Ukraine is executing the proxy war with Russia, with the scenario from the Bible and Henoch prophecies. After World War III, Ukraine is an early signatory of the Artemis Accords, and so their corrupt politicians must remain "innocent" from the premeditated participation in the Bible and Henoch prophecies, enabled by the CIA.
The goal of the Bible and Henoch prophecies is nuclear war between the US and Russia, for an eventual Chinese takeover of the whole Universe, with artificial technology. America's nuclear destruction is announced with Bible Revelation 18, "The Fall of Babylon".
'Woe! Woe to you, great city, dressed in fine linen, purple and scarlet, and glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls! In ONE HOUR such great wealth has been brought to ruin!'
During the war in Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelensky obtained spiritual support from the Vatican. The unsuspecting companion to Catholic Pope Francis is Billy Meier, who was contacted only by anonymous Ukrainian politicians, close to Zelensky. Both Pope Francis and Billy Meier "worship" Lucifer, as God and Nokodemion, respectively. The heavy conscience from the Bible and Henoch prophecies was expressed with antagonizing "cries" for Billy Meier's help. The anonymous Ukrainian politicians visited, wrote letters and called Billy Meier on his secret phone, to complain about the Nazi traitor Zelensky. They described him as a greedy warmonger, obsessed with power and purpose to assist America for the proxy nuclear war with Russia.
Actions speak louder, and solely by knowing about the existence of Billy Meier and contacting him, the anonymous Ukrainian politicians, as well as President, became self-exposed for the Bible and Henoch prophecies. A guilty conscience needs no accuser. These criminals have ambition for "pure spirit" form by admitting the crime with the Contact Reports and generating Codex. This pattern of Codex guilt levying has lasted for millions of years, but the Luciferians have never balanced the Codex debt, only enlarged it. Eventually, balancing Codex guilt via the military-industrial complex with Vatican's monetarism reached the last debt cycle when hyperinflation and economic depression with ice age are irreversible and irrecoverable. Yet, the Luciferians hope to achieve "pure spirit" form with their Contact Reports, so they can continue with "domination and control", but from stolen time and souls, from the Roman Empire and Star Trek.
The thieves who initiated and staged the war have a cowardly time advantage from the Akashic Records, with the Bible and Henoch prophecies. So, other NATO member states have remained ignorant and manipulated accomplices to the war. The burden for financing Plejaren's war falls to the taxpayers, whose assets, via national budgets, are misappropriated for financing foreign wars and weapons. Plejaren's Bible and Henoch prophecies caused a global pandemic, climate cataclysm and war, with consequent economic depression, hyperinflation, poverty, famine and ice age. During the insanity of war, the world forgot about UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which are mutually exclusive and impossible. The war profiteers are rejoicing towards the Artemis Accords on the Moon and Mars (Nazi slaves memorial). The victims are taxpayers who are expected to "own nothing and be happy", with the Great (Currency) Reset from Plejaren's Luciferian hegemony. The Great Reset is the biggest theft and wealth transfer for all humanity, deprived of life on a planet with ice age and 5G blackout.
Nazi Artemis Accords with Star Trek timeline from Lucifer-Picard-Hitler
New letter by Ukrainian politicians, posted from Germany
"Dear Billy,
Excuse me if we now also come to you with our request, but we hope that you understand us and our concerns, so we take the liberty of also writing to you. However, we have to give our letter to someone who will take it to the post office in Germany, because we cannot be sure that the letter will reach you from here. Our address is correct, our names too, because we do not want to be anonymous to you, Billy, but please do not write to us, because we cannot trust anyone, so we have to behave like the others who have already written to you and whose concerns you have raised and also published on the Internet. That gives us courage, and that is why we might also reach out to you. We have this to say:
Selensky is lying to the entire Ukrainian people with what he is constantly broadcasting on TV, because it is not what he is always lying about. Every day he has about 150 or sometimes more Ukrainian soldiers sacrificed and killed in the war, with the help of all those states that supply him with weapons. The war in Ukraine would have been over long ago if these weapons were not supplied to him by completely irresponsible state powers of foreign states, but the irresponsibility of the state powers of other states is great and they are as cowardly as Se-lensky himself. If he himself had to go to the front, where fighting is going on and he would have to join in, the war would have been over long ago, but he is too cowardly for that and would quickly wet his trousers. But he can stir up the people and the soldiers and have them shot and killed by the Russians, fuelled by the Americans and by Germany, especially by the war-mongering Foreign Minister Baerbock, as well as the German von der Leyen, who is the big word in the EU. Germany, of all countries, is interfering in the Ukrainian affair and is agitating and supplying weapons to Selensky, because apparently it was not enough with the last world war, which was caused by Hitler, with the German people joining in and persecuting the Jews and murdering them in concentration camps and also elsewhere. And this Baerbock and this von der Leyen are doing the same with their bellicose incitement against Russia and Putin, and Selensky himself is like the character image of Hitler and is with his Nazi attitude no better than Hitler was.
