After the collapse of Biblical monotheist and monetarist finance, controlled by the Nazi Dark Fleet and Cabal, the defected Earth Alliance prepared a new quantum financial system with Starlink's 5G satellites. The transition from monetarist to quantum finance is being executed with the Tribulation and Great Reset. The terrestrial goal of the Great Reset is the deleveraging of incalculable fiat debt and depopulation. The extraterrestrial goal of the Plejaren Federation is a reconstruction of Nokodemion-Lucifer's Codex debt, in order to assume the government of the High Council on planet Erra.
The Great Reset deleveraging is carried out with COVID-19 and climate forcing, for the premeditated collapse of the economy. Plejaren Federation levy their involvement and guilt in Contact Report 789, explaining the impact of hyperinflation and negative interest rates. They confess that the Great Reset is a punishment to all people with deposits and savings, who should have hoarded their money on their responsibility, such as gold and silver, instead of in financial institutions.
Furthermore, they have already levied involvement and guilt for the technology of quantum finance, based on Starlink. Starlink is developed by Roman Emperor Caligula's clone Elon Musk, invented by Nazi NASA's Werner von Braun for the Imperator of Mars and Project Blue Beam, for the Orion hegemony (NASA, UN, EU, NATO, Vatican, WEF). Elon Musk received all of his technologies from Nazi in the United States, after General George S. Patton (Donald Trump) brought the Nazis during WWII with Project Paperclip. Earth Alliance returned deceased George S. Patton from 1945, as Donald Trump in 1946, to continue the Codex mission with quantum finance. For this purpose, they established Space Force, which is an extension of Solar Warden, ICC and the Navy, with associated NASA, UN, NATO and globalists.
Although Space Force has an official purpose for the defense of the solar system from the Deep State/Dark Fleet, they are essentially the same Nazi allies, executing the Bible and Henoch prophecies, with artificial duality and polarization. On one hand, Space Force with Earth Alliance and Galactic Federation are defending the solar system with a "liberation war" on the Moon, Mars and Earth and eliminating the Orion Cabal. On the other hand, Space Force is arranging the future of the solar system with precisely the same Orion Cabal, comprising NASA and UN, with the Artemis Accords.
According to Contact Report 733, if the whole Starlink enterprise is carried through to the end and completed, Plejaren Federation warn that something unpleasant will result from it. The unpleasantness from quantum finance on Starlink is a total blackout of Earth, after 5G will absorb all oxygen required for the visible light in the atmosphere.
Quantum finance blackout is hidden in plain sight on the Starlink logo with black Earth
The unpleasant things that the earthlings will be surprised about one day do not have to be mentioned. But if you can perhaps say something more about it?
54. I can do that, because officially the convoys of lights in the night sky are objects that correspond to a so-called Starlink project of the US space company SpaceX under Elon Musk and Gwynne Shotwell, as part of a planned world-spanning satellite network that is to provide comprehensive internet access in the USA from mid-2020, but will then also be used worldwide in 2021.
55. The purported objective of SpaceX's Starlink project is to create a global broadband internet belt around the Earth, to be assembled on a fleet of between 12,000 and 42,000 satellites.
56. What will ultimately become of all this, however, would be unpleasant, although in this respect there are only concrete ideas but no firm plans as yet, which, however, according to our view of the future in this respect, make it clear what will develop out of all this, namely exactly what I have explained to you and about which you are to remain silent.
57. 2 years ago I confided in you that such satellites would be placed in relatively low orbits around the Earth and that they would receive data from ground stations and transmit them to each other by laser.
58. To this I also explained that for the time being this satellite network is to provide wide area fast and at the same time low cost internet access in the USA, but that if the whole enterprise can be carried through to the end and completed to the last, something very unpleasant will result from it, as I explained to you privately on the 1st of January 2017.
Starlink is implemented by Earth Alliance with Donald Trump's Space Force (Solar Warden, NASA and UN)
I think so too. – But on a slightly different note, what has come up in your research regarding the negative interest rates being charged by the banks? Surely it's all about raking in money, this according to the word 'money makes the world go round'.
