hunger, but also social unrest and political instability. Climate emergency, the real existential threat, is ignored to appease the gods of war.

Threat of Nuclear War

The war-makers are frighteningly cavalier about the threat of nuclear war. Putin warned NATO countries to "expect greater consequences than ever before in history" should they intervene directly in Ukraine and ordered Russian nuclear forces to be put on heightened alert.

The proximity of US nuclear weapons stationed in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Turkey to Russia means that a nuclear conflict would wipe out much of Europe. According to the Federation of American Scientists, Russia and the United States control about 90 per cent of the world's nuclear warheads and have about 4,000 warheads each in their military stockpiles.

US President Joe Biden warned that the use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine would be 'totally unacceptable' and 'would have serious consequences', without saying what those consequences would be. This is what US strategists call 'deliberate ambiguity'.

After the Middle East fiascos, the US military has shifted its focus from fighting terrorism and asymmetric warfare to confronting China and Russia. President Barack Obama's national security team conducted a war game in 2016 in which Russia invaded a NATO country in the Baltics and used a low-yield tactical nuclear weapon against NATO forces. Obama officials were divided on how to respond.

"The so-called Principals Committee of the National Security Council – including cabinet members and members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff – decided that the United States had no choice but to retaliate with nuclear weapons," writes Eric Schlosser in The Atlantic.

"Any other kind of response, the committee argued, would show a lack of resolve, damage American credibility and weaken the NATO alliance." Choosing an appropriate nuclear target, however, proved difficult. An attack on the Russian invading force would kill innocent civilians in a NATO country. An attack on targets inside Russia could escalate the conflict to all-out nuclear war. Finally, the main committee of the National Security Council recommended a nuclear attack on Belarus – a country that had played no role in the NATO ally's invasion but had the misfortune of being a Russian ally.

According to the 'New York Times', the Biden administration has formed a tiger team of national security officials to conduct war games on what to do if Russia uses a nuclear weapon. The threat of nuclear war is downplayed with discussions of 'tactical nuclear weapons', as if lesser nuclear explosions would somehow be more acceptable and not lead to the use of bigger bombs.

At no time, not even during the Cuban Missile Crisis, were we closer to the precipice of nuclear war.

"A simulation developed by experts at Princeton University begins with Moscow firing a nuclear warning shot; NATO responds with a small strike, and the ensuing war claims more than 90 million casualties in the first few hours," reports the New York Times.

The longer the war in Ukraine goes on – and the US and NATO seem determined to pour billions of dollars in weapons into the conflict over months, if not years – the more the unthinkable becomes conceivable. Flirting with Armageddon in order to generate profits for the arms industry and fulfil the futile quest to reassert US global hegemony is extremely reckless at best and genocidal at worst.



This article actually describes what is threatening. Apparently, there are still Earth-humans who think deeply about the evil world situation and the circumstances that lead to it. That is indeed amazing how far thinking the writing is.


That is what I also was thinking, which is why I found I would put the article in front of you and you would see that apart from those pathetic lunatics of governments who cut down and make a pig of normal thinking people in their ranks, there are also otherwise self-thinking human beings who consider everything as it must be. So apart from those who do not think for themselves but let others think for them, there are other human beings in the government and among the people who think for themselves and do so a little further than is usual and do not simply listen to propagandist and partisan speeches. Thus, those who really think for themselves do not simply listen to the partisan speeches of the partisans who make a pig out of Russia and thus Putin, while on the other hand hailing Selensky and America to the skies. These self-thinkers remain neutral and see equally the mistakes, the injustice and the wrong as well as the criminal, the destructive and inhumane things that are being done on both sides of the warring parties. So they condemn in a non-partisan and neutral manner the wrongs committed on both sides, consequently not taking sides with one side or the other. This alone is correct and also prevents the preferential supply of weapons to one party, which in turn makes things worse and worse. Moreover, this is a crime of unparalleled proportions, for every earthling who supplies weapons or supports them is guilty of the deaths of those human beings who are killed or murdered by these weapons. And in this culpability, it makes absolutely no difference who the suppliers and supporters of the weapons are, whether they are state leaders or people from the people. They are all guilty of the death and murder of human beings, regardless of whether they are warring soldiers or civilians, because killing human beings always remains murder, and any person who supplies weapons or even advocates the supply of weapons is guilty of such murder.