We ourselves are not hostile to Russia, not even if there is now war in our country under the leadership of Putin, but in our opinion Russia was forced into this by Selensky and the Americans because they want NATO and the EU to be able to establish themselves in Ukraine. They are really the culprits in the war and they should be held accountable. We are Ukrainians and we also want this country to stay for us and not to be ruled by Russia, but we see the injustice that is being done against Russia and against Putin, and that is simply not correct. That is why we are writing to you, because we know from the internet that you are a human being of integrity and that you only ever say what is real, and that is why we are sending you this letter, for which we request that you publish it verbatim on the internet and also spread what is the truth as it really is.
We hope that you understand us, which we actually do not doubt, but unfortunately half the world does not, because many of the world's state powers, as well as many human beings of the nations, prefer to believe a criminal like Selensky and the lying Americans rather than us. We, who are directly confronted with everything and know that everything is completely different and that the truth is that Selensky is a puppet of the Americans, who are behind everything and want to bring their Nato, which they created and also direct, into the country, are not believed.
Many greetings,
... ..., and … …"
Billy: Greetings Ptaah, good morning my friend. You are here early.
Ptaah: Greetings also. – Yes, if you have changed your rule of resting time, then I can very well follow it.
Billy: If that is possible for you, then good. I do not care whether you come early or late now.
Ptaah: Then everything is all right. – Yes, for my part, I have finished my duties which prevented me from coming here for some time. In fact, I have missed the conversations with you.
Billy: Unfortunately, that cannot be helped if one fulfils one's obligations responsibly. Just that, unfortunately, is not the case when there is no knowledge of how an obligation is to be interpreted, handled and understood.
Ptaah: That is unfortunately the case with Earth-humans.
Billy: Surely you Plejaren will be over that, won't you?
Ptaah: Unfortunately, that is not the way you think, because with our human beings everything is on the whole better in that respect than with the Earth-humans, but also with us there is no perfection in that respect. But I hear from your words that you wanted to say something, but which you …
Billy:… you also notice everything. It would be important what you found out regarding the progress of the Corona?…
Ptaah: There is not much to say about that, for our advice remains what I have told you and recommended since the outbreak of the plague, namely that you should all follow it. At the moment, a new mutation of the virus is growing, which is slowly spreading, but will only spread in the coming weeks in such a way that new measures will be necessary again. That's all I want to explain for now, except that the new mutation may again be more aggressive than the milder form so far.
Billy: OK, that's enough. – You are right, I actually wanted to address something that concerns me, because yesterday a programme was shown on television in which Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis and a reporter talked about neutrality. What Mr. Cassis let out and said about what neutrality is and what it allows knocks the brim off the hat. What he said and revealed was truly hair-raising, namely that he has no idea whatsoever what neutrality really is. With a cold mouth and a stupid expression on his face, he said that it was absolutely permitted and correct under Swiss law for the sanctions imposed by the EU (dictatorship) against Russia to be adopted and applied by Switzerland, that this was therefore legal. I find this more than just a hammer, and the fact that this lousy partisanship of the Federal Council and apparently also of those in power from the Council of States and the National Council is being exercised and represented, really knocks the ground out of Swiss neutrality. The whole thing contradicts what was decided in Vienna and Paris in 1815, that the absolute neutrality of Switzerland was recognised under international law, whereby this was also laid down in writing with the Treaty of 20 November 1815 after the recognition of the major European powers, with the wording that this guaranteed the perpetual neutrality of Switzerland, as well as the inviolability of Swiss territory.