With that, you have judged the whole thing correctly, which you already said when you asked me to question this thing. It is effectively exactly what Sfath explained to you back in the 1940s, as you said. But it will also become, as you said, that everything will be concealed, denied and vehemently disputed and even branded as an evil conspiracy theory. This will even be attributed to you, although you yourself cannot be the person who has endeavoured to find out the truth behind the matter, but I have. And that is what I have really done and found out that very big profit is being made by charging negative interest. Seen in the background, the whole thing can be judged as a 'savings tax' in the way that all persons are punished with such a tax who do not hoard their money privately on their own responsibility, but entrust it to a bank for safekeeping. The whole thing is not only done unjustifiably by means of lying claims, but it also serves, on the one hand, solely to grab horrendous capital from those who officially and honestly invest and declare their money via the financial institutions, and, on the other hand, as a precursor to a later open personal financial disenfranchisement of the people.
Through the negative interest rate, immense capital is gained and investors are cheated out of the interest they should actually receive, because the financial institutions pass on the deposited capital and in turn receive interest for it, which they should partially pass on to the depositors. This, however, is concealed by lies and the levying of negative interest and therefore a 'savings tax' is enforced in that the invested capital is fraudulently used to gain capital for the respective financial institution, while the capital investors still have to pay interest for their investment, although new capital is gained through on-lending, which would have to be allocated in certain parts to the investors as profit.
What is ultimately to result from the levying of the negative interest rate is a factor that is still future in its effect, but is the beginning of it, which is now being prepared under false pretences and has been devised by elements who strive for absolute control of the individual human being. This is still being kept secret for the time being, but the whole thing is to lead in future to means of payment only retaining their value on an electronic basis and to all cash becoming null and void. The levying of negative interest therefore corresponds to a feint, which is planned in the background as a purpose to make the people in general so dependent on the state and to exploit them in such a way that no actual freedom is possible any more with regard to a personal handing out of means of payment, but everything is to be controlled down to the last detail of the purpose of use. In this way, however, total control of the peoples and thus of the individual human being is ultimately striven for, whereby the worst fears of those who anticipate future evil are fulfilled if the peoples do not counteract what is secretly striven for and already secretly accomplished by elements who are endeavouring to bring earthly humanity under slavish and total control.
The power of disposal of the personal handing out of financial means is to be more and more restricted in the future and finally completely abolished, consequently every transaction is to be electronically controlled by the state. Initially, only the large capitals are to be charged negative interest, but when experience proves that this can be carried out without any problems, then very quickly the lower capitals will also be included, so that it will ultimately happen to everyone in the same way. Thus, in the end, a total surveillance of every single human being shall come about, which is aimed at by means of lying regulations and has found its beginning in that first of all the levying of the negative interest rate was brought about by means of lies.
The true reason for the action that has been started is thus concealed from the peoples through lies and misrepresentation of the facts, whereby even the employees of the financial institutions are not enlightened, but are equally deceived, lied to and falsely 'informed' about the true machinations of the levying of negative interest rates, as are the peoples, consequently the well-thought-out clandestine action around the matter and the actually preparatory purpose of the negative interest rate is concealed.
So this results in what Sfath already said, but which I myself did not experience in future journeys, consequently I can only reproduce what Sfath said. This, however, prompted me to ask you whether you can get to the bottom of the matter of the negative interest rate. What you have found out, however, is probably a matter for the peoples to deal with and to say and enforce their own opinion on. Whether they want to allow themselves to be controlled down to the last detail by their state, to be slaves of their rulers and to be deprived of the freedom of their personal spending, that is their own business. But for those who hang on the coat-tails of the rulers, who are usually also delusional about an imaginary "dear God" who will make everything right – as far as the majority of humanity is concerned – it is very questionable, because as I see it, the majority of the earth's population does nothing, but lets everything happen to them that will happen. It doesn't even occur to them that the whole thing, which is now already going on, will eventually lead to the total control of the earthlings if nothing is done about it.
That will probably be so, and besides, you will be the sufferer who will be insulted for what I have explored, found out and now openly said.