This is correct, and every Earth-human should bear this in mind and thus prevent the supply of weapons. In particular, this would be extremely necessary with regard to Ukraine and the fanatical and pathological warmonger Selensky, who is in the service of the American state leadership and its dark leadership.


That is clear, but there is no point in going on about it, because it is much worse today than it used to be with the earthlings, because since the general stultification of the majority of them has taken hold, all preaching of logic, reason and rationality has gone to the wind, and consequently it fades away like sound and blows away like smoke. Let us therefore move on to something else, which is also talked to the wind, but which is becoming ever more precarious and will lead earthly humanity to ruin if the necessary countermeasures are not finally taken and implemented. In this regard, I am talking about overpopulation, through whose fault the entire world is already poisoned and there is not a single natural space left that is not affected by poison or filth, etc.. Even the Arctic and Antarctic are affected by this, as are all seas, all lakes, streams and rivers, all bodies of water in general, all mountains up to the highest heights, the atmosphere, the whole of nature, its fauna and flora and all ecosystems in general.

When human beings have exploited the Earth of its resources, wiped out most of the animals, the fauna and all life-forms and almost completely destroyed the plant world and poisoned all waters together with their creatures and made them unfit for life, and when they have allowed the human world population to overflow in such a manner, then it is recognised far too late by the non-thinking human beings that through their fault and their machinations everything has been destroyed and annihilated that was worth living. Namely, through the destructive and devastating machinations of overpopulation.

The sky above the Earth has existed since time immemorial, for billions of years, and has practically always remained the same, but the Earth itself, the beautiful planet, has changed adversely. But it has not done this by itself and on its own authority, but it happened through the evil, criminal, irresponsible, negative influence of the human beings, which happened as a result of all the machinations that were provoked and carried out by overpopulation – and still are. Not only the planet itself, but also all ecosystems, the entire life-form worlds of fauna and flora, as well as the atmosphere, the climate and all waters have been maltreated by the human beings in such a way that such a planetary change and destruction of life-forms has resulted as nature could never produce. With toxins, fire, concrete, iron, asphalt and steel, etc., as well as with land constructions and all kinds of protected areas, deforestation, other forest clearings, as well as maliciously set forest fires, and through artificially created climate change, everything has been pushed beyond the edge of what nature and its entire ecology can bear. With the dangerous life-destroying pollution of all kinds of the environment and all waters, etc., unnatural conditions have been created that human beings are no longer able to bring under control. As a result, Earth-humans are heading towards something that they will never, under any circumstances, be able to control.


This is unfortunately a fact that can no longer be changed. But now, unfortunately, my time is up and I must leave soon. But I still have a few things to discuss with you that should not necessarily appear in the discussion report. I also still have something to say from Quetzal concerning the greenhouse, namely that you should be concerned that the original state is restored, that everything grows and flourishes again as it did before everything was improperly changed and since then growth has fallen prey to harmful consequences.


I did not make the change.


Quetzal insists that the original state be restored so that everything grows and thrives again.


It will be done, because that is what I am going to strive for.


Good I will pass that on. He is very concerned that everything works correctly, that is why he is at the Centre so often.


But then I want to ask you why the youth, especially in Europe, are becoming so aggressive. Do you know anything about that?


It is based on climate change, which changes human beings in various wises, not only in their not even half-baked thinking, which goes hand in hand with stultification and aggressiveness, but also in an organic change. Due to these factors, not only the youth, who are very susceptible to it, but also gradually the adults become more and more brutal and irresponsible thugs, and finally also evildoers of a different kind. But now I have the following to say, which you are then to retrieve separately …


What is it about witchcraft that you wanted me to tell you about?


I am afraid we will have to postpone that. Now I really must go. Goodbye, Eduard.


Take care, Ptaah.


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