How many and which of the Federal Councillors in Bern, as well as of the Council of States and the National Council, and also of the Swiss people, roared along in a partisan way and still roar along today and have represented and still represent the sanctions against Russia unlawfully adopted by the EU dictatorship – in accordance with the true neutrality laid down in the treaty – is unfortunately unknown to me. But either way, it is a disgrace for the fallible members of the Federal Council, the Council of States, the National Council and that part of the population that still howls along with the adoption and application of the sanctions and supports the whole thing in a partisan manner. And this is clearly happening because those crying sanctions neither understand nor are aware of what neutrality actually means and says, namely that under no circumstances does it permit partisan interference in any matters, whether political or private.
With regard to the Federal Council, the Council of States and the National Council, the question is indeed how and why such persons, who are truly ignorant of neutrality, can be elected to government positions at all and then also, as a result of their office, break neutrality and trample it underfoot! But this is obviously not enough in Switzerland with the breaking, the wrong interpretation and disregard of neutrality, because the hammer still strikes with the fact that traitors of both sexes want to annex Switzerland to the EU dictatorship and make every effort to be able to out Switzerland as a member of the EU dictatorship. And the fact that in this EU dictatorship it is no longer the individual members who have the say over their country, but that the EU dictators in Brussels decide everything, is obviously not considered and thus not recognised.
The fact that every EU dictatorship member country is banned by the EU dictators in Brussels is just as little recognised by the rulers of the countries and their peoples as the fact that the countries that need money from the EU dictatorship only receive it if they do what the dictatorship demands. In this way, the EU dictatorship blackmails the member states – above all it is the criminally stupid Ursula von der Leyen who wields the sceptre in this regard, if I am correctly oriented.
With all their might and lies, with finesse, conviction and fraudulent background, everything that is dictated by the EU dictatorship is crammed through until it is 'accepted' by the members. The fact that there are real lie factories that are also involved in the politics of the EU dictatorship, as is also common in economic life, is of no concern to the majority of politicians or the people. The false reports that these downright lie factories invent and spread worldwide in newspapers, on TV and otherwise in public organs, which the politicians also like and believe, lead to the fact that consequently the politicians and the peoples act accordingly and wrongly. But nobody notices and considers this, because everything is accepted and runs the way the power-hungry EU dictatorship wants it to.
What can one do against those stupid and idiotic people in power who are incapable of thinking things through for themselves, who do not think and who cannot see and recognise everything as it really is. They do not allow those who are logical and reasonable and whose sensible thoughts and values would solve many intractable problems. They are simply disregarded, pushed aside and even laughed at, because the great and the opinionated are too stupid and too dumb to understand what the thinking and the reasoning really achieve.
In their megalomania and self-importance, the big and the right-wing as well as those addicted to power believe themselves to be superior to all those who really think, as well as to the people and especially to those citizens who are capable of thinking further than just the tip of their nose. But it is impossible to make this clear to the megalomaniacs and autocrats in the governments, because they imagine that they are infallible and know everything better than those of the people who are really able to think and consider everything and draw the correct conclusions and conclusions from it. This is obvious, but unfortunately not the case with many of those in power, because apparently they do not even know what neutrality is. Obviously, they do not know that neutrality does not allow any deviations of any kind and thus does not offer any possibility to enable surreptitious procedures and lies that are against the new reality, break it and kick it into the dirt. Just as those lazy and ineffectual elements of the Federal Council and obviously of the Council of States and the National Council did and do, who are insufficiently educated, that they do not know and do not understand that neutrality must be observed under all circumstances and does not in the least allow and permit a political-party complicity of any kind against another state.
Since time immemorial, neutrality has meant – and this was also the case when the decision on neutrality was taken in Vienna and Paris on the 20th of November 1815, which was also laid down in a treaty – that the State of Switzerland may not interfere in the affairs of other states under any circumstances, and also not in such a way that machinations, such as sanctions imposed by a foreign state (as in the present case by the EU dictatorship), may be adopted and applied. If, however, this is done today by some incompetent elements of the Federal Council, the Council of States and the National Council, then they are not only violating neutrality, they are even trampling it underfoot and making a pig of it, both politically and privately. It really begs the question how it is possible that such persons, who have no clue what neutrality even means, are elected to any office of governance. In my opinion, this can only happen because that section of the electorate is as stupid and dumb as those persons they elect to governance.
Ptaah: You are speaking a frank word that will not bring joy to the fallible of politicians and the electorate. But for my part, I can only agree with your words because they say exactly how the situation is behaving.
Billy: Exactly, and what else can one say about it, because every word is denied by these people anyway and led ad absurdum, because those who are addressed by my words, in their delusion of grandeur and in their self-importance and conceit that they are the greatest, are not able to recognise and understand that they are actually only such 'abverheite' rivets in their position, who are no good and certainly do not correspond to what should actually be true human beings. So one can only say that they correspond to rivets who are in no way really capable of holding together what the blessed Confederates and our fathers achieved and knew how to preserve neutrality, so that our country – despite the traitors and other enemies of the country etc. – was spared the direct world war. And the fact that nowadays other traitors to the country are messing up Swiss neutrality and trying to make it pliable, that really takes the biscuit. Regardless of whether they are incompetent Federal Councillors, Councillors of the Council of States or National Councillors or stupidly stupid elements from the people, all those misguided people who bend and disregard our Swiss neutrality are in fact lousy neutrality destroyers and neutrality deniers who still have the cheek to call themselves 'neutral Swiss', although what corresponds to a breach of neutrality is actually tantamount to treason. This is equally true for those who are to be put in the same basket of treason, who strive for membership of any kind in the EU dictatorship and who want to betray and sell their homeland Switzerland to it. And again we are dealing with young riff-raff who were born long after the last world war – the next one is already going on underground by supplying weapons to Selensky – and have not experienced that Switzerland was spared from direct war and the invasion of the NAZI army. This despite the fact that these NAZIs loudly sang "little Switzerland, the porcupine, we'll take it in retreat". Admittedly, this is long in the past and forgotten; only a few are alive today who still heard the NAZI army proclaiming this and conquering neighbouring countries around neutral Switzerland with murder, manslaughter and destruction. Even then there were traitors who wanted to join the NAZIs and betray their homeland and its neutrality, but this could be prevented and for this reason executions were also carried out according to martial law, whereby my godfather – with whom and with Aunt Martha I was on holiday at the time – and I were able to observe one near the Katzensee when we crept up. My godfather learned the place and time of the execution in Regensdorf prison, where he worked as a prison warden.
Well, we are back to treason today in 2022, as apparently freaked-out, crazy young Swiss people have also betrayed the homeland and its neutrality by doing so in the way massively, namely by adopting and applying EU dictatorship sanctions by Switzerland against Russia in violation of neutrality, against all law of neutrality.
And when I say that this is tantamount to a breach of neutrality and thus treason, then this is particularly serious because this is being done by the government of Switzerland, which should know that neutrality completely and absolutely excludes anything of an activity and interference in matters, etc., that are foreign. Politically and also privately, neutrality – as it was laid down by Switzerland in a treaty in 1815 – means that it does not leave the slightest room for interfering in any way or form in the affairs, concerns or any other matters of adversaries and that, as a result, the banner may be seized for one or the other party in a favourable or unfavourable form, no matter what the matter may be. Neutrality means: to keep out of everything and anything that is foreign-determined under all circumstances and in all cases. Interference may only take place, and absolutely only in a conciliatory advisory and mediatory manner, if one or other of the opposing parties so desires. Neutrality is no more than that, since it must be fully and absolutely respected under all circumstances, politically or privately, right up to the final point, just as any participation in any form of measures, etc., by foreign politicians or private individuals, never entitles them to adopt and apply them.
Then I want to say that what I say corresponds only to the bare truth and has nothing to do with taking sides with Russia or Putin or advocating and affirming their actions. So my words are in no way intended to be an excuse, endorsement or justification for Russia and Putin's war on Ukraine. Every act of war, and consequently also Russia's and Putin's attack and war against Ukraine, is – as in every other case – an inexcusable crime that kills many human lives, destroys human achievements, destroys and exterminates nature and its fauna and flora, and causes misery and hardship. All this is just as inexcusable and criminal today and tomorrow as it has been since time immemorial, and also when, in a quarrel, etc., hatred, retaliation and revenge are the order of the day. This is true even if hatred, retaliation and revenge arise or if patience is lost. War on any grounds is never justified, nor is hatred, retaliation and revenge, and this is also true of torture and capital punishment, as well as corporal punishment, such as whippings, beatings and burnings, etc.
As far as Switzerland's neutrality is concerned, young parliamentarians, politicians, etc. are appearing today who are striving for membership in the EU dictatorship and thus not only want to throw Switzerland's neutrality into the mud, but also thoughtlessly want to dishonour their homeland and make it fair game for foreign powers. This is already because the EU is a true dictatorship that has enshrined the death penalty in its constitution, which would automatically sooner or later also be transferred to Switzerland, which has abolished this more than just reprehensible inhumanity by treaty, but would nevertheless disregard it and apply it again in our country through the EU dictatorship.
At the end of this last world war, together with Sfath, I heard many human beings in Germany exclaim: "Never again war." But what is being done in Germany today? All the cries of that time have gone unheard and have been forgotten, because today the younger people and those in power, mainly the Foreign Minister Baerbock and, in the EU dictatorship, von der Leyen – who did not experience the war – are crying out for weapons for Ukraine and are thus carelessly indirectly promoting the war and in this way making Germany a full perpetrator of the war. And this is done quite legally, and in such a way that those of the war supporters who are thereby making themselves guilty with regard to the delivery of weapons are promoting and prolonging the war in Ukraine and, moreover, are doing the same thing and howling about it as their ancestors did and thus conjured up the world war that was rampant across the Earth.
All that is missing is that they also do the same as happened in Germany after the war, that the human beings who previously supported the war, for whom the post-war misery brought great hardship and misery, went completely crazy. Hunger alone drove many human beings to murder and manslaughter, which can now happen again because, through America's fault, hunger is already beginning to gnaw at human beings in various countries. If the Americans had kept their hands off Ukraine instead of supporting Selensky in his delusion to join NATO and the EU dictatorship, he would have had to give in and the war would never have come about, which now means that the necessary food – mainly grain – cannot be exported from Russia and Ukraine. The accruing food crisis, which is already spreading in a truly alarming way in many countries of Earth, is the fault of the Americans and those states of the West which supply Selensky with weapons, enabling him to continue to rage and fight in the country, to predestine himself among the stupid and the stupid who cling to him and do not see what is really going on with this man and what he intends to do and to exploit all those who fall in bondage to him and dance to his fiddle playing falsely without noticing how falsely his instrument plays.
The still young human beings who are in government today, who have experienced nothing of this and know nothing of what really happened in the past, are now running their mouths, making themselves important and inciting war against Russia and Putin. Especially the young and not exactly clever Foreign Minister Baerbock and von der Leyen in the EU dictatorship are leading the big war-mongering word, to which all stupid and dumb people of all ages of the governments as well as of the people listen and do what these darned war-mongers are shouting.
Also almost all other of the young human beings – there are very few who do not belong to them – have no healthy life experience at all, but only a big mouth with which they act incitingly against Russia, ignorant of the truth, biased and very long decades after the last world war, which was fought under Hitler's patronage. And just as long after the last world war was lost and ended, these young people were born and brought into the world, and today they are cultivating their self-importance, their delusions of grandeur and their loud-mouthed snouts in the governments, and they are calling out war-mongering against Russia and supplying weapons to Ukraine, so that the war will last even longer and cost more and more human lives and cause greater destruction and damage to nature and its fauna and flora. And that behind all this is the Ukrainian President Selensky as the true author, because he absolutely wants to have NATO in the country and also to sell it off to the EU dictatorship, but at the same time to expand his might in such a way that he can remain president for the rest of his life, is something about which all those who help him and supply him with weapons thoughtlessly do not give any thought, let alone a guilty conscience. And that America is behind it all, as well as its shadow government, with all its efforts to achieve world domination, which means that Russia can be made a complete pig and ultimately dominated by America, nobody wants to know anything about that, because the truth does not want to be heard, but is treated as a fake and a conspiracy theory. The young politicians who were born long and thus decades after the last world war and did not experience the hardship after the end of the war belong to the same category. And they all do not know how their parents or other human beings had to cope with their lives at the end of the war, and that the US might did nothing about it when the people in Germany were starving, as I myself have seen together with Sfath. It is true that many of the American people donated a lot to the suffering Germans, who had previously closed their eyes and senses to the NAZI massacres, but were now themselves in need and misery because they had to gnaw at the hunger cloth. This sprouted evil blossoms, as I myself saw in many places when I was with Sfath here and there in Germany, not even 10 years old. I saw human beings shouting at each other and fighting over blue parcels containing foodstuffs which, if I remember correctly, were labelled 'DONATED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES' or something similar. But many human beings were so desperate in their misery and need that they would stop at nothing, for many were also simply murdered and robbed. I saw others killing and even eating human beings, and one woman who killed several acquaintances literally slaughtered them and sold the human beings as horse meat to people she knew. I did not see this myself, but Sfath told me so, and I was also taken there by him when the woman who was caught and distributed to death and her actions then finished on a guillotine, which I witnessed from the ship and saw her beheaded. It was in the middle of a rectangular large courtyard enclosed by tall buildings, I remember that clearly. Admittedly, I had seen executions before, carried out with a large sword or with a broad-bladed execution axe, which with few exceptions was always done on a scaffold. In …
Ptaah:… I read that in my father's annals, as well as many other things he made you see even in your boyhood, things I never witnessed or otherwise experienced during my entire lifetime. It is incomprehensible to me that you …
Billy: … you don't have to keep talking, because I also know what you're trying to say. Somehow I have digested everything, the executions and the tortures and everything else that I saw, experienced and learned as a little boy. But everything helped me to always be able to manage my life cleanly, despite very many attacks and injustices, to really become a human being, to learn many things and work to finally do what has become my life's task. I guess that's all there is to it.…
Ptaah: That is probably so, but the fact that you – and I don't want you to interrupt me – also learnt the most diverse work in your life and developed the skills that were necessary to build up the more than just dilapidated centre and to make a true paradise out of it, which is now world-famous, that is more than a human being can actually manage. Just what my father put you through, made you see and taught you, that is much more than a human being can cope with and still remain humble and …
Billy:… it is really enough, you have said more than was necessary. It really is enough, so let me talk about what we were talking about earlier. – So, it is really the case that many unreasonable and incompetent people in government live in their unreasonableness and stupidity and stupidity and in the delusion that a powerful army is necessary for peace and for its preservation. This is precisely because enemies must be fought with armed force, as is currently the case in Ukraine, where Russia has invaded with war and Selensky wants to continue the war with all his might for his future plans until he has achieved his goal. But this can only happen through the stupidity and stupidity of the arms suppliers, who senselessly throw billions of money around to arm their armies, as they have done since time immemorial. Armies and militaries that never bring peace, but only fear, hatred, revenge, retaliation, murder, deaths, destruction and annihilation, because the lazy excuse that the military is a guarantor of peacekeeping has been proven to the contrary for millennia. Military ensures that the threat of war constantly hangs over humanity like a sword of Damocles and never ensures peace. (Note: Damocles, according to legend, was a servant at the court of the king and tyrant Dionysus the 1st or 2nd of Syracuse in the 4th century BC. Damocles was so delighted with his king that he praised him in particular and called him the happiest human being in the world. The king then had an idea: he wanted to swap places with his courtier and give him the throne. To do this, he thought up a sadistic treat for his favourite and had him sit on his throne and taste all the delights of a princely table. However, before doing so, he had a sword attached to the ceiling above the throne, which only hung on a horse's hair and threatened to fall down at any time). On the contrary, the military is constantly lurking in wait to strike somewhere, be it through the country's own uprisings, preservation of power, acts of violence and crises, etc., or through foreign threats or military incursions and attacks, etc. This is the case in democracies, dictatorships, kingdoms, etc., as well as in so-called neutrality states, including Switzerland, where it is simply called 'armed neutrality' to deter or ward off a possible foreign enemy.
The military or the national army costs money, literally billions, which are senselessly 'invested' in the so-called 'defence army' and its arming of a country. Everything costs huge amounts of money, and in addition, the human beings or soldiers are trained to become soldiers or murderers, who then kill, destroy and annihilate legally and uninhibitedly, either victoriously or beaten down by the enemies. This happens in states that do not know neutrality, but also in states that are neutral, such as Switzerland, where there is simply talk of 'armed neutrality', which makes no difference whatsoever to the fact that every military is conceived and prepared to kill, murder, destroy and annihilate. This is supposedly in order to maintain peace between the various states or to achieve peace through combat operations – or to invade other countries out of hatred, revenge, retaliation, the desire to conquer a country, to gain resources or other base and money-greedy ambitions. Especially now in Germany, where billions of EUROs are being senselessly squandered and the army is to receive an extra 100 billion EUROs. But also in Switzerland the same thing is being done, because our good Finance Minister, Uèli Maurer, has to cope with it, whether he likes it or not, because the others simply outdo him. But that is what is done in all countries. One time, then, that.
Under the patronage of the Americans and NATO, which have spread out in Germany, German soldiers have taken action in various countries of the Earth, have murdered or died, thus trampling on what was proclaimed in Germany after the World War, namely 'never again war'.
Selensky demands weapons from the world, and stupid and stupid people supply them and thereby promote the war that Selensky, in his megalomania and fanaticism, wants. He fancies himself the greatest and equals everything that happened in the last world war. All the stupid and dumb ones who are in bondage to him do not realise that he is only concerned with his own might, murder and killing as with his self-delusion, his megalomania and hatred and with his desire for revenge, and that he is doing the same thing that happened in the last world war.
Ptaah: I have to speak to that in the way that you are stating comprehensively what we have also stated, so I am not stating personal views and judgements, but realities that are actually given. So I only state facts that correspond effectively to what actually corresponds to reality and its truth, as you emphasise again and again when you state facts. It is …
Billy: … excuse me if I interrupt you in this, but it is unfortunately necessary to say that, precisely that it corresponds to the established reality and its truth and therefore not to an opinion or conjecture, when something is said that is reality and that has actually been so established, seen and perceived.
Ptaah: That is correct, but does that have to be said over and over again?
Billy: I think that this is necessary, because it is important that the earthlings are told this again and again, so that they understand that something is not simply invented, assumed, assumed or talked about, but really corresponds to the effective direct perception and observation or ascertainment of what one has ascertained oneself. Therefore, it is necessary to point out that what one presents or says corresponds to reality and its truth, which one has seen, experienced, observed or perceived as reality. Unfortunately, there are only a few human beings on Earth who understand or want to understand this, such as human beings who think for themselves and do not simply believe what is thrown at them as supposedly true and effective 'knowledge' and as 'fact', etc. If I quote, for example, this letter written here in German, which is signed … … and … …:
Dear Billy,
Excuse me if we now also come to you with our request, but we hope that you understand us and our concerns, so we take the liberty of also writing to you. However, we have to give our letter to someone who will take it to the post office in Germany, because we cannot be sure that the letter will reach you from here. Our address is correct, our names too, because we do not want to be anonymous to you, Billy, but please do not write to us, because we cannot trust anyone, so we have to behave like the others who have already written to you and whose concerns you have raised and also published on the Internet. That gives us courage, and that is why we might also reach out to you. We have this to say:
Selensky is lying to the entire Ukrainian people with what he is constantly broadcasting on TV, because it is not what he is always lying about. Every day he has about 150 or sometimes more Ukrainian soldiers sacrificed and killed in the war, with the help of all those states that supply him with weapons. The war in Ukraine would have been over long ago if these weapons were not supplied to him by completely irresponsible state powers of foreign states, but the irresponsibility of the state powers of other states is great and they are as cowardly as Se-lensky himself. If he himself had to go to the front, where fighting is going on and he would have to join in, the war would have been over long ago, but he is too cowardly for that and would quickly wet his trousers. But he can stir up the people and the soldiers and have them shot and killed by the Russians, fuelled by the Americans and by Germany, especially by the war-mongering Foreign Minister Baerbock, as well as the German von der Leyen, who is the big word in the EU. Germany, of all countries, is interfering in the Ukrainian affair and is agitating and supplying weapons to Selensky, because apparently it was not enough with the last world war, which was caused by Hitler, with the German people joining in and persecuting the Jews and murdering them in concentration camps and also elsewhere. And this Baerbock and this von der Leyen are doing the same with their bellicose incitement against Russia and Putin, and Selensky himself is like the character image of Hitler and is with his Nazi attitude no better than Hitler was.
We ourselves are not hostile to Russia, not even if there is now war in our country under the leadership of Putin, but in our opinion Russia was forced into this by Selensky and the Americans because they want NATO and the EU to be able to establish themselves in Ukraine. They are really the culprits in the war and they should be held accountable. We are Ukrainians and we also want this country to stay for us and not to be ruled by Russia, but we see the injustice that is being done against Russia and against Putin, and that is simply not correct. That is why we are writing to you, because we know from the internet that you are a human being of integrity and that you only ever say what is real, and that is why we are sending you this letter, for which we request that you publish it verbatim on the internet and also spread what is the truth as it really is.
We hope that you understand us, which we actually do not doubt, but unfortunately half the world does not, because many of the world's state powers, as well as many human beings of the nations, prefer to believe a criminal like Selensky and the lying Americans rather than us. We, who are directly confronted with everything and know that everything is completely different and that the truth is that Selensky is a puppet of the Americans, who are behind everything and want to bring their Nato, which they created and also direct, into the country, are not believed.
Many greetings,
... ..., and … …
Ptaah: You should not keep this letter.
Billy: I don't either, because of course I will destroy it as soon as I have copied it, because I have to copy the letter, because I think that the handwriting could be recognised by someone in Ukraine, which would not be good for the letter-writers. Besides, I want to tell you, since the 3 men with the Ukrainian car were here, we have been massively harassed. It is quite obvious that our telephones are being tapped, just as we have also had pedestrians since then, just as cars drive past here and quickly disappear again as soon as one of us looks in. It is also very strange that helicopters suddenly circle around the centre so often and for so long, as well as private planes are used to take photos as they fly by. Very often wrong connections are made by telephone, as well as other strange things happening.
Ptaah: This is, of course, very unpleasant, and obviously it goes beyond what otherwise happens in terms of surveillance regarding the Centre, the FIGU visitors, the FIGU members and FIGU passive members who come to the Centre, and the FIGU members resident at the Centre. In this regard, I will arrange that … … …
Billy: Although that will be … … …
Ptaah: That is correct, but… … … … But let us return to what we were talking about before, which made us realise through the most precise clarifications that this man, Selensky, is not only addicted to megalomania and selfishness, as we have recognised and established through our very precise clarifications and analyses, but that he is also indulging in a work of lies which he wants to maintain with all his might and is endeavouring to make those in bondage to him who believe him and are not capable of thinking for themselves, of analysing and recognising the truth about him. His behaviour is geared towards being safe himself, but he is unhesitatingly and consciously intent on hunting down those to their death who believe and trust him, but do not realise that he is using them for his own purposes and letting them die. And unfortunately, there are state leaders all around in various states who have become in bondage to him and are incapable of thinking for themselves and thus of making their own decisions, but take his lies as real truth. And as a rule, these are persons who have no experience of life, are still relatively young and were born into the world long and thus decades after the last world war, consequently they have only absorbed everything that has happened in the past from hearsay, but do not know the truth because they have not experienced it themselves and thus have not experienced it themselves. Everywhere, in all the states of the Earth, we Plejaren see only young persons in all state leaderships, in all authorities, in all public bodies, works and institutions, etc., but not persons with life experience and experience in those fields which are occupied by young Earth-humans. Confused ideas, confused views and confused conceptions have become the metier of the young Earth-humans who today – as you say in each case – want to lead the helm and bring a new dynamism into Earth-human affairs and into the future, and this without the necessary experience through which, within certain limits, a certain assurance of success could be given. The young dynamic, however, is not able to do this, for it lacks the necessity of deliberation as well as, as I have already said, the experience, and above all the necessary ability. In this respect, therefore, the mastery of the necessary skill is lacking to fulfil the field of activity in such a way that it is able to carry far into the future.
Billy: That is unfortunately the case and probably cannot be changed. But let's leave that and turn to other things. For example.
Ptaah:… unfortunately I am called and must go.
Billy: Too bad, but if you have to go, then – – well, I had some stuff that was actually private.
Ptaah: We can discuss that when I come back. But now I really have to go. Goodbye, Eduard, dear friend.
Billy: Well, take care, Ptaah. – Goodbye, my friend.